23. No One's POV

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No one's Point of View.

London, England. T minus 21 hours before the heist in Monaco.

"For an MI6 agent, her apartment isn't the cleanest," They snicker, pulling open one of the cabinet doors only to curl their nose in disgust at the lack of food that is present. "And she sucks at taking care of herself. What does she eat on the daily? Take out?"

"Are we even at the right fucking place?" The male voice spat, slamming one of the doors shut when all that is behind it is a bathroom. They could care less about the bathroom. They know Astar and the last place she would hide her journal is in the bathroom. Drugs? Sure. A weapon? Sure. However, her journal? Absolutely not. She would need it close to her for easy access.

"Wolf!" The other chastises, turning to look right at Wolf before they give a shake of their head and walk into the living room. "We can't have Astar becoming suspicious. Be gentle for fucks sake."

Wolf makes his way into the living room, eyes running over the bare walls before he raises a fist and starts to tap lightly against the walls. To his surprise, none of the walls sound hollow to him. This only confuses him further.

"Are you sure this is her apartment?" He questions, turning to look at his partner. They stop what they're doing to pull a piece of folded paper out of their pocket before reading aloud what it says.

"A lot of it is redacted, but this is her address. You know Ghostrider doesn't give us shit to go off of. Quit complaining and do your job. You're never this annoying," They huff, folding the piece of paper back up before stuffing it right back into their back pocket.

"Maybe we shouldn't take her word at face value. Ever thought of that?" Wolf questions as he finds a card that blends in with the edge of the table, a smirk growing on his face. On the outside, Astar doesn't seem like someone that is up to date with technology.

However, he should have expected it given the security cameras that took them about twenty minutes to disable along with the alarm system she has. They were careful with the alarm system, knowing any wrong move could trigger it to go off. The wrong wire. The wrong pin code. Anything.

They got there in the end.

"Hey bluebird," Wolf breathes out, turning to look at the other person as he holds up the RFID card. "Our little girl seems to think she's clever. She just leaves the card out in the open though. So trusting," he says in a condescending tone, slowly running the RFID card against the hardwood of the coffee table before an audible click is heard.

Wolf sets down the RFID card for just a brief moment, watching as Bluebird makes their way over to sit down on the couch next to him.

The journal is tattered on the front, the pages worn as if Astar picks at them when she's nervous. Some pages have water damage as if she wrote whilst tears fell down her face and damaged the pages. Some pages have pen and pencil smudges like she was pressing down on the page so hard that her hand brushed over it to smudge the words and make them unrecognisable.

This isn't her work journal.

They found her personal journal, the one that holds her deepest of thoughts. The ones she wouldn't dare utter out into the void in fear of someone taking her words and twisting them.

Wolf hesitates at first, just briefly flipping through the pages but not actually settling on one of them. He eventually gets over that little hurdle, not actually caring about Astar's privacy as he reads out the first page.

Bluebird goes through the rest of the hidden compartment, finding a picture of Kaia and it makes them laugh. "Reckon if I keep this she'll miss it?" They question, looking up at Wolf before placing the picture back where it belongs. They needed to leave the space exactly how it was.

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