25. Astar - Taylor's Version

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This is PART 2 of a double update

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This is PART 2 of a double update. If you haven't read chapter 24 about the heist yet, I would go back and read that before diving into this chapter. Enjoy. <3

"Now is probably a good time to mention that I've never driven a getaway car?"

It comes out as more of a question and I swear that my heart drops down to my ass.

That's when the first shot is fired, hitting the back of the car and causing Harry to swerve on the road. That's when I realise that all of them look nervous. None of them have ever been in a getaway car before. Which confuses me because how the fuck are they getting away from their crime scenes then? Bank robberies? The massive cargo shipment that they take? None of it makes sense and the panic is slowly starting to seep deep in my chest again.

"What the fuck did you just say?" I breathe out, having to force it out before I get sick all over the back floorboard of the car.

Harry doesn't answer me. In fact, he just continuously looks between the side view mirrors and the rear view. This is going to be a lot more than I signed up for.

"You couldn't have mentioned that before...I don't know. I fucking assigned you the task?" I spit, lifting up my dress to grab the Desert Eagle off of my thigh. I check to make sure it's fully loaded before switching the safety off right as I pull back the slide to bring a bullet forward into the chamber.

This seems to spur the others into motion, breaking them from their stupor as each of them pull out a weapon and the windows are rolled all the way down along with the roof for me since I'm not near a window.

"If you kill us, Styles...I won't hesitate to cut your precious dick off in the afterlife. Don't try me," I grit out, the anger replacing the panic easily because now I have something I'm familiar with. Car chases. Shooting. I didn't want to get blood on my hands during this heist but now it's inevitable since people seem to just love a good old fashioned car chase.

Harry presses down on the switch near the door panel, making the sunroof slowly roll back to unveil well...me.

The second I emerge from the roof, I place both hands on the grip of my gun making sure the front sight aligns with the tire of the car that is closest to us before I fire. The bullet punctures the tire and the car loses control almost immediately, running off of the long stretch of road before it flips over twice and ends up landing on its back. That leaves us with three cars but we still have far too many guns on us.

We're being shot at from every angle yet we have yet to be fatally hit. A part of me is thankful that beforehand I made sure Harry got a car that was custom built to be able to take the impact of bullets and make them ricochet. I can see the sparks fly off of the sides of the car as the bullets make an impact but only end up bouncing back.

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