46. Harry - M56 Motorway

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The golden light casts over her body, coating her in gilded gold.

My hand moves forward, tucking a piece of her hair behind her ear as her chest rises and falls slowly.

Something about her in that moment made her appear as if she were a statue, one cut from marble and sat in the MET with the greek goddesses. The sheet clings to her naked body as she rolls over, a little scrunch in her eyebrows before her face relaxes altogether.

I don't have the heart to wake her, so for now I just watch. I learn how her heart beats, the way sometimes she would twitch to try and get comfortable on the bed.

At this point, I had no clue as to how long I have been laying here and watching her sleep. I guess I just never thought I'd be waking up next to her like I have been the past two days.

The last two days have been heavy. Between moving what little belongings she has out of her apartment to holding her in the middle of the night when her mind was plagued by nightmares. Ones that I can tell consist of Sapphire and the others?

The only words I am ever able to pick out is Kaia and you.

She says you with traces of venom as if saying the person's name would surely send her spiralling off into the deep end.

My head swims with questions every night, however, every night I do the same thing. I make my way downstairs once I'm positive that she is somewhat okay to make a mug of hot chocolate. Milk, mini marshmallows and a dash of cinnamon. Whether the cinnamon is whiskey or a dash of actual cinnamon, it depends on how much Astar ends up shaking.

I sit with her, nose buried in her hair as I speak about absolute nonsense. Whether it be stories of my life or just random little things. Anything to make her forget about the darkness that plagues her.

Until her bones sink into me and she drifts off once more.

I'll count her breaths until they slow and then I'll continue to count, just to make sure she's actually asleep before returning to sleep myself.

It's been like that the past two nights and I expect it'll be like that for a while.

Eventually, I move to push the duvet off of my body, laying it back down once I'm up. My feet lead me to the bathroom, making quick work of starting up a shower to rinse the filth off from yesterday.

Once I finish the shower, I hop out and brush my teeth, sliding on a pair of boxers as I do so to kill two birds with one stone. It takes me less than two seconds to decide that today Astar and I will be going on a little road trip to get away, deciding that she needs a change of scenery to clear her head.

SO, I slide on a long sleeve burgundy shirt, sliding on a pair of ripped jeans before a pair of socks.

With that, I make my way downstairs to the kitchen, packing us a few snacks for the road. It doesn't even cross my mind that maybe, just maybe that Astar wouldn't want to do this but I'll be dragging her along regardless.

It's not like she'll be going back to the club anytime soon, so, what else is there for her to do besides plan a heist that is over a week and a half away?

Without even being prompted, my feet lead me over to Louis' after I have packed everything for our little road trip. Zayn is next to him, picking up his black card to cut the white powder into thin little lines to get a glimpse of heaven that we'll no doubt never see.

"Oi! Morning bossman, you want some?" Louis asks, gesturing to the lines that Zayn has since finished creating.

I hesitate. My fingers twitch at my sides. It is going to be a bit of a drive and a bit ballsy of me to take her where we're going.

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