12. Astar - I don't like liars

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The dim light swings from side to side above our heads, swaying with seemingly no reason

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The dim light swings from side to side above our heads, swaying with seemingly no reason. The smell of mildew was permeating in the air, coating the insides of my nostrils with the putrid smell. I'd probably smell this for hours on end which was just lovely. This warehouse was vastly different from the first one that I was brought to. It was smaller, more compact and there was only one floor to which I could see, unless there was a basement.

The floor that my feet walked upon was nothing but concrete along with the walls, it was as if the warehouse was never finished. The warehouse seems to be derelict. Forgotten about. Somehow that's scarier to me, filling my tummy with the nerves that I had grown used to this past week. This wasn't one of their warehouses. It's like this is a test in itself to see if I would dish out the coordinates to someone. Niall was waiting for me outside, which caught me off guard considering I had been expecting Harry.

"So..." Niall speaks up from beside me, his head turning to look at me before he returns his gaze forward. I'm not surprised that he wants to make small talk. Awkward silent moments like these seemed to make him uncomfortable.

However, I appreciated the silence, even if the silence was the sole reason for my mind running rampant and creating all of the worst-case scenarios of what this could be.

I decide to put an end to the awkward silence for Niall's sake, he seems to actually want to make small talk anyways.

"Yes, little one?" I ask in a patronising tone, watching as the realisation flashes before his eyes. It was the nickname--if you would even call it that, that he had given me during the first 'test'.

His index finger comes up to rub underneath his nose, seeming to gather his thoughts before he turns down a hallway. "I suppose I deserved that. However, you are small. Smaller than Louis and that's pretty small."

I feel like we had been walking for at least ten minutes at this point, stopping in front of a steel door. Niall is the one to open it, revealing a flight of stairs that disappeared down into the darkness. I've seen enough horror movies in my time to know that nothing good came from dark, damp basements.

"Firstly, I may be small but I'm pretty sure a kick to the balls will take all of you down, no?" I question, moving my hand forward to gesture for him to go down first. After all, he is supposed to be leading me towards the destination. "After you, Little one," I smirk, seeing a little sparkle in the lads' eyes. He and I might get along well.

Niall clicks his tongue against the roof of his mouth, giving a shake of his head before he starts making his way down the dark stairs and before I knew it I couldn't even see his shadow. I'm still lingering at the top, watching as his form disappears before my eyes.

This is definitely a scene out of a horror movie.

Once I finally forced my body to start moving down the stairs, the first thing that hits me is the smell of sulfur. Gunshot residue. It's being fired consistently and the sound was familiar to my ears. I could pick out each gun that was being fired over and over as if they were shooting targets.

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