22. Astar - First Kill

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Wattpad broke yesterday and a lot of people didn't get a notification that I updated. If you have yet to read 21, go read 21 before you read this chapter! Enjoy their unfolding relationship... ;) x

Before reading, this is a bit of a heavy chapter. At least near the end, it is, if you aren't comfortable with brief mentions of child neglect/abuse, feel free to skip over that. I'll leave a little summary of the overall chapter at the bottom. 

Mr. Styles Yacht

21:26pm // t minus 1 day before heist

"You know," I begin, looking out at the Mediterranian Sea as the captain drives the boat at semi-high speeds. The wind blows my hair behind me, moving to tuck a piece behind my ear before deciding to hold it back with another scarf. This one's my favourite shade of red to match the rest of my outfit.

"Wear something you're comfortable in, something that makes you feel pretty,"

All morning whilst I was getting ready, Zayn's words from the night before just kept repeating throughout my head. It was a constant mantra.

So I did just that, pulling on a red ribbed, crop top. It's a thin, cami style crop top. My belly button piercing is the star of the show, reflecting every time the sun hits it just right. I had changed out the piercing just before we left for a heart with devil horns at the top of it.

The devil is slowly but surely trickling into everything that I do and I know that has everything to do with Harry.

Harry's fingers rest on my back as we lean over the railing, the only thing filling the silence between the both of us is the sound of the yacht gliding through the water.

"I should have expected that you would own a Yacht. I'm surprised there aren't any markings of the devil on it," I continue after breaking my eyes away from the view, turning to look at Harry who is surprisingly already looking at me.

His gaze is intense, one that lights a match underneath me and warms my insides. He makes direct eye contact every time, letting you know that he's always listening. You're the centre of attention if he's looking at you.

It's such a little thing, but it's so telling and it makes me shift my weight on my feet which is a little nauseating to do in open waters. I've never been good with ocean sickness.

His eyes shift from my face to my back, his fingers tracing over the snake tattoo that cascades down my spine. His touch is gentle as if he's afraid that any moment he'll push me too far and I'll step back from his touch.

I don't think there's anything that could make me step away from Harry at this moment.

It was tranquil.

Harry is tranquil.

He's my calm.

My comfort.

He's the calm after the storm, the one that wreaks havoc on my mind. The one that crashes against the shore, the one that causes the tide to grow high to the point that it submerges whatever is in its wake.

Harry is the reason the tide recedes and the murky, distressed waves return to what they once were.


I've only known him for a little over a month, yet he's crept into the deepest crevices of my mind and buried himself there. He was once a seed, but now he's budding and taking over every spot that was once dark and murky.

It's scary, the realisation that Harry is someone that I could end up falling for.

Just the idea of falling for someone, in general, is terrifying because I have never experienced love before.

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