39. Harry - Sounds Crazy

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Love always, 

B. x 


"Listen," I sigh, bringing my hand up to rub over the creases that are forming on my forehead. "You're telling me you hung out with her yesterday and forgot to ask why she's been dodging me?" I ask, letting out a soft laugh as I throw my hands up into the air. At this point, I've just about given up.

All of my texts have gone ignored and I know she's read them. The little shit has turned on her read receipts so I'll know that she's read them, which means she's actively ignoring me and wants me to know and I can't for the life of me figure out why. "Whatever. Whatever, don't even answer that question, Z. Whatever," I mumble once more, placing my hands onto the arms of the swirly chair before I'm pushing myself up. "Has Liam come back from the drop yet? I need to speak with him. Bring him in here once he returns," and with that, I wave my hand at Zayn, dismissing him.

I know that I have no right to be upset with him but I can't help it. He had one job and usually, he delivers on the tasks that I send him out to do. This is the first time that he's ever failed me on a task.

I decide to push my luck once more as Zayn exits the room, turning around in the chair so that I'm facing the wall behind me.

'Hey, have I done something wrong? I know you're reading these...'

She doesn't open it up right away, so I press down on the side of my phone to power it off before pocketing it. I know I won't receive an answer but you never know. I then open my MacBook, clicking on my Gmail and going right to the emails Tony and I have shared back and forth. I shoot him a quick email.


By chance, does Astar work the main stage tonight? If so, do you mind if I steal her? I know she brings in the most money but you do owe me quite a bit after all. You know I supply most if not all of your product and more. There is a shipment coming in tonight and I will drop it off before picking our girl up.

Thanks in advance.

H. x'

I press send before I even get a chance to think twice about this. Has she by chance spoken to Tony about why she's upset? Fred even? I know how much pride Tony takes in his girls. He protects them as if they're his daughters, every last one of them. Tony may do shady stuff under the table but he has the utmost respect for all of his workers and what they do.

Women come to him from all over, some of them are strung out and homeless. He helps them get clean and provides free housing and food to them. I've never seen anyone more selfless than him. I just know that not all workers in that field are treated with the same respect though and it's sad.

Sometimes if I see someone working the corner that seems battered and bruised, I'll shoot Tony a message with their coordinates so he's able to help them out in any way he can. Most of the time they accept and coincidentally their pimps just...disappear.

That's only if their pimps won't let them leave freely or turn down the cash we offer them. However, most of the time if we find out that they're abusive and treat their girls as less than human beings, we eliminate them regardless. Tony and I stand on the same side when it comes to that.

That's the reason I have Lieutenant Bailey on my gang. In fact, I own most if not all of London. I have politicians, detectives, lawyers, police and more in my pocket so things continuously get swept under the rug or placed onto someone else. Lieutenant Bailey's sole job is to turn the other eye to sex workers and if their pimps end up deceased, well. What a shame, I suppose. They go unreported, just like all of the people we have killed. Unreported. And if it is reported, it's an easy fix. Niall hacks into the system and erases it from existence as if it was never there in the first place.

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