27. Harry - Hide and Seek?

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Warnings: This chapter features graphic descriptions of torture/murder. If this is something that you'd rather skip on, I'll put a knife emoji in the middle so you know to skip it. Then I'll put an 🗡️emoji at the end where there are no longer any mentions of it. At the end there will be an author's note and I'll make bullet points of things that are relevant. :)

Harry's Pov

"Is she asleep?" I question Niall, watching as he switches between the cameras. All of the cameras show no one walking throughout the house which is good. "Sick, mate. Thanks. Keep an eye on these, yeah? I don't fancy her making her way down here. This is the last thing she needs to see," I breathe out, giving a slow shake of my head as I exit my office, locking the door behind me. I also don't want Astar to peep around my office. Some things are better left hidden.

We all have our secrets, don't we little devil?

My mind goes back to the conversation that I had with Liam earlier today before the drop, taking one last brief look at the now shut office door. Liam gave Niall a run for his money whenever Niall first joined the Devil's Tribe.

"What can you dig up on me, blondie?" Liam questions. The question seems to be a rhetorical one. One that doesn't need an answer and it's said in a joking manner, yet the expression on Liam's face is one that is anything but. The grip Liam has on the back of the desk chair that Niall is sitting in is a death grip. His knuckles are turning white the longer I stare.

"Liam, mate. Leave the fake blonde to be, yeah? Let him do the job that I've asked him to do. He's passed every test." I sigh, bringing my hand up to rub at my temples. They've been bickering back and forth for the past month. Liam because he doesn't trust Niall. Niall because he's getting ticked off by Liam's behaviour.

Then there's me, just excited to finally have someone who knows how to knock out the electrical grid. I've been searching for a while to find someone with the talent to do so and someone that I can trust. I lucked out with Niall.

"He knocked out the cameras for the last bank robbery, didn't he? Is that not enough for you, Liam? I need you to pack it in," I huff, slapping my hand down on Liam's shoulder before tugging him back off the back of Niall's chair. I can see Niall visibly relax as I pull Liam back. His body seems to become one with the chair once more, fingers resuming on the keyboard as he types away.

"You know I--" I'm quick to cut him off, holding my hand up, narrowing my eyes at Liam. I've heard this spiel so much that I could probably relay the entire thing back to Liam.

"That you don't trust him. I know, Liam. However, he hasn't given us any reason to not trust him. Push that feeling to the side, please?" I never say please and I can tell it has caught Liam off guard. He fish mouths for a few seconds, tilting his head to the side a bit before he just nods, finally giving in to my pleas.

Liam takes a step back, fixing his cufflinks before glancing to Niall then back to me. "Very well. I'll be downstairs in the shooting range."

Liam disappears downstairs, leaving Niall and I by ourselves.

"I'm sorry about him. He'll come around eventually," I sigh, running a slow hand through my hair as I walk up behind Niall to watch what he's doing. There's a bunch of stuff on the screen that makes little to no sense to me.

Niall slowly turns to look up, making direct eye contact, his face telling me everything his mouth doesn't.

We'd be quite the fucking team.

And we are quite the fucking team, just with an extra sidekick now who's a badass as much as I don't want to admit it. Astar is beneficial to us, even if she isn't actually a part of the Devil's Tribe. Which is such a shame. She'd be a valuable asset.

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