41. Astar - What's My Name? (✰)

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Warning: subrry (enjoy...)

My hands press themselves flush up against Harry's chest, shoving him right up against the wall the second we walk through the door of my apartment. The alarm goes off immediately, so I hold a finger up in front of his face to tell him to wait before I turn around to disarm the alarm.

He doesn't wait. I don't know what made me think he would listen.

I felt Harry wrap his arms around me from behind, burying his face into the crook of my neck as his hand rests on my stomach, disappearing underneath the jumper that I had one. It was the same one that Zayn lent me the other night with the little red and green dinosaur on it.

All of them have become a little part of me, however, now is not the time to dissect that.

I push in the code to my alarm system, disarming it before putting the code in once more to make sure the apartment is armed. I wait for the little beeps to signal that the apartment is in fact armed before I'm leaning back into Harry's embrace, just to give him a false sense of security.

I'll let him believe he has the upper hand for now.

Harry's fingertips graze over the top of my joggers before they dip right under the waistband, running along the seam of my panties.

"What are you waiting for, darling?" I breathe out, deciding to use the pet name that he always uses with me.

"Consent," he breathes out quietly against my ear.

"Consent or permission," I quickly retort.

Harry is quiet for a few moments. He's so quiet that I swear I can hear the wheels turning in his brain as he tries to pick which one to go with. "Both," he mumbles, barely audible. If his lips weren't near my ear, I probably would've had to ask him to speak up.

"Both? Are you being a greedy boy?" I sigh, moving to place my hand over his as I start to lower it, letting his hand push past the top of the panties that I have on. They're still the carebear ones, nothing too special but they are special in their own way I suppose.

Harry doesn't answer me, instead, he stays completely silent which is probably what's best for him.

"Your answer is yes," I finally speak up, deciding to not leave him hanging any longer. However, I think tonight will be more fun for me rather than him. I'm not very happy with the person he has been the past few days, weeks. Time is foreign to me at this point.

"Yes to both, Harry. You have permission to move your hand and your consent," I tack on.

Harry wastes no time in letting his hand slide down further, passing my clit altogether and going right to where my lips are, pulling them apart and letting two fingers run through the wetness that has accumulated there. A small sound can be heard falling from his lips as said lips start to press kisses to my neck.

"You're so...fuck," he breathes out against my neck as I let my head lay back to rest on his shoulder. I'll let him have his fun for a few moments.

I let out a non-committal hum, making my legs even with my shoulders as I spread them apart, using him as something to rest myself on.

"Go on. I know you want to. What are you waiting for?" I ask.

Harry continues to run his fingers through the wetness, gathering up as much as he could before he's finally pushing in not one but two of his ring-clad fingers, tearing a small gasp from my throat as I let my eyes flutter shut. I can't remember the last time I've let myself become lost in someone else. I can't remember the last time it wasn't my own fingers.

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