08. Astar - Enjoy the Show, Styles.

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I...apologise in advance for this chapter.

Red. Red seemed to be my new favourite colour. Red Lipstick. Red lipstick stains on the vodka tonic glass as I occasionally sipped at it. Red LED lights that bounced off the dressing room. Red silk that clung to my body in the form of a dress. The red paint that covered the walls of the Red Room.  Red was my new favourite colour.

I set the now empty glass off to the side, shifting it to where the ice made a sound whenever it came into contact with the desk. I then leaned forward, using my pinkie finger to wipe away the excess lipstick from the corners of my lips.

My hands then came up to press my boobs up a bit more in the red dress, doing a little one-eighty to see what the back looked like. It was low cut, hanging in a scoop right above my ass to show off my back and the tattoo that ran down the length of my spine in a straight line. Well, semi-straight line since I had scoliosis. If I bent over it'd probably be off centre.

My hair fell perfectly near the middle of my back, turning back towards the mirror to get a good look at myself one last time. Underneath my dress was a white lace lingerie set with little flowers on them. Today was Tuesday, a free day but I decided to wear the lingerie Tony insisted on. A few moments later I exited the dressing room, walking around the floor since my time wasn't for a few hours.

I sat in the chair closest to the stage, crossing one leg over the other as the slit on my dress fell perfectly on my thigh, exposing it for all to see. I had also rubbed some oil over my thighs so that they glistened under the light.

"Welcome to the stage, Fern." The voice boomed out and I sat up straighter, my lips turning up ever so slightly at the corners as Sapphire made her way out onto the stage just as the lights dimmed. Flashbacks of inviting her to my place last night flickered through my head like a movie, causing me to shift a bit in the seat. After all...my boss didn't say that I couldn't shag my co-workers.

"Astar, fuck." A breathy high pitched whine left Sapphire's lips as she gripped onto my hair, giving it a rough tug as her heel roughly dug into my shoulder blade. I rolled my tongue slowly over her clit, using my finger to pull the hood back so that my tongue was working directly over the sensitive area.

The way her fingers gripped my hair in a mean way sent chills down my spine, only spurring me on as I worked my tongue over her clit in a mercilessly way. I ran my fingers slowly through her wetness, a soft moan falling from my lips once I felt just how wet she was all from me.

My fingers slipped in with ease, immediately curling them in search of the all-too-familiar spongy spot inside of her so that I could send her right over the edge. Once I found it, I moved my fingers in an almost brutal way that had her back arching off the bed. My free hand then came up, grasping onto her hips and forcing her down onto the bed.

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