04. Astar - Want a taste, H? (✰)

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My Twitter is @dontyaworrydarl for updates and sneak peeks. I'm active on there :)) Hope you enjoy this chapter <3 x B

"And, remember Astar, no sleeping with the enemy. He'll play you like a fiddle because he cares about nothing but himself."

The words my boss spoke to me before I took on this mission echoed through-out my head as the two handsome men's lips made their way down my exposed neck. My right leg was perched over Zayn's thigh and my left leg was perched over Harry's. Each of the boys had a hand on my inner thigh, occasionally gripping with their callused hands as their lips worked their way down my neck at an excruciatingly slow pace.

The coolness of Harry's rings caused goosebumps to appear under his touch. I decided to blame it on that rather than the motions he was making the closer he got to the inseam of my panties. My mind was blank. There were no thoughts. No usual over-thinking. Just nothing and I wasn't used to that. Having a mind that was free of overthinking.

"Harry..." I finally gasped out, bringing one of my hands up to tangle into his curls, wrapping some strands of hair around two of my fingers just to see what sort of reaction I could pull from the man. I wasn't expecting Harry to let his head willingly rollback with the tug and for his lips to part. The prettiest of moans fell from his red, spit slick lips. Although my neck missed the open-mouthed kisses it was receiving, I had to admit this was more than worth it.

"The little devil speaks." I heard from my right, not tearing my eyes away from Harry as Zayn spoke. My gaze was hyper-focused on Harry. The way his jaw stood out as he leaned his head back. The bead of sweat that slowly trickled down his forehead. It seemed to have grown hotter over the course of the last thirty minutes. Harry's eyes had slipped shut, my grip on his hair tightening to add more pressure as I tugged his head back more. Whenever his eyes flickered open, he turned to look directly at me.

His pupils were blown with lust, drinking me in as if I was the last thing he'd see that night. His eyes continuously flicker between my lips and eyes. Harry didn't seem to be the kind to kiss, so I gave his hair another rough tug which caused his face to scrunch up in an obscene manner. The images of me riding him with that exact face flashed through my mind and I quickly shook them out of my head. That would never happen.

The hand that was gripping my thigh tightened to a point that was painful but it only spurred me on. Harry's blunt nails bit at my skin had me gasping for breath, biting down on my lower lip to stop any noises from escaping. His nails threatened to break the skin open, something that I would've happily welcomed if it were to happen.

However, my efforts to stop the noises were useless because a little laugh fell from Harry's poised lips, shaking his head as he shared a gaze with Zayn that I couldn't read. The temperature in the room just continued to rise whenever I felt a finger slip into my panties, rubbing slowly through my lips. Hot breath grazed over my ear before someone spoke up.

"Fuck. The little devil is soaking.." My mind was reeling on the way his voice sounded, deep and slightly gravelly but he sounded like he was in disbelief. In retaliation for his little comment, I reached my free hand over to slowly rub over the front of Harry's slacks.

"Fuck. Daddy's hard." A smirk grew on my red lips as I watched his reaction, the look of disbelief easily taking over his features. His hand then came to tangle into my hair. He wrapped the makeshift pony around his hand a few times before I found my head being yanked back roughly, a shaky moan falling from my lips before I could even stop it. Being bold was something that seemed like the two boys weren't used to.

The hand that was rubbing slowly over his hardened cock in his black slacks made its way up, smoothing out the wrinkles in his shirt in an innocent manner before I moved my hand further up. Once I reached his neck, I placed my fingers against his pulse points and immediately added pressure, choking the man. My stomach filled with the familiar heat whenever I heard the strangled noise fall from Harry's parted lips.

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