29. Astar - Little Minx

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"Run," he breathes out, maintaining eye contact with me.

Don't have to tell me twice.

I'm quick to turn on my heel, ascending the stairs maybe two or three steps at a time. I definitely should've put on some sort of footwear before I got the genius idea to come down here. I didn't know we would be going downstairs into a bloody torture chamber though. Then again, where else would a secret hidden room lead to?

This is a gang after all. Or is it? It's getting further and further away from a gang and more like the mafia, mob. Whatever the hell Harry is the leader of. At this point, those are minor details that don't matter in the slightest. What matters now, is finding a damn hiding spot in Harry's house. Is that even possible with the house being under what I now know is obvious constant surveillance?

The only option I see is to run into one of the bathrooms and possibly sneak out of the bathroom window. The only downside is that I'm barefoot and I don't fancy running through the backyard where the sprinklers are no doubt on.

I sharply run around the counter that is in the weapons room, having half a mind to quickly type in the code so that the door shuts on Harry. I know it was probably a waste of time, but that's time he has to put the code in, wait for the door to open back up and find me. In my humble opinion, it's worth it.

I even enter the code into the pin pad in the closet, making sure the door shuts before I then shut the closet door. That's three doors Harry has to open before he can continue on with his hunt to find me.

The only downside to this is I barely know my way around. Sure, I know the way to the bathroom, kitchen, living room and Harry's bedroom but other than that I'm completely lost.

I wouldn't be surprised if most rooms in Harry's house are locked and off-limits. What would surprise me is if they aren't locked and off-limits.

Once I'm out of Harry's bedroom, I make sure I shut that door as well and take off running in the direction of the stairs.

I don't even think twice before I'm lifting myself up so that my ass is sitting on the railing, sliding down until I'm at the bottom. Much quicker than running and it gives me a short break to catch my breath. Once my feet touch the tile of the entryway, I dart towards the kitchen, easily being able to stop myself as I glance around.

There aren't many places to hide unless I fancy hiding in the walk-in freezer or pantry. Neither of those sound particularly pleasant so I cut around a corner which leads me into what I can tell is a den. There's a brick fireplace, a massive tv above it and board games sitting on the entertainment centre that is in the middle of the room near the couch.

An untouched game of chess is sitting on top of the rather large entertainment centre. I shouldn't be taking time out of running from possible and imminent death but I can't help myself. What other time will I get to snoop around? Even if it is for a small period of time, just a quick look to remind myself of the layout.

There's a set of dye laying on the table that I bend down to grab, a bit confused about what they're doing there since they aren't needed for chess. I nearly choke on my own spit upon realising what they are, spotting the words 'touch' on one of the dyes and the words 'cock' and 'titties' on the other. Leave it to Harry to have dirty dice.

I place them back down on the table, trying to make as little noise as possible as I make my way past the den and into a rather long hallway. Harry's voice breaks through the heavy silence, the one that's bringing on a reckoning inside my head. The two halves of my brain arguing with each other.

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