36. Astar - How Peculiar

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Today started off as a weird day and it only got weirder as the day progressed. Actually, the last few days have been weird. Ever since Harry pulled me out of Maggie's booth back at the fair. I've been far too scared to google what the tarot cards mean so I have decided to remain blissfully unaware.

The day after the fair, Niall came over and we hung out the entire day. He brought over pizza and beer--which we ate far too much of, watched reruns of Love Island and talked shit about Harry. Then, we finally got down to business and ended up almost completing the entirety of the planning for the next heist. All that's left to do is go over the blueprints of the hotel once more and run it through with Harry.

I went back to work the day after my fun with Niall and for once, none of the boys were there which threw me for a loop. I was so used to performing for them that for once I ended up interacting with the crowd more. The man with the wedding ring on came in again. That night he ended up requesting me and I may or may not have asked Tony to forward the tapes of his session to his wife. She deserves to know.

Surprisingly, Tony agreed and did just that.

That leads me to today, which is even more outlandish than the past few days. Firstly, I actually woke up early on my own. Secondly, my shoulder is no longer aching as fiercely as it was beforehand. Most of the road rash that I received from the crash seems to have healed nearly all the way. (However, that might have to do with the span of time in between the crash and today.) Lastly, I received a random text from Harry to come to his house with the address attached.

The first thing that strikes me as odd with that is he attached his address. The second thing that strikes me as odd is that he told me to come over. Usually he sends Oliver to pick me up, keeping his address foreign to me. Yet, this is completely different from any of the other texts I have received from him.

I make sure to double check that it actually came from Harry's number and it did, so I shake off the weird feeling that's filling up my entire being and get dressed. I have the day off from work so I decide to dress comfortably, my feet hurting from walking on heels all night the other night.

I slide on a pair of blue jeans that have rips at the knees, throwing on a beige star wars shirt to complete the look. I bring the bottom of the shirt up to my nose, inhaling deeply before a small sigh escapes from my lips. It no longer smells like Kaia. Instead, it smells like my perfume. It's also probably two sizes too small but it works for a crop top, showing off my belly button piercing. I still have in my heart with devil horns.

Once I'm fully clothed, I grab my phone and wallet before ordering myself an Uber. Is that even the best idea? Something about this feels so wrong but I've already gotten this far, there's no turning around now.

I give Harry's address to the Uber driver, shooting Harry a text to let him know that I'm on my way. For some reason it doesn't go through and when I look around, I notice that we're passing the abandoned road that I was left off on the very first day. Makes sense as to why it doesn't go through. I have no service right here which is just convenient, honestly.

The Uber shows up outside of Harry's gate and sure enough, the gate opens up for him which shocks me even more. Maybe, just maybe Harry will apologise. I don't want to get my hopes up though, seeing as he probably doesn't see what's wrong with what he said. There was no apology the night of the fair, just a blank stare and him removing me from Maggie's booth.

I make sure to tip the driver, handing him two twenty pound notes, knowing damn well I don't need them. With that, I exit the vehicle and watch him leave before I walk up to the front door. I go back and forth on whether or not I should knock, ring the doorbell or just wave at the camera considering they follow motion and he also has little alarms that go off whenever someone steps onto his property.

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