49. Astar - THE TOWER

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Part TWO of a triple update

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Part TWO of a triple update. Please go and read 48 if you have not already. x

Song for the chapter - You are in love by T Swizzle 

I find myself wrapped in Harry's duvet when I open my eyes, the covers falling just under my chin. The light from outside is trickling in, washing over Harry's face and illuminating just a small portion of it.

He looks so pretty, so full of life and just calm at this moment.

Can I just pick him up? Put him in my pocket and run away? Maybe even somehow learn how to stop time and freeze it indefinitely? Can I build a time machine and go back in time to the beginning? Whilst retaining the knowledge that I know now? Save myself the heartbreak?

I just want to lay here a little while longer, forget about everything but the two of us.

His nose twitches just a little and I watch as he brings his hand up, subconsciously rubbing underneath his nose to get rid of the itch. He then lays his arm above his head, a small groan falling from his lips as they fall open as well, a puff of what seems to be air coated with annoyance falling from them as he then rolls over onto his side. Harry now faces me instead of the window.

Eventually, his eyes flutter open and there's a confused glaze over them. I watch everything. How he adjusts to the slight light that's coating the room. The small breeze. The confusion of just waking up. And then his eyes land on me and I swear it looks as if the confusion just lifts.

"Morning, sleeping beauty," I whisper, not wanting to break the vulnerable cast that's laid itself on the room.

Our own little safe haven for now.

No one can get us here.

"Mmm..." he breathes out, leaning forward so that his lips are ghosting over mine, "morning, my pretty girl," he whispers before kissing me, "how," kiss, "are," another kiss, "you?" and another kiss, he lets it linger this time before slowly pulling away and looking up at me since I am now sitting up, resting my cheek on my hand.

"I'm good. Looks like you slept well,"

"With you by my side? Always,"

"Alright, flattery will quite literally get you anywhere and everywhere," I laugh, moving to shove at his shoulder with the hand that isn't holding my head up.

There's a comfortable silence that falls around us as I watch Harry reach up to tuck a piece of my hair behind my ear. His gaze is heavy on mine, just looking between my lips and my eyes. I can't take my eyes off of him. I refuse.

He opens his mouth to speak but then pauses as he turns his head up to look right at me.

There's a strange look on his face before he speaks, "You're my best friend,"

His voice is so light, lighter than I've ever heard it before and his words rock me to my core. The little blanket of vulnerability that once lay over the room shakes and I move to sit up. His words have double meanings and I can't handle them at that moment. It's too much.

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