30. Astar - Russian Roulette (✰)

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This is the final part of the triple update. If you have yet to read chapters 28 & 29, I would go back and read those first. Thank you so much. Kisses for all of you<3

Warning: Use of a LOADED gun during sex. Please be safe if using a gun during sex. Make sure it's unloaded if using it for these purposes. Don't play with death like Harry and Astar. Thank you. <3

My chest rises and falls with quick succession, moving to tuck a piece of my hair behind my ear as I let the blood coated piece of glass fall from my hand. The pain has become a numb sensation at this point, rubbing the blood down the front of the lilac jumper since it is Harry's after all. That's what he gets for killing Rodney.

I use my elbows to push myself up off of the wall, picking little stray pieces of the lilac jumper out of the open wound on my hand. I then move my attention down to the floor, carefully stepping around the broken pieces that lay there. Once I have successfully done that, I quickly make my way towards the door of the music room.

I give one last look to the piano that sits in the middle of the room, it's just such an intricate design that I can't take my eyes off of it. Now that I know it's here though, I know that I can come back and snoop around. It's obvious that Harry could care less about this room. He won't mind if I snoop around, possibly play a song or two on the piano.

The door shuts quietly behind me, quickly making my way down the long hallway and through the den before ascending the stairs. All of this couldn't have taken me more than three minutes max.

Although I do run into Louis on the way up, nearly falling back as I run into his chest.

"Can't talk!" I rush out, giving him a bright smile before I brush past him, feeling Louis' eyes follow me right to Harry's bedroom.

I can hear him laughing, the sound descending down the stairs with Louis' and my cheeks waste no time in starting to heat up. There's no doubt that by the end of this, all of the boys will know exactly what's happening. I'm going to be teased relentlessly for days.

I'll just remind Louis that he came to getting me off. He has no fucking room to talk.

I stop right outside of Harry's door, just staring at it for a few moments as the nerves enter my stomach, causing it to flip back and forth in a way. I don't know what to expect. This is the first time I'll actually be alone with Harry. There won't be any interruptions. No time limit.

The past few times I have been able to overpower him, however, something tells me that this won't be the case this time. It's obvious Harry only shows his submissive side at certain times. His dominant side is something that has taken the breath right from my lungs, leaving me breathless and struggling to breathe.

Harry is like any other boy--no, man. Harry is like any other man that I have ever been with.

My hand comes up to wrap around the doorknob, twisting it before using my hand to push the door open. I let out the breath that I didn't know I was holding upon realising that Harry has yet to arrive.

This gives me time to clean up the blood from my hand, he's probably taking the time to clean himself up as well. He probably thought I'd sneak around some more instead of coming straight up here.

The first thing I do is walk into the en suite and turn the tap on, bringing my hands under the stream of water so that I can sufficiently clean up the wound and get a good look at it. Thankfully it isn't too deep and is already starting to scab over. I won't need stitches like Harry's neck will.

I then pull the jumper to the side just to look at the gunshot wound on my shoulder, wincing slightly once I see just how irritated it is. I just know Liam is probably going to have a few choice words with me once he gets an eyeful of it. It isn't my fault, he should project his disappointment on Harry.

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