42. Astar - Afterglow

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Song played for this chapter: Heaven by Julia Michaels

Love's my religion, but he was my faith

I lay my head back against the cold metal pole, arching my back against it as I slowly run my hand down the length of my abdomen and between my legs. The lights are blinding, being aimed right at me as I move for everyone else's pleasure.

The strobe lights occasionally bounce off of the crowd and back to me, causing the glitter on my lingerie to occasionally shift colours.

I can feel someone's eyes on me and when I look down, my breath hitches in my throat because Sapphire is right there, her eyes wandering over my entire body with a look that tells me she enjoys what she sees. My hands come to rest on my knees as I spread them apart in front of her, lowering down onto the stage so I'm able to collect the money that is being thrown up for me to collect as my song plays in the background.

All wrapped in one, he was so many sins

Once I'm back on the pole, I bring my thighs up to wrap around it, hoisting myself up. Once I'm high enough, I let go of the grip that my hands have on the pole and let my thighs do the work as I hang upside down, pointing my bright red heels up towards the ceiling.

I put all of my trust in my core strength, hair swaying behind me as the pole turns.

The pole rotates with me on it, getting a view of the entire crowd and it's busy tonight. September comes out whenever the chorus hits, climbing up onto one of the other poles and of course I'm captivated by her and how elegantly she makes the pole become hers.

They say "All good boys go to heaven, but bad boys bring heaven to you,"

Before I know it, September is taking long strides over to me right as I use my core to lift up on the pole and release my legs so that I'm able to use my hands to swing around it. I come to a stop once September is right in front of me, holding a bowl of maraschino cherries that are dripping with juice.

A cherry is being dangled over my lips, the juices slipping off of the bottom of it and making it's way down my chin to leave red streaks. I don't even have to think twice before I'm opening my mouth up, sticking out my tongue so that she's able to place it into my mouth. She holds onto the stem though as I bite down, placing the stem in her own mouth once I've bitten it off and I can see her jaw move, gaze intense on me.

She's creating a knot.

My suspicions are confirmed as she moves to place her hands on either side of my face, tongue pushing the knot out and letting the end of it press between my lips. Without even being prompted, I take the end between my teeth and pull so that I'm able to make the knot even tighter.

Money is being thrown at our feet with this interaction. It's a no brainer really, this will for sure be all September's considering this was her idea.

I fucking love women.

I still remember the moment we met, the touch that he planted, the garden that he left

The song comes to an end and September moves to grasp my hand, tugging me towards the locker rooms and away from all of the prying eyes that are on me as if they're piranhas and I'm the fish that they consume.

A soft hum falls from my nude, not red lips once we're backstage. I move to sit down on the bench that is closest to my locker. "Hand me your money bag," I smile, taking it from Septembers' outstretched hand. Once I have it in my possession, I unzip said bag and place her half of the money into the bag before handing it back. "Clever little move you pulled up on stage there," the sides of my lips twitch up to form a smirk. I swiftly turn around on the bench, facing the lockers so I can go through my bag to grab my chapstick. I uncap the chapstick, dragging it over my lips as I put my money bag inside of my locker. I make sure to shut it, locking it back.

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