35. Astar - Titty Boy

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Niall's voice is tearing me out of my slumber and I don't even think twice before pulling my pillow out from under my head, placing it over my ears so that I'm able to try and drown out his voice.

A pillow is being thwarted against my body a few seconds later and it doesn't stop.

"I didn't pick your lock and bring you breakfast for nothing," the familiar Irish accent spit out, continuing to hit me with the pillow and the hits become more and more aggressive. The familiar smell of McDonald's fills my apartment which is what makes me pull the pillow off that's covering my ears.

"Did you bring me pancakes?" I move to sit up from the bed, bringing my hands up to wipe the sleep from my eyes. "With syrup? And a blueberry muffin?" I ramble, not giving Niall a chance to but in or answer either of my questions just yet.

"If you would let me speak..." Niall begins, giving me a look before continuing, "you would know that yes, I got you pancakes and a blueberry muffin. I even asked for a cinnamon roll in case you were craving that instead," he grins, nodding his head towards the door.

"C'mon, I don't want to hear you gripe about having crumbs in your bed."

A small groan escapes my lips at the idea of not only having to get out of my bed but also having to change and make my way into a different part of the apartment. I know the reason he's doing this, the reason all of them continue to come by and check on me is because Harry is still ignoring me. Still refusing to admit that he's sorry.

We both need to get our shit together before the big heist that we have in a little under three weeks. We have about two and a half weeks max unless Harry extended it somehow without telling me. I wouldn't be surprised at this point.

Stealing a Red Beryl that's worth over eight million pounds. Easy peasy, right?

I take my time in getting up from the bed, pulling on a pair of sweats that I can tell are Harry's given the way they hang on me. The underwear that I have on are the carebear ones with middle fingers. I hate that this room is slowly but surely becoming filled with memories of him. Memories I know I won't be able to forget about after this mission is over with.

Is it even a mission anymore? I can't remember the last time I actually wrote something down in my journal. That can only mean that eventually, I'll have a meeting with Jesse to speak about the rest of this mission or if they will pull me from it entirely. How much do they know?

Then my mind moves to the individuals in all black. Who are they? What do they want? How long have they been following me? Is it just for the duration of this mission or has it been longer than that?

I can feel a headache sneaking up on me the longer I think. So, I tear myself from my thoughts, grabbing a bottle of paracetamol and taking two of them dry, not even caring about how much I struggle to get them down. They'll go down eventually.

With that, I set the bottle back down on the nightstand and make my way downstairs, fiddling with the ends of the marvel shirt that I'm wearing which is Zayns. I'm slowly but surely getting all of the boys to make this their home as well which is dangerous.

"Finally, it's not like you took seven years to make your way in here or anything," Niall complains, moving to place my food down on the coffee table. He's already cut up my pancakes and poured the syrup on them. Little things like that make me smile.

They know me so well, yet not at all and they just accept it.

"Has Harry said anything about the upcoming heist?" I ask, moving to sit down on the couch, bringing my legs up to sit criss cross applesauce. Right as I place some of the cut-up pancakes into my mouth, I can see Niall opening his mouth to speak out of the corner of my eyes.

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