16. Astar - Ready to make a deal with the Devil?

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"So, you and Harry

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"So, you and Harry..." Sapphire drowns off from where she's sitting on my bed, painting my nails red. My eyes immediately roll to the back of my head, involuntarily gagging at even the thought.

"There is no Harry and me. We just occasionally talk. I don't see what all the hype is about." I admit, hearing Sapphire let out a little noncommittal hum, as if she's agreeing.

"He just walks around like he owns the place. I've personally never spoken to him so I can't have an opinion, but most of the girls at the club worship the ground he walks on. He seems to have taken a liking to you though." A smirk graces her lips as she looks up at me. "Which, I don't fault him for. Think all of us have taken a liking to you to be fair."

I can feel my cheeks grow hot, my head dipping down to try and hide it. My dominant demeanour seems to go straight out the window the second a beautiful girl compliments me. It's always been that way.

"Think you're just saying that because I've given you an orgasm..." I drown off before adding, "or two."

"Babe," She chastises, tilting her head to the side a bit as she clicks her tongue up against the roof of her mouth to grab my attention, making sure that I'm looking directly at her.

"You mean three." She corrects, the sides of her lips twitching upwards as her eyes shamelessly run over my body. "You're a little devil with a tongue like that."

The devil just seems to follow me around these days.

In numbers, words and the form of tattoos. Maybe I should take that as a sign.

"All finished." She quips, letting go of my hand to place the brush back into the nail polish, making sure the lid is tight before she places it back into the designated drawer. I feel like I can safely say that Sapphire is my best friend.

I may not be real to her, but I show her my real feelings. I don't wear a mask when I'm in her presence. She is euphoria and trust in one. Something that is so foreign to me. I've never felt like someone is the embodiment of trust, that is until I met Sapphire.

She never judges, never speaks ill of others even if they cross her. She is the personification of the word 'saint'.

It's a shame that after this mission is over, we'll be strangers, two people who came together just to end up exactly how they started. Strangers. Two people passing by each other except I will know who she is but she hasn't a clue who I really am.

A part of me wonders if I should tell her and the other part wonders that if I don't, will she forgive me when this is all over? Will we go back to being strangers or will we remain friends? I have so many questions that will remain unanswered for a while.

Will I just disappear off of the face of this earth after the mission is over or will I get to say goodbye? I've never been able to say goodbye before when a mission has ended. Maybe this one will be different. There's a first time for everything.

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