15. Astar - Are you with me?

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Warning: Drug usage, Descriptions of a panic attack.

Today is Monday, which means it's time to put the maid costume on that's waiting for all of the girls. The costumes lay over our seats in front of our vanities, September already being in her costume.

I knew I would catch flies if I didn't close my mouth but I can't help it. The way the dress fell on her thighs leaves me drooling.

I quickly snap myself from my thoughts, feeling a soft smile grace my lips as September catches my gaze in the mirror. I can feel her eyes bore into mine as I pull the dress over my body, tying the corset in the front so my bust is accentuated. With that I slide on the thigh highs, making sure the little black bows on the garter are situated on the front before dusting some highlighter over my breasts.

I feel hands on my waist, soft lips brushing over my neck which I welcome once I realise it's just Sapphire.

"Long time, no see. Where have you been?" She questions, trailing one of her hands down to rest on my thigh, giving it a good squeeze before her presence disappears completely.

She looks even more euphoric in this light if it was possible. The contrast between the black and white with the gold highlighter makes her appear like the human version of molly. She is euphoric.

Every time I'm in Sapphire's presence I feel high. High off of her voice that flows the way silk feels. High off of the perfume she wears that lingers in the smallest of crevices in my nose. High off of the look her hazel eyes give me every time they find me.

She is molly. She is euphoric. Euphoria.

Sapphire's presence returns a few seconds later, her hand coming around to grasp my neck before leaning my head back so that it rests upon her shoulder.

"Open up, baby." She breathes out, right as I make eye contact with her in the mirror. A small, pink coloured pill is placed on my tongue right as I stick it out. The next second I'm being given a water bottle, watching as the other girls also swallow the all too familiar pill.

"Good girl," Sapphire mentions right as September walks over to me, pulling out a piece of gum from the packet to hand over to me. All of our jaws would be shaking before we knew it. This is one way to keep the shaking to a minimum.

Thankfully the lights in the club would make it hard to catch sight of our pupils.

"Showtime is in fifteen! Remember tonight is a group performance. Be sensual. The place is unusually busy tonight." I hear Tony yell from his spot at the door, respecting our privacy since we are changing.

When was the club not busy? I've only been working here for about three weeks yet I feel like I've known everyone for years. Everything about this case seems to be moving faster than I have anticipated.

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