Author's note and prehistory

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Hello hello! I decided to let my imaginary go a little bit and just write this fanfiction, so it's nothing crazy haha.

What you need to know before the story starts:

You're a traveler, jumping through the most different and greatest worlds with your brother till one day, a mysterious god stops you two and takes your brother away from you. You fall into a world of full of mysteries and adventures - but your main goal is to search and find your brother again. You actually find him, earlier than you expected - but he's not the same anymore. But then you meet Zhongli. Is he able to help you?

You're the main character in this story, this explains:

y/n = your name

s/c = skin color

h/l = hair length | h/c = hair color

e/c = eye color

Please don't come for me for making mistakes since english is not my main language xD but correct me if I do somewhere! and my mind is just cracked out at times I'm so sorry already lmao-

Everything else is explained in the story describtion ^^ i hope you have fun reading!




Covered in sweat, you stand infront of him.

»Stop trying to fight me!!! Aether!! Please, this leads to nothing!«

A huge storm was roaring over you two. The sky turned completely black - thunderbolts were striking all around you.

»huh, well, if this leads to nothing.. let me go then already.« he says - showing no single emotion in his eyes.

He steps forward, swinging his sword playfully.
»Please,, listen to me.. you don't know what you're doing. Your mind is filled with darkness, it's slowly eating you up inside. I'm begging you, let me help y- «

He furiously looks at you
»YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING« he screams, throwing his sword in your direction.

A loud crash occurs, you can only nearly block it with a wind barrier you created.

Your wounds are bleeding, your power almost completely left you. The rain was falling on your skin, making your wounds burn even more.
Defeated, you sit on the ground, panting from exhaustion.

»So.. you finally give up huh..?« he says, walking to you. Step by step, you feel your death coming closer.

You see Aether forming a crystal geo dagger with one of his hands.

»So... this is the end huh? Being killed by your own brother, how devastating...« you say.

When he arrived at your feet, he kneels down to you, looking you straight into your eyes.

»Well well.. I told you in the first place to stop searching for me. But your dumb little head didn't want to understand that.. I guess that's your own fault then« he lifts his voice sarcastically.

You somehow try to move away from him, but he grabs your collar and holds the dagger at your throat. Another huge crash was to be heard.

»pfft. What a shame. It didn't had to come to this.... Why didn't you just listen.« he says.

You look into his amber eyes. There's still.. no single emotion left.

"How did all of this happen?" you ask yourself. That is not your brother. But you know that deep inside of him, he's still alive. Aether is still there.

»Do you remember..« you say, with tears beginning to form in your eyes, » our journey started?«

You see a spark going through his eyes


You see two children, joyfully playing with each other in the sun, surrounded by a million beautiful flowers - one chasing another.

»Arghh haha!! I'm going to kill you y/n !! Hahaa!!« the first one playfully shouts

»Oh please noo Aether!! Ahhh!« the other one responses in the same tone.

Running after each other, jumping, tumbling and falling around. Finally, both give up and lay down in the grass.

»Hey.. Aether?«

»Yes y/n?«

»Do you think that one day, we can travel through worlds just like mommy and daddy do?«

»I don't know« he says. »but it would be really cool, wouldn't it?«

»Well« you say, »as long as we're together...«
You slowly start to look down.

»Hey, I'm not going to leave you, not like mommy and daddy always do, y/n. Nothing will tear us apart, I promise!«

He looks at you with a big smile. You finally smile back at him.

»yes, you're right! nothing will ever tear us apart!«

~End of Flashback~

Aether's eyes.. were crying.

»y/n«, he says.
»I'm sorry«

He lets the dagger fall on the ground and touches your forehead. A electric shock suddenly flows through your head and your whole body. Your vision starts to blur out. You don't know what is happening.
The only thing left you see is Aether, walking away from you - infront of him, a big dark portal opening.

»NO-... « you try to scream at him, but he was already slowly disappearing within the portal.

»Brother... don't.. leave.. me..«

Everything turns pitch back -

You lost your consciousness.

When a God falls for you [Zhongli x Reader] Where stories live. Discover now