A tricky mind

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You suddenly wake up and flash up - but the whole room is pitch dark.
You're covered in sweat and your breathing is also very heavy.
A nightmare? Probably, yes. But.. you cant even remember what you dreamed.

You sigh and lay your head in your hands as you sit up.
»is this also coming from the mark?.. I- I can't believe that... I probably just experience these things because I'm stressed out, about.. everything here..« you mumble to yourself in hope that makes you feel better - as an excuse for what is actually happening to you.

As you look back up, you get frightened like crazy: there's a shadow standing next to your bed. It's not moving but you know that that's definitely a person standing there - you're not just imagining it.
You quickly move to the other side of the bed, but there is another shadow. Your heart begins to beat like crazy and you pull the blanket completely over you - you only glance over the edge of it and suddenly see the shadows moving closer to you.

»Ahh!! Leave me alone!! What are you-« you scream, but then you suddenly feel someone sitting down next to you and the next thing you see is... Zhongli, lighting up the room with a small light.

The shadows are gone - all you see now is Zhongli looking at you with a worried face.

»H- How are you.. how did you get in here??« you say, not believing your eyes.

»what do you mean? You were screaming and-«

But before Zhongli can finish his sentence, you move forwards and hug him, not wanting to let go of him again. You know what he did, but you don't want to believe it. You want this fairytale, this love.. to last, forever.

»I.. I missed you so much.. Finally, you're here- I- I can't believe it.. I'm sorry I didn't take you with me when I went outside Mondstadt's walls-«

»y/n..« he interrupts you, his voice suddenly changed, a lot.
You look up from your hug and see Childe's face, worriedly looking at you.

You rip your eyes open and quickly jump away from him to the other side of the bed.
»W- What..?! Why are you here ?? Where- How-«

You can feel how your heart beat faster and faster again. Are you going to have a panic attack?

»Y/n, I was in here with you the whole time because I got the order to look after you. It seems like your condition is getting worse.. I.. I'll tell Tsaritsa about it.« Childe says, looking at your frightful face.

»What?! You've been in here watching me sleep?! And- there were other people in here, I saw them, who was that??« you reply with a crackling voice.

»Huh? Oh no, no one is able to enter this room without our permission. Here is no one, see?« Childe says as he moves the small light around the room and in every corner.

»I- I didn't imagine it, no-«

»hey, I need you to calm down. We'll.. handle that. I'll get going, but I'll be back soon.«

Now again, his voice and appearance resembles Zhongli's so much, it's hard to distinguish who is actually sitting in front of you and who isn't, if this is again all a dream or reality.

»Please.. come back soon« you say, turning around and pulling the blanket over your head.


Childe stands up again and leaves the room. He rushes through the halls in hope to find Tsaritsa somewhere, but she somehow isn't there.

»Master!!« Childe shouts and spins around.

»What's the matter?« the light voice of Tsaritsa says, coming out of the dark.

»y/n, it's getting worse, she-«

When a God falls for you [Zhongli x Reader] Where stories live. Discover now