Author's Note

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Soo... like you all already expected.. this story found it's end here now.. :(
I wanted to thank you all so much for reading and voting for my story-

y'all thought xD

The story isn't completely over yet - I mean you could probably already say that this is enough and that you don't have to read further than this, but since I have a different ending in sight AND because so many of you all were so frustrated about the last chapter I can say for sure that there still will be a few more chapters.

However, this story also has to come to an end somewhen (it already has like 36 chapters or sum 0.0) and that end won't be too far away.
That's why I really wanted to do this A/N already now:
I wanted to thank you guys so so so much for reading my story and voting for it, and especially thank you for all these funny and nice comments!! I swear it's always so nice waking up in the morning reading through all of them and seeing that most of you enjoy it so much :)

I really didn't think my first story ever written will be liked by so many .. 0.0

Anyways, that's all I wanted to say for now ^^ I hope all of you are still hyped for the next chapters and keep commenting whatever comes to your minds! Stay tuned and stay safe! love you all!! >w<

[and the picture above doesn't have anything to do with this, this is just Albedo I drew xD]

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