And finally.. it feels like home

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Hey everyone! This chapter is going to be the longest I've ever written, so be prepared to go through some.. action I guess xD I also already know that you all will hate me after this chapter, and this.. will also be one of the last one's. But don't worry - for people not liking it, there will be another alternative ending soon!

Have fun reading!! ^^

»HEY! Everyone, stay together!!« you hear one of the Harbingers shout. You closed your eyes while going through the portal, a little scared of what might wait for you on the other side. Your eyes are still closed, but it feels like you're already there - well, you know you are already there.
You can feel it.
You slowly open your eyes just to see the Harbingers standing in front of you - Tsaritsa standing behind you.
Your heart starts to pound like crazy as you realize where you are:

You're here.
Here, at the same place where you first lost your memory,
The same place where you've last seen your brother,
The same place at which your whole journey begun.

You know that you shouldn't be able to remember any of this, but you do. You know what happened. You know what he did to you. It flashes like a lightning through your head - his words, his acts, his aim to.. kill you.
The sky above you all is pitch black - and just like back to this day, a huge thunderstorm is roaring above you.

»No... no this can't.. be..« you mumble, staring at this place - a place filled with memories.

~ Flashback ~

Aether's eyes.. were crying.

»y/n«, he says.
»I'm sorry«

He lets the dagger fall on the ground and touches your forehead. An electric shock suddenly flows through your head and your whole body. Your vision starts to blur out. You don't know what is happening.
The only thing left you see is Aether, walking away from you - infront of him, a big dark portal opening.

»NO-... « you try to scream at him, but he was already slowly disappearing within the portal.

»Brother... don't.. leave.. me..«


~ End of Flashback ~

»Wait, that can't be true- he didn't- my brother didn't-« you say with a crackling voice, not knowing how to react to all these memories coming back to you.
All the memories of your brother, of your journey before all of this happened - your time in Mondstadt.
You remember all of it.
Now you know why everyone acted the way they did towards you when you were back in Mondstadt. Your friends, your family... »and.. Diluc..«

How did all of this happen?

But you don't have any time to clearly and rationally think about everything - You're getting ripped out of your thoughts by someone grabbing your arm.
»Y/N!! Listen to us, we don't have much time!! Whatever you're thinking right now, shut it off, now!!« Tsaritsa says, angrily but also worriedly looking at you.
You can feel that she's scared too.

Also, the other Harbingers have formed a circle halfway around you like a shield. Tsaritsa is the only person standing within this half-circle, next to you.
You flash around and hear the sky roaring more and more - the cold rain hitting your skin makes you tremble - it's all just like back then.

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