Drama over more drama

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You feel like your mind is about to explode. You're quickly walking around in Liyue Harbour trying to find Hu Tao somewhere, but it looks like she's nowhere to find.
»Please, please, you have to be here somewhere« you mumble, your heart beating faster of anxiety.

Suddenly you feel a stinging pain coming from the spot on your neck which Zhongli was observing earlier.
You fall to the ground, pushing your hand on it.
»O-ouch!!« you hiss, even more scared than before. »what is happening with me??«
The spot feels now glowing hot.

You press even harder on the spot, your arm beginning to glow again. Finally, you feel a relief - as if your power cooled it down.
»Oh Lord...« you mumble, slowly getting up again.

In that moment, you see a black dressed girl with long brown hair walking in the distance.
"Is that..?!"
You run up behind her, but suddenly, she's not there anymore.
»Hu-Hu Tao??« you shout, trying to find the girl again.

»ugh... it probably wasn't even-«

»BOO!!!« the girl scares you from behind.

»ARGGH!!« you scream, but then immediately grab her arm.
»please! Hu Tao, I need your help, I- there-«

»hey hey calm down!! What's the matter? And why would you need my help? I'm not-«
»please, you're the only person I have right now. You seem to be trustworthy, please, just...«

You look down, disappointed and sad.

»Hey, y/n, it's okay. Listen-«

Suddenly she stares at the spot at your neck.

»Come with me.«
She says, quickly but elegant grabbing you and dragging you with her.

You don't know where she's taking you, she just runs with you in her hand through Liyue Harbour. Suddenly, you see Zhongli - and in front of him, Childe. They're talking, or more like arguing.
Your neck starts to sting like crazy again, now even more than before. Again, you stop walking and nearly fall down again. Hu Tao holds you up, quickly moving with you behind a house wall.

»Arghhh....« you groan, pressing on the spot.

»Shh~ here, let me help you« Hu Tao says. She then puts her own hand on the spot, closing her eyes and.. what is she doing?
Well, it doesn't matter. What matters is that it takes the pain away again, at least a little bit.

»I see. Alright, We'll head to another location where you're safe. C'mon!«

You still don't know what is happening, but it seems like everyone around you does. It bothers you like crazy - but you trust Hu Tao, following her instantly.

After some time, you two arrive at a house which was a little bit further away from Liyue Harbour. Finally, you feel a little bit at peace.

»I normally don't take people home with me, but you're an exception« she winks at you. »come in come in!«

You enter the small but pretty house - it really looks like it's made for only one person.

»What a nice home you have..!« you say, observing pictures and paintings on the wall. »But.. who are all these people in the pictures?«

»They're some of my best clients! They're already dead but left me a strong soul!!«

A little creeped out you look at her, but you already knew that she was a little weird. A crazy kink maybe? You chuckle.

»Okay, y/n« she says, leading you to a comfortable sofa. »It seems like you really don't know what that is, that.. on your neck«

»Zhongli and you both already said that!! What even is on my neck??«

When a God falls for you [Zhongli x Reader] Where stories live. Discover now