The sky is becoming darker

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POV: Mondstadt

»Alright! We've prepared everything and everyone's ready! Now we're just waiting for y/n« Venti smiles and sits down at the big table in the headquarters hall.
Everyone else is also already sitting at that table: Kaeya which is excited to see y/n again but won't show it, Lisa and Jean who are excited to hear the whole story, Barbara and Benett who are both scared but happy to finally know about everything, Amber, Noelle, Sucrose and even Albedo.
Everyone seems to be in a light mood, talking to each other and just waiting for y/n to step through the door. The happiness fills the whole room, well.. except for one.
He just sits there, his face is nearly completely emotionless and empty.

»Damn..« Venti mumbles. »It really hit him didn't it.. but.. it's been so long already, where is she?«

Suddenly, Jean stands up, takes a glass and taps on it with a knife so that it makes a high tone - making everyone quiet.

»So, Are you all sure about what you want to tell y/n when she's back? And another thing: I'm sure all of you have a lot of questions regarding y/n's absence, but please, don't overwhelm her all at once!«
Jean says. She knows well how to handle situations like this.

»Of course, we'll all behave well, don't worry« Albedo answers in a calming tone.

»B- But I wanna be the first one talking to her!« Bennet then suddenly shouts, but Barbara interrupts him. »Hey! Listen to master Jean! No one's going to be the "first" or "last" one!«

»I wouldn't be so sure about that. There's always going to be the last one.«
Diluc mumbles quietly

»what did you say?« Noelle asks, but before Diluc says something, the door shoots open.

»!! Y/N-«

But it isn't y/n.

It's Zhongli. Out of breath and with low-key glowing eyes he furiously and anxious looks around in the room, desperately trying to find her.

»Zhongli...? Where is-«

Zhongli tries his very best to not shout and stress it even more, so he only answers in a crackling voice.
»I.. I don't know. She disappeared, I looked all around Mondstadt wall's where she was last, and I asked all the people if they saw her, but..«

Everyone's face suddenly darkens. A worried atmosphere slowly starts to creep up in the room.

»Heey hey! I don't think that she "disappeared", she probably just hid somewhere out of fear or something« Jean tries to breaks the silence.
»How about.. some of us go and look for her, she wouldn't run far away!«

»I will« Diluc instantly answers. Everyone looks at him as he stands up and quickly starts walking out of the room.

»Hey but!-« Jean wants to shout, but he's already gone.

Kaeya sighs. »Okay, I will go too. Albedo, do you want to join me?«

»Sure« Albedo replies, and then Barbara and Noelle also volunteer to search for y/n.

»Okay everyone. Just search through Mondstadt and maybe also the Church, and also around Mondstadt. I'm sure we'll find her hiding somewhere and have her here already soon«

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