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Since some of y'all liked my cracked out squiggly sketch things, I decided to make them again, enjoy😂

»Ugh... are we there yet?« you groan, exhausted from all the walking. It feels like you two already walked for 5 hours straight.

»We're there soon.« Zhongli says.
"How is he not exhausted or anything?? Ugh.." you think, watching him calmly walking in front of you.

You think about something to talk about. On your way you've met a few Hilichurls and Treasure Hoarders, but Zhongli took them out before you could try to peacefully interact with them.
»These poor guys, I'm sure we could've tried and showed them that we're not enemies..«

»What are you talking about? The Hilichurls and the Treasure Hoarders?«


»You can't be friends with them.« a light grumpy voice says, appearing behind you two.

»H-Huh?! Who are you??« you scared ask the small boy with dark hair and turquoise highlights.

»Hello, Xiao.« Zhongli then says.

»Wait, that's Xiao? I heard of you!!«

»I see. And you are?« Xiao didn't seem really kind, but since he's friends with Zhongli he shouldn't be a threat, you think.

»U-Uhm, I'm y/n. Nice to meet you!«

»Hm.« he only says, then turning to Zhongli. »Where are you going? Is something the matter? You never leave Liyue just like that.«

You're a little confused about what Xiao just said. Zhongli never leaves Liyue like that? Does he only do it for you?

»Oh, we're heading to Mondstadt, but staying at Wangshu Inn. for the night. It's nothing wrong, just a small journey, don't worry Xiao. We'll be back soon.« Zhongli answers.

»But.. Okay. I'll take care of Liyue in the meantime«

»Thank you, Xiao. But I think there's not much to do for you, Liyue is in a great condition.«

»Oh- Okay. Then.. well, goodbye master, goodbye y/n.« Xiao says before quickly disappearing again.

Zhongli continues to walk, you quickly catch up to him and poke him into his side. »What did I just hear? I'm that important to you that you leave Liyue, even tho you normally wouldn't do that?« you giggle.

Zhongli doesn't say anything to this and keeps walking.
»There. That's the Wangshu Inn« he says, pointing at a weird but pretty constructed building.

»Whoa, so tall! You say in amazement and start to walk faster.
»Come on, Come on!« you shout to Zhongli who can only nearly keep up with you. You two enter the building and have to walk up a few stairs first till you reach the registration counter.


»Oh? Customers that late?« the Lady at the counter says, looking at you two.

»Y-Yes, one room for two for the night please!« you answer exhausted.

»Sure. And- wait, Traveler, is that you?« the Lady suddenly asks, handing you a key.
»We haven't seen you in a long time!«

»You know me??« you spit out, but quickly rush your hand to your mouth.
»Uhmm I mean sure, yeah, that's me.. Ehrm.. when was the last time I was here? And.. What did I do here?« you awkwardly ask.

When a God falls for you [Zhongli x Reader] Where stories live. Discover now