"I'll make you mine"

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A/N, Warning ⚠️

⚠️NSFW⚠️ I finally wrote some smut for y'all, I don't know how to write that fr so please give suggestions on improvement pls thanks😭😂(the drawing above is not from me, I don't know from who it is! If you know the artist let me know) (and sorry for updating so little lately!) ⚠️


»Too.. what?« you ask in confusion.

»Your body... It's making weird.. signals...« Zhongli says as he moves a bit away from you.

»I- I'm not doing anything...« you say, slightly blushing.

»I know, y/n, but your body is. I can feel what you feel, and.... I- I don't know how to-«

You then move closer to him again and place your hand on his chest, slowly sliding over it.
»I don't know what you mean~« you tease him. You know exactly what you're doing - and find his reaction pretty funny.

»Y- y/n, please- I think you should calm down and rest a bit, you're really drunk and you don't know what you're doing-«

»Zhongli« you now say in a serious tone. Zhongli shuts his mouth instantly - he's blushing really hard now. »Did you forget that I'm still teaching you on how to handle feelings?«

»No, I didn't, but... is this-«

»Shh!« you cut him off by placing a finger on his mouth. »Yes, all of this is still part of the test~«

For a few moments you observe his pretty face, then focus on his lips. His lips look so soft and sweet, you can't help but stare at them, imagining..
You don't notice it, but you automatically move your head closer to his, your lips closer to his. »please.. just.. one..« you mumble. You can't resist the urge.. it's too strong - you want it. You close your eyes and lean in, this kiss.. you want it, you need it, your body tells you to.

Suddenly, you feel Zhongli's strong hand on your neck. You open your eyes again and see him with a not so amused face staring right into your eyes.

»y/n« he growls. »you don't know what you get yourself into with that. I don't want to hurt you- ahh....«
Zhongli suddenly moans a bit because you somehow unnoticed slid your hand under his jacket and his shirt onto his skin, sliding over it and going downwards. You can see his eyes roll back for a second - you didn't thought he could look that hot.

»Nothing is going to happen~ just have some fun-«

But now Zhongli cuts you off, grabs both of your hands and pushes them down into the mattress - leaning over you now.

»It will if you don't stop«

His deep voice shakes you up inside. His strong hands grabbing yours, his well built statue leaning over you - you can feel that your panties are getting wet from that.

»It's hard for me to hold back. Don't tempt me, y/n.« he says, slowly leaning down to your face till there's nearly no space between you two anymore. He slides down to your neck and up to your ear. »I don't think you want that« he whispers.

You instinctively try to move your neck closer to his lips, wanting him to kiss it.
»I- ... I want it...« you whisper back and moan slightly to provoke him even more.

Suddenly Zhongli growls and grabs your wrists so hard that you moan out it pain a little - and he doesn't stop. He flashes to your neck and shoulder and bites in it - again it feels like he's shoving fangs into your skin.
»Ahhhh, Nghh..« you moan, you can't stop him - you don't want to.
»Y/N, I'm hurting you, just stop already-«
But you don't listen to him. You now lift your lower body a little bit upwards and push yourself against his crotch - and begin to grind at it.

When a God falls for you [Zhongli x Reader] Where stories live. Discover now