The first confession

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»Alright, do it again!!«

»are you sure? You already did it a few times now. I told you, don't overwork yourself«

You smirk. »Are you scared of me or what? Come on!«

»As you wish.« Zhongli replies, closing his eyes. »Solidify!«

You form a shield out of air around you, dodging Zhongli's attack. You collect all the power you have and shoot a strong wind current with your hands into Zhongli's direction, but he blocks it with a stone stele.
»Hmpf,, I.. have to be stronger« you growl, trying to collect even more energy inside of you. »Come on come on...!« you say struggling.

»Y/n, it's fine. You did enough for today.« Zhongli says.

»but.. no! I can do it, wait!« you still try to push yourself more.

»No, y/n. You should really-«

»I said NO!!« you now aggressively shout, the wind around you starting to blow heavier.
»Heh, you see?! I can do it!!« you proudly say, but the wind doesn't stop and your arms begin to glow again.

»Y/n! I don't think you can control it good enough yet, stop!« Zhongli shouts back, holding his arm over his face to block the wind.

»I can do it, I can control it, I'm strong..« you say, not realizing that the clouds are getting darker above you two.
Your arms are glowing now even more and you form another wind current, and another one and another one. A small tornado starts to build up.
you can't see straight anymore, all you can think about right now is your brother, how he left you there, childe, yourself... you want to be stronger than all of them.

»I will.. get my revenge..« you say, finding yourself a few meters above the ground now.

»W-Wha-?!?!« you panick. You feel your powers disappear slowly and you suddenly fall down.

»AHH—« you scream, closing your eyes and thinking that you'll hit the ground any moment. But a few seconds afterwards you feel a strong pair of arms catching you and preventing you from hitting the ground.

Exhausted and scared you open your eyes again to see Zhongli, who caught you, staring at you.

»I-.... I didn't want to-«

Zhongli sighs. »I told you, y/n. These powers can be dangerous if you blindly try to force them onto you. Are you hurt?«
He looks at you really worried, it makes you blush a little. He really does care a lot about you.

»No, no I'm fine I think.. thank you.. for catching me« you say, looking away.

He puts you on your feet again, but still has his one arm wrapped around you.
»Enough training for today. Don't worry, y/n. It's going to be better next time«

»Yes, I guess...« you sigh, a little disappointed in yourself. »Well, then let's focus on our other plans for now« you say, starting to head to the edge of the cliff since Zhongli's house was on a high mountain.

Zhongli fixes his clothes as he follows you. »So.. when are we leaving?«

»Let's leave tomorrow. I know I still have to learn a lot about my powers, but it's going to be fine-«

»Tomorrow? Already?« Zhongli looks at you.
You stop and turn around towards him.

»Yes. I can't just sit here while answers to my questions and fears might be waiting in Mondstadt. I'm going to be okay, don't worry, Zhongli« you smile.

»... as long as you're with me, we can go.« he says.

»I'm thankful that you're trying to protect me so much, Zhongli, but.. you can't always do that. There are going to be times where I have to fight on my own, I have to learn that«

When a God falls for you [Zhongli x Reader] Where stories live. Discover now