The fun begins now

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»yes. Mondstadt is the last thing which I can clearly remember. Everything afterwards is either blurry or not there at all.. I'm sure I'll find more out about what happened to me there!«

»That sounds.. like a good idea« Zhongli hesitates to reply. »When did you plan to leave?«

»Huh, when I leave? The question is when WE'll leave!« you chuckle. »I planned to take you with me since.. you know, a companion is always nice to have! I don't know exactly when I want to go, I'll probably make it depend on the circumstances. Sorry I haven't asked you yet.. are you coming with me?«

»I mean, sure, y/n« he says, looking kind of relieved.

»you didn't really think I was gonna leave you here, did you?« you laugh. »especially since I have to babysit you now«

»what do you mean?«

»You're basically like a 12 year old boy experiencing his first hard emotions. I'm going to help you with it. I said what I said👐🏻«

»That's.. a weird way to put it. I still said that I have to think about you helping me.«

»?! Who else are you going to ask for help? Hu Tao? Childe?« you giggle.

»Tsk. I haven't thought about it yet-«

»So then it's settled!! I'm going to be a god-baby-sitter!!«

Zhongli only looks at you and sighs.

»I still haven't shown you the whole house yet. I mean, you kind of examined every room yourself already, but some of them tell different, long lost story's. Do you want to hear them?«

»Huh? Uhm, sure! But I better hope that they're interesting!« You teasingly reply.

»alright then. Come with me«

Timeskip after Zhongli tells you all about what happened in this house already. That it once was a lodging for other gods during the war as well as for the Adepti, he then also tells you the whole story about the Adepti of Liyue and the Yakshas - giving you an interesting and educating evening.

»Wow, I can't believe it.. but you said that one Yaksha is still alive and serving Rex Lapis, where is he by now?«

»Oh, Xiao is also living here. Well, by now he's mostly wandering around Liyue, fighting all kind of evil people such as Fatui or Treasure Hoarders. If you're lucky, you might meet him on your journey somewhen«

»Whoa.. that's so cool!« you hop around, amazed by the story of Liyue.

You then suddenly look down. »I'm sorry I can't tell you much about my story..« you sink down till you sit on the floor.
»Hey..« Zhongli says bending down to you, his deep voice sounding so soothing.
»You're going to find him, y/n. You'll get your happy ending, I deeply believe in that«

You smile back at him. It really gives you more hope that he has so much trust in you. »Yes.. thank you« you say, getting up again.

»there's also this thing.. with my powers« you then mention. »When I was with Hu Tao, and also with Childe-«

As you said that name you notice his face looks a little bit.. angry, jealous? You didn't want to discuss that right now.

»Eh-ehrm, anyways, I.. something happened to me. It's like.. some kind of crazy powers took over my body, I wasn't able to control it...«

»What exactly happened when these powers were released?« Zhongli asks.

»well.. both of my hands began to glow and after that, a shockwave left my body which.. threw everything away from me. It happened when I turned extremely angry..«

»I see..« Zhongli says, observing your arms.

»I can help you with that, but I haven't seen this in a long time«

»what is it??«

»You're actually stronger than the most people blessed with a vision, maybe because you're not from this world. These are hidden powers which your mind still as to learn to deal with. But once you master them...«

»Huh? Maybe I'll be even stronger than you then!« you giggle.

»Maybe« he smiles back. »But not in this house. It's already late so it wouldn't really make any sense to train you now. We'll do that tomorrow«

You remember that you two have to go to sleep soon again - but that you wanted to ask him something before that.

»Do you know what, Zhongli? Your training can already start today« you teasingly say.

»What? How?«

»If I tell you how, that takes away the fun!« you giggle. »You're going to sleep with me today again«

»W-What?« Zhongli looks at you kind of shocked.

»I mean next to me in my bed! God what did you think? Pervert« you jokingly but serious-looking say.

»I didn't-«

»get your stuff. We'll have a sleepover! And don't act as if you hadn't done that with me in the hostel the whole time already«

Zhongli sighs. »If you insist...«

When a God falls for you [Zhongli x Reader] Where stories live. Discover now