A bad decision?

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⚠️ slight NSFW warning ⚠️

»I- I'm sorry I didn't mean to say that, I- Uhh,,« you quickly jump off of Zhongli out of embarrassment and face the wall. »I-I think.. you should leave now.«

»y/n...« Zhongli finally says, but you cut him off again. »No I.. have to sort some things out for myself right now. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. We'll... talk about our trip to Mondstadt later again.«

»As you wish.«
Zhongli says, standing up, leaving the room and closing the door behind him.
You turn around again and sink to the ground with your head buried in your arms.
»I don't even know him that long and now I already told him I like him?? Ugh... what am I even doing... he's probably so confused now, when I was originally the one teaching him how to handle feelings.. I can't even handle my own..« you lift your head up again and let it fall against the wall.
»And I also messed up using my powers today. In both situations, Zhongli was so calm and kind.. and I'm so.. ughh...« you facepalm yourself.

»Well, it is what it is. He knows how I feel towards him now, I fucked up multiple times today already but hey, at least we're going to Mondstadt tomorrow together, yayy..«

You sit in the silence for a few minutes and try to think about something else, but your mind just doesn't want to leave Zhongli. You can't stop thinking about him and how you treated him, an apology is now a right thing to do - the least thing you can do right now.
You get up and open the door to your room - and bump into Zhongli - who was shirtless.
You stare at him and his muscular body for a few seconds, then slamming the door close instantly without saying a word - well, your bright red face speaks more than a thousand words.

»FUCK« you cuss out of shock, can it get even worse?
Then suddenly, the door slides open again.

You quickly turn around, not wanting to stare at him again like a few seconds ago.
»W-why don't you wear a shirt or something?!?«
But he doesn't answer your question. He pulls you back at him completely - you can feel his warm skin on yours at some spots which your dress doesn't cover. You can also feel his heart beating faster with every second.
»Do you feel that?«
Your heart was also beating like crazy now.
»y/n..« he says, »I like you too«

Your heart drops to the floor as you hear this.
»I feel how you feel, and I feel the same.« he grabs you even tighter now which makes you shiver uncontrollably.
But then Zhongli sighs. »But you're able to control it. If you knew what my mind is telling me to do right now..... it was hard for me the past couple days, but it was bearable, bearable because I thought you didn't feel the same way. But now feeling that you feel similar towards me.. It makes my instinct even stronger, I don't know how long I'm able to hold back. I told you already from the start that I'm dangerous but you didn't want to believe it.«

»Zhongli, I.. still don't believe that. I know that you're strong, we can talk about it and work on this togeth-«

In a flash he turns you around to face him and pushes you against the wall, still grabbing your arms which then wander downwards to your waist.
»Listen, my body... « he sighs, »It's hard to resist this urge, y/n, you don't understand that. I heard about this already thousands of years ago. There's a myth that says that gods are able to loose control over their body and mind if they fall in love with a human. The bond is much stronger than between two humans or two gods, originally, it was forbidden for the gods to go down to earth and fall in love with a human - for the human's sake, but after the war, every concept made like this vanished and got forgotten. I heard that the impact of the bond is bearable if only one loves the other, but if the feelings get returned... This myth is true. I never believed this, neither did I imagine to ever.. fall in love with a human.«

You place your hands on Zhongli's face.
»Hey, don't-«
You only want to help him, but your soft and calming voice makes Zhongli grab your waist even tighter which makes you moan out in pain a little. He pulls you even closer to him now so that his mouth is directly next to your ear and neck.
»y/n.. please.. hold me back«
»D-don't be ashamed of that« you say with goosebumps spreading on your entire body but trying to ignore what is happening right now.
»I-I n-never heard of this before, W-What exactly is your mind telling you to do?«

»I want to.. my body wants to.. mark you. A mark deeper and much more intense than a normal possession mark. It's not meant for humans to carry, only gods were meant to mark each other with a God's possession mark. I never experienced myself what happened to humans which had one, but.. in the worst case.. it could kill you - Please, don't let me-«

»Do it.«

Zhongli rushes back and looks at you in shook. »Don't say that, y/n. You know how dangerous that can be-«
You can feel the bond as well. Your body tells you to give in to him, but you try your best to handle the situation.

»Zhongli.. « you sigh, »I.. need you by my side, I can't just leave you, a-and.. I'm sure that I can handle it, it won't kill me.. you know how strong I am.. I am not from this world, maybe..«

»y/n... don't make me do it. Run, leave me, go to Mondstadt without me, you can do it without me, I promise.« Zhongli says, clearly struggling to stay still. But still, after hearing that you step closer to him again.

»I promise, it's going to be fine, I can bear it..»
You say.

»..make me yours.«

Zhongli's eyes roll back as he hears that. He can't hold himself back any longer, slams you against the wall and moves his head to your neck - and bites in it softly, but then you feel sharp teeth going into your skin as well - they feel like fangs.
»Ahhgh« you moan, which makes Zhongli bite even harder. You can see that his hands started glowing like crazy, and thorn-like horns started to grow out of his hair. You don't know what is happening, You just grab his arms and nearly scratch him holding onto him.
His hands grab you also tighter and he pushes you even closer against the wall to be even closer to your whole body. You can feel a steadily growing, stinging pain coming from the bite, but you try to ignore it. "It won't.. be that bad.." you think to yourself, but you can't help letting out a few moans and hisses which make Zhongli's hands glow more and more. The bite feels so painful, but at the same time so.. good. You feel so close to Zhongli, you never felt this close to him before. "Is this the right thing to do..? Am I going.. to die? No, I will not. I'm strong enough, I can do it, I..."

The process feels like forever, but at some point the pain starts to fade, you start to feel really dizzy like you were about to faint, but in that moment, Zhongli lets go of you again - with blood showing on his lips and his sharp teeth. He looks so different, you can only hardly recognize him from how he looks normally.

»Z-Zhongli, what...« you break down, but Zhongli is already there to catch you. »y/n, I'm so sorry, I'm going to-«

You can't hear what he's saying - your vision turns blurry again, you can only see his horns and teeth slowly going back to normal. Then your mind fades out of reality and you loose your consciousness.

Was that.. a bad idea?

When a God falls for you [Zhongli x Reader] Where stories live. Discover now