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The sun was shining through the balcony glass door on to the bed you were laying on - you slept since you lost your consciousness, but then you wake up from a stinging pain which was coming from your neck. »Ouch...« you hiss, slowly opening your eyes and squinting them a few times. You find yourself snuggled up against Zhongli who was laying sideways next to you, resting his one arm on his elbow and looking down on you - his other hand rushing to your face to hold it as you wake up.

»Y/n, how are you feeling?«
His touch on your face felt so.. weird, but in a very comfortable way. He starts caressing your cheek with his thumb - you heavily start blush, not expecting this move and being overwhelmed by this.. feeling.
»I- Uhh, uhh.. I'm doing fine I guess-« but as you turn your head, the pain on your neck increases and it hurts like crazy. »Arghh« you hiss, pressing on the wound with one hand - but that didn't help.

»wait, wait y/n, stop, let me help you« Zhongli says and puts your hand off of the wound again and instead puts his on it. You can feel a huge relief and a soothing feeling coming from it now.

»Mmmhh.. thank you..« you mumble, closing your eyes. But then you suddenly rush up.
»B-but, wait, we wanted to go to Mondstadt today, we have to- ARGH«
You fall down again into Zhongli's arms because of the intense pain. This really was not a good sign, you start to worry like crazy about what was happening.

»Hey! Calm down, you shouldn't worry about that right now« Zhongli says, putting his hand back on your wound to your relief. His deep voice shakes you up inside and makes you tremble, you try to calm down as he says - It's like your body automatically listens to his orders.

»I could've killed you yesterday, but you didn't care about that, why did you still want it?« Zhongli asks you in a serious tone.

»Well.. hehe, you didn't apparently, so I don't see a problem here« you say, awkwardly smiling.

»y/n..« Zhongli sighs. »I don't know what I would've done if it hadn't worked. You need to judge over decisions like this much more carefully-«

»I'm fine, Zhongli, that's all that counts. Don't worry« you wink at him, cutting him off.
»But now tell me.. What is the difference between this and the thing I had.. from Childe?«

Zhongli sighs again. »It's.. difficult to explain, especially because I never met a human who actually carried a god's possession mark. The mark has to heal first, like I said.. it is deeper and much more intense than a normal one, that's why it hurts so much. I can take away most of the pain because I am the maker, and...« he stops for a second, »..because we have a specific bond now.«

»W-what do you mean with a "specific bond"??« you ask in confusion.

»Like I said .. it's difficult to explain. It's better if I show it to you, but not right now. You have to rest, y/n. But the wound looks already better, and again, I'm.. sorry for this.« he says while taking his hand from the wound.

»Hey.. Don't be sorry, I told you to do it, it's not your fault« you say smiling.
»But.. what about Mondstadt now? We have to go today, what if we're actually running out of time? What if something is happening in Mondstadt right now and we don't know about it? You said that the wound already looks better, I'm sure it won't affect the wound if we go already now.«

You can feel how Zhongli tenses up a little. »I.. I'm not sure if we can. I really don't want it to hurt you, and I'm sure it doesn't matter if we're leaving a little later, we have enough time.«

»Huh?! But- No, we already prepared everything! We can't just-«

»Y/N« Zhongli looks at you with his sharp, yellow glowing eyes.
»We can not go yet. I need you to accept that, we'll head off soon enough.«

When a God falls for you [Zhongli x Reader] Where stories live. Discover now