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You groan as you wake up, finding yourself again in the hostel room's bed. Your body's aching, and you remember what happened.
Childe.. your brother.. your powers... Zhongli.. what are you supposed to tell him? all of it was coming over you all at once. You really didn't want to get out of this bed anymore. It all feels too heavy.
You quietly cry and sniff, snuggled up underneath the blanket. "Why is all of this happening.." you ask yourself.

In that moment, Zhongli walks in.
You pretend to be still asleep, not knowing what to say or do - or more like not wanting to say or do anything.

You watch Zhongli preparing some tea, he puts some weird ingredients in it. Did he get you.. medicine?

When he was finished, he turns around to you. You quickly close your eyes again, hoping he didn't notice you staring.

He comes to you and places the tea next to you on a small table next to the bed. He then grabs a chair and sits down on it in front of you, observing you and your condition.
He slowly brushes your hair back to fix them behind your ear, then pulling off his glove and puts his hand on your forehead.
You suddenly feel so comfortable - he's caring about you so much.

As he wants to put his hand away from you again, you suddenly grab it - and place it back on your face.
»please... you.. comfort me so much«. But you won't open your eyes, embarrassed of what you're doing. Since when have you become so direct?

Still, he lets go of your hand again and pulls it away. You feel really stupid now, I mean, what did you expect.

You sigh a little bit and turn around, not wanting to face Zhongli.
But then you notice that he suddenly lays down behind you in bed.
He moves forward till his chest touches your back, then he arches in his legs and puts his one arm under your neck - he's now completely spooning you.
Your heart begins to beat like crazy, you don't want to open your eyes to try and calm you down again. Still.. you feel such comfort.. which you hadn't felt in a long time.

»T-thank y-you..« is the only thing you manage to say, despite the fact that your face is also again glowing red.

»everything for you, my love«

You suddenly rip your eyes open. What did he say?!??

»Wh-wha.... uhhmmmm.........« you only stutter - then he turns you around to face him.

»don't be afraid, I'm here now. I will protect you with my life, my precious«

He then brushes over your check with his hand, also moving his thumb over your mouth. He now moves even closer to your face with his.

»Don't you ever think again that I might find you weird or embarrassing. You are the most precious thing I own and you'll be my everything, forever«

He leans down, looking deep into your eyes.

"W-WHAT?!" Your mind screams
»Y-yes, m-master«

What has gotten into you?? Master who??

A sign of satisfaction is noticeable in Zhonglis face. He raises your chin up - you're feeling his warm breath on your mouth - wanting nothing more than to just...... feel his lips on yours.

You lean in, closing your eyes and-

A deep voice wakes you up.

»Hello, y/n. How are you feeling? And why are you-« Zhongli asks, sitting on the bed next to you and observing you.

»AHH ehhhh I'm doing fine just fine ehe..« you instantly awkwardly smile back.
"Jeez that was only a dream.. Why do I dream things like that?!!? Girl you- Inappropriate!!! Get yourself together!! Oh lord barbatos.." you embarrassed think to yourself.

You slowly sit up in bed, but your body is actually aching. »argh..« you hiss.

»keep it slow, y/n. You had a hard day. Here, drink this - it will help you healing again« He says, handing you a warm cup of tea.

You sip a little bit from it and put it away again on the table next to you. Well, all of the feelings and emotions of what actually happened still haven't gone away. You feel like shit - at least mentally.

»Zhongli..« you say, looking down. »I-«

»y/n, listen. If you're not comfortable enough, you don't have to tell me what happened. I can feel... your concern.«

»huh?? You can feel how I feel?!« you ask, embarrassed and confused

»Well, not exactly. But yes, more or less.«

»O-Okay, I mean that's fine I guess,, uhm.. well, actually, not much happened.... I remember Childe-«

You then remember that Childe.. he was a friend of Zhongli.

»Did you knew about this?!?« you suddenly furious ask

»About what? I don't know what you're trying to say?«

»Childe hold me captive!! He was bad and suspicious all along!! And I know he's your friend!!« You shout as you move away from Zhongli.

»Huh? No I knew nothing about thi-....«
He quickly grabs your arm to pull you closer to him again.

»L-let me go!! You probably had something to do with this!!«

»Hold still, y/n« he says, with his voice so deep it makes you tremble.

He moves his other hand over your neck - hovering over it and then closely looking at a specific spot.

»What did he do to you?« Zhongli says immediately, letting go of you and looking at you with a dead serious face.

»I-I don't quite remember, he wanted answers and-«

You notice how angry and tense he is. Even though he never really expresses emotions, you can definitely feel it.

Zhongli was about to get up and leave the room in a hurry, but you jump up and grab his arm

»What is going on?? What did he do?? Please calm down I bet it's not that-«

He then turns back around, his eyes glowing of anger.

»He marked you, y/n. And I'll make sure he's going to regret it. That's nothing to joke about with«

»Wh...What did he??«
You don't understand a thing, not why he was so mad nor what it meant that Childe "marked" you??

»I'll be back. You wait here« he orders, rushing out of the room.

By now, all of your emotions and thoughts are completely mixed up. You don't know where to begin or where to end, and now Zhongli even left you alone like that.
You can't just sit here and do nothing, especially because you break your head over it more and more.

»I need answers. I know I have another friend here - she's my only hope right now for me not to loose my mind.«
You quickly grab something to eat and rush out of the door as well.

»Hu Tao, please be there«

When a God falls for you [Zhongli x Reader] Where stories live. Discover now