The storm is coming closer

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⚠️Important!! This chapter contains a tiny bit of Genshin story spoilers (Dainslef quest) but I'll leave a warning before it starts - it can be skipped.

Your body is shaking in fear of what he might do to you. You can't move a single inch of your body - nor can you even speak properly.

But suddenly, the pain disappears and you notice that Childe let go of you. You take the chance and flash away from him, jump out of the bed and run to the door. This time, you'll escape. This time, no one will grab you and swing you around and treat you like a toy anymore.

This time, you'll be stronger than anyone.

You grab the doorknob and rip the door open - and see Scaramouche standing a few meters away from the door.

»Hey! What do you think you're do-«
Scaramouche wants to say while already walking towards you to grab you again, but you just throw him away with a wind current, so strong that he flies backwards and hits a wall.

You then feel Childe's hand from behind grabbing your arm again. You turn around and furiously look him into his eyes - with your own eyes glowing like crazy.

Childe's cold face suddenly turns into a shocked, or more like scared one.


»How dare you, you piece of trash, how dare you treat me like this? How dare you take advantage of me and my broken mind?« you hiss as you step forward while Childe steps backwards, holding his hands defensively in front of him.

»I- I didn't mean to-«

»You and your filthy little games, I'm sick of it. But what if.. we swap the roles? Let's see how you like this~«

You now grab his arm and twist it around. Childe cries out in pain, falls down to his knees and tries to grab you, but you just push his twisted arm on his back and grab his neck with your other hand from behind now.
Childe tries to grab your hand to free himself from your grip, but it somehow feels like nothing to you - you have never felt this strong - and it's incredible.

»Argh!! Y- y/n- s-st-«

»Huh? Oh, I'm sorry, I can't understand what you're trying to tell me.«
You say as you tighten your grip around his neck.

Another voice shouts. You look up from Childe and see Scaramouche running to you again.

»Ugh. You know what, I don't have time for this.«
You annoyingly say and kick Childe in his stomach - so that he hits the wall behind him. Then you also run towards Scaramouche and quickly grab his arm in such speed that it's impossible for him to react. You kick away his legs so that he falls to the ground and then blow him into the room - against Childe - and close the door with a wind current.

»annoying little wimps.« you hiss as you tidy your dress and walk into the hall in direction of the entrance to the fatuis headquarter.
As you reach the door, a slight smirk makes his way across your face - but as fast as it came, it fades again.

»So.. you decided to leave us?«
A elegant but cold voice says.
You turn around, but there's no one to see.

»Oh, so we're playing hide and seek now or what?« You answer sassily, still looking around in that dark hall.
»I'm not scared of you, Tsaritsa. I will fight you too if that is necessary.«

»Oh no no~« the elegant voice then appears next to you - with Tsaritsa stepping out of the dark.

She looks at you up and down - then focuses on your glowing hands and eyes.

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