✚Rescue✚ ☾Chapter 24☽

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✦-Flame Princes POV-✦
✦✦✦I walked along with Cake and Jake towards my kingdom. My head was spinning. I really cared for Fionna. Even though we weren't dating or anything. We knew we liked each other though. I'm just not sure if that fact still laid at this point. Cake was right. I couldn't even save her. It doesn't matter if they were the opposite element. I was fire, and I couldn't defeat them. Fire beats Ice. "Not always, look Flame Boy I can tell it's bothering you that you couldn't save my Girl, Fi. I'm sorry that I was so rude about you not being capable to save her. I saw you trying to save her. You were brave. I won't lie at this point. I saw you being tortured by the ice cuffs they put all over your body. One around your neck, and hands. I bet that really hurt. You tried but you were being tortured at that point. The cuffs would melt and new ones that grew back were tighter. I'm just thinking of what's best for my girl. You know your relationship will be difficult. She's not exactly Fireproof, and you know that. Don't try to defy nature." Cake said. That really made a stake go through my heart, and it surprised me that Cake responded as if she could hear my thoughts. I knew it was true though. Fionna could become really hurt if she wasn't iced. She's been burned several times by me just trying to hug me. We even kissed once and I knew it hurt. Tears fell down her cheek in pain. It wasn't fair that I couldn't love someone because of my cursed element. Why couldn't I have been like that human boy? Why couldn't I be human? I couldn't hold Fionna without her being iced and I couldn't hold her forever because of that. I wish I could. Maybe than we wouldn't of been so distant and I wouldn't be questioning the feelings we confessed not to long ago for each other. I sighed realizing the cat was right. I didn't want her to right but it was. "I know that.." was the only thing I answered. Still I thought, even if she didn't love me I'd love her. She helped free me. She was upset that stupid Gumball had been ignoring her for quite some time that day. Oh if only he knew how much I wish I could trade spots to love her. She came running to the fire kingdom upset. Not even knowing her sense of direction. Luckily Flamba had gotten to Ice her before she could of killed herself with all the heat. She ran straight into our kingdom, and there we met. I was on my balcony of my room listening to my Mom babble about power. Mom usually had me chained up. She let me loose in her presence because I tried to be the best I could around her so she could love me, and she took that to her advantage. She didn't really want me, but she would never say that out loud. She acted like she cared and wanted to "protect" me but it was actually because she feared me. She didn't really want me and so I didn't know much far beyond my room. That day mom forgot to chain me up, after her long talk of power, she walked out and completely forgot to put me in the chains that always held me. I ran off out of my room to escape that prison. I ran down the stairs, running smack into Fi. She was in tears. I didn't really think much because I just wanted to be free. I wanted to be normal. Was that to much to ask for? I wanted to have a mother who didn't fear me, and loved me. "I-I'm s-sorry.. I wasn't even watching where I was going and where I was headed.." She said between a sob. "Oh, no! It's fine, are you alright?" It seemed at that moment of my question that her eyes couldn't conceal all the tears she had in store. They flooded out and she threw herself on to me. I was confused because I had never seen any emotion before from anyone really. I mean I was locked up in my room all the time because it was for my own "good."

"Hey, Flame Boy? You still there?" I was snapped out of my flashback by Cake. "Oh! Were here already?" She nodded. "Okay! We'll you stay here and I'll go. I'll be back soon." I said while already heading inside my kingdom. Of course my mother was there. My dear Mom who had the mask that concealed the fear and unwanting towards me. I threatened her that I would take over her kingdom and destroy everything she had if she continued to lock me up in chains. I was scared to do such a thing before because I thought maybe she would eventually love me if I obeyed her, but now I didn't care. It had been 15 years of me trying to please her. Nothing changed in those wasted years and I promised myself that day that I would never be concealed again. If I could cause the destruction of Aaa than I sure as hell could destroy her reign of royalty. "Hello, My Dear Son!" I sighed, "Hi Mom. I'm just here for a little while but I'll be leaving soon." "Oh! Alright Dear." she said. I just completely ignored her heading to my room to grab my Lava rock armor, and just sat there on my bed remembering the rest of what happened that day I met Fionna. She clung on to me in tears and her tears touched me and it stung, but I didn't move. I knew she was upset. Even if it hurt me I was okay with it. I didn't want her to feel sadness. I felt enough of it, and I couldn't let this girl feel the same. I pulled her face up to look at me. I for some reason pulled her hat off to get a good look at her face. It was just a reaction, I don't know why but than her long Blonde hair flowed down to feet.. And she looked so young and hopeless with her hair covering half of her face, and tears strolling down her cheeks. My hand began to sizzle with her tears rolling down her face. She gasped pulling back. "I'm hurting you! Oh my glob! I'm really sorry!!" I smiled for no reason and pulled her into a hug. "No, it's okay! It doesn't hurt!" I lied. Her tears stopped strolling down. "You sure? I'm so sorry for causing you trouble!" "No! Actually I'm glad I bumped into you." "You are?" She asked. I nodded, and she responded, "We'll I've never seen you around.. Sorry, our first time meeting was of me being a big cry baby. Maybe you could adventure with me though! I promise I won't be a big baby than."
"A adventure sounds fun.. Also it's okay if you cry. Just remind me to bring you a rag to wipe those tears away. You shouldn't cry though. It's okay." I responded. She smiled so sweet it was like candy, and I only tasted candy a few times. Funny how a girl's smile could remind me of a alien food I only had a few times. She than released herself from the hug I pulled her into, and took the hat I had taken from her head. "Thanks for comforting me. You know I know my tears hurt you. Your sweet and so harmless." She than kissed my cheek in thanks and pulled her hat on pulling all her blonde hair underneath it. "Promise I'll see you again, and we'll adventure and you'll bring that rag you promised. Please." She pleaded. I nodded yes that I would see her again. She than smiled again and ran out of the kingdom. Than I just stood there like a idiot blushing at what just happened. Than my blushing faded when I remembered I had made a promise I couldn't possibly keep. That was the day I threatened my mother to let me free. She did as I commanded because of course I scared her and she was in fear of loosing her throne. Fionna set me free. She said I was harmless. Even if others didn't think I was, she thought I was. I hadn't realized I was crying from the flashback until I felt tears dripping down from my chin. "Oh Fionna.. I really care for you.. Please be fine.. I'm coming to save you. I swear." I wiped the tears away and grabbed another pair of armor quickly for a female of the same element and ran out of the kingdom. "Okay, Let's go!" I told Jake and Cake. Than we headed towards the Grassland that met with the Ice Kingdom. Fionna.. I promise I'll save you.. Even if it means the end of me..

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