☆Visit & Dine☆ ☾ Chapter 39 ☽

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✧✧✧I dashed out of the office and didn't have to put my hood back up because the sun was already setting. I had to be in open field without trees to be able to actually be burnt now. I saw Rose before I left the place, and she simply waved at him in a flirtatious way. I blew her off and didn't even wave back. I had to get home! I didn't want My Marcy to worry! I flew home and landed on the porch quietly. I entered and took off everything I had besides my boxers like before. I climbed the ladder and could see when I entered that Marcy was barely waking up. "Hey, Babe." I said quietly, already standing at the foot of the bed, when she opened her eyes after her sleep. She sat up, and stretched. I could see through her comfy shirt and could see her good sized round boobs, and the shape of everything. I tried not to get a boner at the sight of it. Dear Glob. She smiled sweetly and asked. "What are you doing up before me?" She asked. "Ohh! I just went to go to the bathroom." I lied. I'd tell her later when she was fully awake. "Oh, I see!" she said. I walked over and sat on the edge of the bed. I actually was hungry to be honest. Marceline than went over to me, and leaned on my back, putting her arms around me. I could feel her boobs and her hard nipple! I probably blushed, because I could feel It. It was weird that I got all sensitive about Women parts with Marcy like some Virgin boy. I had seen plenty of these areas and yet her body made me jittery like some Virgin that never knew such magical things like Marcy's Boobs existed until now. She kissed my cheek. "You hungry?" She asked. "Very!" I responded while floating off the bed and taking her into my arms. "Let's eat than! Im staving too!" she responded and kissed my nose before floating to the ground and heading downstairs. Now was the time to tell her! I landed on the floor and went after her. "Hey, Marcy." I responded while going down the ladder. "Yeah, Babe?" she asked. That was the first time she called me Babe.. It made my insides jump a little.. "I have something to tell you." I said walking into the kitchen where she was at. "Yeah? What about?" She asked while getting up from looking at the fridge. She looked scared. "I-it's nothing bad Marcy! I swear!" I said while pulling her into a hug. "Never anything bad." I said again. She wrapped her arms around me. "Okay, since it's not bad, than what's up?" she asked while looking up at while laying her chin on my chest. She looked so adorable. "Remember how you told me yesterday that you missed those Sassy days of you being a Show girl?" I said. She nodded suspiciously. "Well, I went to go look for the place you told me, 'Royal Bar' in the City of Fame. We'll, I found it! Talked to your ex Boss, Madame Thorna! Tada! You got a gig to show up as Raven again for a week, starting tomorrow night! She said you could show case for as long as you want!" I said happily at her. "Y-you.. Went and did that for me??" She asked, shocked. She was blushing widely and looked almost on the verge of tears. "Of course, I'd do anything for you. You know that!" I said while hugging you still. She than kissed me, shockingly! Her kiss was full of love and made my dead heart.. Skip beats.. I could make love to this girl right now. Not because I wanted to use her but because I actually wanted to make love with her. She was my everything. Sex or pleasure wasn't what I was excited for. It was to be one with her. She'd belong to me, and no one else's. As long as I lived. "Marshall! You're so sweet!" she said finally after our kiss. "I love you so much! I can't believe you went and did that for me.." she said happily. "Anything for you Babe.." I said smiling down at her. She wasn't short but I still had to kind of look down at her. She was average height for a women. "So, let's go eat out in celebration of having a piece of reliving a bit of past! What do you say ma'am?" I asked her all gentlemenly! "I say. We dine!" She yelled happily. I put my arms around her and hugged her from behind. "Oh, you might want to put a bra on by the way." I said while grabbing both of her boobs, and rubbing her nipple gently with my pointer fingers. She gasped and moaned lightly. "Marshall!" she squealed. She ran out of my arms and covered her boobs. "Okay! I'll go put a bra on!" She yelled while disappearing from the kitchen and running upstairs to put a bra on. I looked down at my hands and couldn't believe that just a simple touch on just her boobs actually made me feel more hormonal than I ever had in my entire life. My touch was probably as sensitive as it was for me, right at this moment.
"Ready??" I yelled from downstairs. I had already gotten changed in a fancy outfit that I left in her house just in case of a date occasion. Marcy was taking awhile. "I'm coming!" She said while floating through the hole of the ladder. She looked so damn gorgeous. She had on a short dress that was beautiful but not as beautiful as the girl in it. Her hair flowed down to legs, but it flowed perfectly. "You look so damn sexy.." I admitted to her. She blushed, and winked. "You could say the same about you, Bad Little Boy." she said. I put my arm around her. "The option is still open for me to prove to you that I'm bad but not little." I said in a smirk. She blushed, and said. "I think I have enough proof.." She said. She probably remembered the towel incident, and didn't think I was quite small in size. "Than, it's Bad Boy." I said in a wink. She kissed me and than grabbed my hand. "So, where are we going anyways?" She asked. "I was thinking we could go eat at Royal Bar. It would be good for you to remember your environment on what your going to perform in. I'll be there by the way. I'm gonna be a waiter. I was gonna ask Madame Thorna to let me waiter but she asked me before I could even remember to ask! But either way I still think I'd be good to pay a visit, and you could pay Madame Thorna a visit as well." I said. She smiled, "Sounds like a excellent plan." She admitted. That's when we headed out into the cool night to go to 'Royal Bar.'
We arrived and we didn't have to wait in line to Enter. The security guards knew who Raven was, and recognized her. Saying it was good to see the beautiful Raven again. We entered and sat down at a nice table. Ordered our food, and had a little bitt of Red wine until Madame Thorna pulled us into her office because word got around from the security that her Raven was in the house. We entered the office and saw that she had a table set for us in there. Her office was pretty big, so I guess she could fit whomever or whatever she commanded! "Marceline! Dear! It's been to long!" Thorna said. Marceline got pulled into a hug and responded. "It has been to long!" she said. "You look as beautiful and young as ever!" Thorna said while staring at Marcy's face. "Well, Daddy did give me Immortality!" she giggled and smiled. I feel like Thorna was a mother to her during that time. "Of course he did! I'm so glad that you're going to be singing for us! People are going to go crazy to know that you're back for a little visit! That's what we will be announcing tonight! Isn't that exciting?" Thorna said. "I'm actually very excited!" Marceline said in a blush. "I also still have my Raven outfit, and it looks exactly the same! I'll literally be Raven coming back from the dead!" Marceline giggled. "Practically! Now you two sit and order! Your meal is on me!" Thorna said. "We already ordered, might want to tell them we moved into your office. You do not have to do that though!" I said answering her. "I'll tell them right away, and of course I do! I'm excited to see my star up on the stage again! It'll just be a small thanks!" She said while getting up and heading out the door. "If you Insist Madame.." I said politely. She nodded in a smile and closed the door. "They really took care of you here! Or they did.. Huh?" I asked more in statement though. "Yeah! They cared for me so much!" she said in a smile that was always beautiful to look at. "I'm glad!" I responded and then Thorna came into the room with waiters that dropped off our food. These two waiters particularly couldn't stop staring at Marcy, and I was about to say something when Thorna told them to hurry up and get out. The lady spoke before I could, lucky for them. "Hurry and get out! There's other people to serve! Scurry out Henry, and Derrek!!" she yelled. Marcy didn't even look at the guys and was oblivious to their stares and just looked happy to eat. Marceline grabbed my hand and kissed me on my cheek. Taking my attention from those two waiters and snapping me back into what was in front of me. The waiters had already left and we were ready to eat. We had ordered our steaks completely rare. Raw and not cooked what so ever. We ate the red off the steak, and finished after awhile. "This Food is as good as ever!" Marceline said after we finished. "I'm glad you agree dear!! It has been a few hundred years but our food is still good as ever!" Thorna said. "Agreed! Was it good Marshy?" Marceline asked me. I nodded and kissed her. Licking the small amount of blood from the steak off her lips. She blushed and I could feel her lips crave for my lips, but she wasn't inappropriate enough to do anything in front of a Woman who had been like her mother, awhile back. Marceline, Thorna, and I discussed a few things about being a waitor and also returning to be a show girl for awhile. I realized they never even mentioned Rose. You think if she was Marceline's "good" friend as she claimed to be, Marcy would of mentioned her. She didn't, and Thorna never mentioned that Rose would be playing waitress for as long as Marcy wanted until she had her good run of flashback time. I wondered if she knew. I bet she was pissed because from my assumption she didn't like Marcy. I think she acted like she did but didn't. Either way id be keeping my Baby safe the entire time while waitering to make sure that girl would leave her alone. Not like Marcy needed my help, she had been known to be scary, but I have never seen it myself. I'm not gonna lie on that one. Anyway I also wondered why those waiters starred so much. Idiots were lucky, and I was also wondering why The current show girl wasn't playing yet? Did she quite? That's when I looked at my watch, and saw it was early in the night. Show girls didn't show case until it was Atleast 12 am. Late and dark hours, I knew because I used to work at a joint like this. Good, didn't want to hear or even see that weird girl. It was 11 already by the time we finished talking and blabbing about things when we said our goodbyes. "It was nice to see you again Marcy dear!! As we'll as you Marshall Lee! I'm excited to see you both tomorrow night!" She said while she shook our hands good bye. We thanked her and left the joint before the case started. Thank Glob. Sadly though I saw Rose in the hallway with her outfit but with more on that I didn't honestly care to notice but she didn't see I was with Marcy. She literally missed her by a split second. Marcy was already passed the corner when I saw her, and I was shortly behind Marcy. She winked again. Ugh! Next time that weird girl did that again I swear I was gonna hiss at her. Thank goodness that was it, and that we were gone before she could wink again and embarrass herself when I hissed at her.. Marceline grabbed my hand and Intwined our fingers. "That was fun.." she said and laid her head on my shoulder while we walked out of the City of Fame. "Yeah. Not romantic but fun." I said. She giggled. "So, wanna go check on Fionna now?" She asked. I hadn't even remembered about Fi. "Yeah, that'd be a good idea." I said. We started heading towards the direction of the candy kingdom when Marcy took me Into a distant in the woods that lead to the Candy Kingdom. She sat me on a stump, and sat on me Straddle. "Sorry about it not being Romantic.." she said. She probably felt bad. "Babe! Don't feel bad!" I said. "It really isn't that big of a deal." I honestly said. We had the rest of our immortal lives to be Romantic! That's when she kissed me passionately and wrapped her arms around me. She than randomly put my hands on her breast while we were kissing. I think it was her without even actually thinking what she was doing at that moment. With my hand on her breast I could feel that she had lowered her bra to where her nipples stuck out of the top. She probably liked my touched. I felt all nervous though, and couldn't believe how sensitive I was getting just touching her breast. My hand felt all tingly and that's when I grabbed her nipple with both my fingers, gently to rub them. She moaned in our kiss loudly, and I felt myself get hard. She probably noticed because she was beginning to rub my crotch area with her hand. I moaned with her but not as loud. Her touch felt amazing just through my clothes. Like fireworks! No way had I felt such pleasure through a single touch before. Marcy was something special to me, and that included touch. She made me feel like I was some virgin boy again except better. My virginity lose didn't even feel this good, and she was only rubbing me through my clothes. She stopped, and I stopped too when we were breathless. I looked at her and noticed her face was red and looked hot. She had saliva going down the corners of her mouth, and her nipples stuck out all hard through the dress. She looked so sexy. She pulled her Bra up to cover her boobs and wiped the saliva while getting off of me. "I-I'm sorry! I just love your touch Marshall and couldn't contain myself!" she said all embarrased. "It's okay babe!" I said. I jumped off the stump and hugged her. "That was so sexy baby." I said and kissed her neck. She shivered, and kisses my cheek. "You better promise to be my first time.." she said, and giggled while walking towards the kingdom again. "I Promise Babe." I honestly said while thinking of how she would look as my beautiful wife in white. What did I need again to ask her to marry me? Oh yeah! A ring! I thought to myself. That's when I started to think of a ring design that could possibly somehow reflect my Marcy's beauty. None could, but I'd try my best while looking. I admitted to myself while entering the Castle.

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