✄Break it✄ ☾Chapter 52 ☽

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☆(2 months later)☆

✦-Marshall Lee's POV-✦
✦✦✦I sat in bed all day while watching Marceline sleep. She looked so peaceful. I couldn't sleep due to the fact that tomorrow we found out the gender of the baby. I knew the baby would live either way but a part of me was nervous to lie that the baby was a boy either way. According to my luck, fate would make the baby a girl. I felt guilty lying. The only time fate actually was on my side was with this beauty. Honestly, I'm okay with only this. If having bad luck meant only getting her for the rest of my life than I didn't even care. Let all the black cats stray across my path. As long as I got to keep her. I also was on the edge because neither of us have heard from either of our parents. They haven't even acted either. Which shocked me because 2 months was pretty long. No way would they just leave this problem this way. It didn't seem likely. It didn't sound like my mother especially. She would attempt to destroy Marceline with her own hands if she could. It upsetted me on how much my mother probably hated Marceline. If only she knew how amazing she was. I sighed and laid back on my back with my arms behind my head. I decided to close my eyes and think of blank thoughts. A black image with nothing else, and maybe I'll slip into some sleep. I felt Marceline rustle around with the blankets and felt her lay one of her soft legs on me. I swear I could devour this woman. She than wrapped her arms around me and squeezed slightly. I chuckled on how much she actually liked clinging on to me. It was nice to have her cling to me a lot. Than out of nowhere her breath began to fasten and deep. I opened my eyes to look down at her. Her eyebrows were furrowed and she seemed to about to let out a yelp of fear when instead come out a moan. My eyes widened. Was she dreaming? She moaned again, and I felt her back arch. "Marcy?" I whispered in shock. She didn't respond so I knew she was asleep. Than she whispered, "Oh, yeah Marshy ~ .." in the most erotic voice I have heard. I became turned on, and knew I had to wake her up before I lost myself. "Marcy!" I said while I shook her. She didn't react and I sat up to look back her and attempt to wake her again. "Marcy!!" I yelled. She shot up with her face red while she rubbed her eyes in discomfort. "W-what?" she muttered while she yawned. "What were you dreaming about?" I asked simply while covering myself. "Huh? Oh I was.." she thought for a second and than her expression matched her red face. She gasped and covered her mouth. "Was I sleep talking?!" she yelled in embarrassment. I nodded while chuckling. She covered her face in embarrassment. "Stop, don't be embarrased! I just didn't know you had sex dreams!" I admitted. "I-I don't.. This was my first one actually.. What, do you think I go around having sex dreams?!" She asked. She than looked at me again, ignoring the conversation while starting a new one. "Hey, you okay? Were you awake this whole time? I thought you fell asleep.." she said in concern. "I'm fine.. Just worried.." I also admitted. I finally convinced her that I was fine and just a bit worried. She let it go and drifted back into sleep. Leaving me to dwell in my thoughts for a good time until she woke again to get ready for the results.

✦-Marceline's POV-✦
We were in the room with Ice Queen's bumped stomach exposed. I could feel Marshall's nerves racking through thin air. I stared at Bonnie getting ready to begin the sonogram. She didn't look to worried honestly. Once Bonnie set the monitor on to her stomach which was covered in clear slime for a better reading the heart beat was picked up right away. If I had a heart it would hurt for this kid who was so unlucky to have parents that couldn't be there with them mentally. Marshall Lee right away turned around right away with shocked eyes. Like if he couldn't believe it with his arms crossed. Bonnie searched around her stomach and I came around the table to see the hidden monitor only Bonnie could see. I decided to see as well and finally she found the perfect spot. It was obvious what the gender was. "Congratulations Ice Queen, it's a boy!" she spilled. Whether a lie or truth, those were going to be her exact words anyway since I was to take the roll of a mother with Marshall as father. Her face lightened up and she squealed in happiness. Bonnie cleaned her up and helped her to return to her confinement. Me and Marshall were left alone. "It wasn't a lie.." I told him. "Wait, you're serious? It was a male?" He asked in exasperated relief. I nodded. He ran to me and hugged me. "I don't feel so guilty anymore." He said with a relief hinted in his voice. I didn't know what to feel. I was happy but I was starting to worry if I would be a terrible mother. Would I be a good mother for a replacement? Could I really do it? I felt myself tense up. "Woah, strawberry! What's wrong?" Marshall asked me in shock to sudden tense body. "I-I don't know.. Just a little shocked I guess? I'm going to be a mom, but can I really do it? I don't have a mother figure to follow. I'm all on my own.. Just like before.." I panicked. "Hey! You're not alone! Were both new to this as we will learn along the way! Stop worrying! Besides, the kids even new to this due to the fact that he hasn't had a mother either. You will be made his mother just like a bird when it hatches. Okay?" He said with sincerity. I squeezed him to know that Atleast he had confidence In me. It was now only time till Marshall Lee's good bye was closing in with Betty. It made me feel bad that he was so confident for this when the person who cared for him was disappearing from his life forever. Raising the dead isn't exactly a pro when the body is decayed and no longer looks like the living person you once loved oh so much. Trust me, I've tried and it's heart breaking everytime. Once Betty left, there was no going back. It made me sad to the fact that this all could of been avoided. Gumball and Marshall Lee still hadn't talked since then. They haven't said a word to each other. Marshy was never fond of Gumball from the beginning and I'm sure the situation made him dislike him even more. We walked down the hallway of the Kingdom slowly in shock. The situation seemed to be setting in that we would actually raise a kid. We would be considered parents and we weren't even married. Did Marshall even want to marry me? I hadn't even thought about marriage till that moment. That surprised even me. I was so lost in thought that I hadn't realized that Fionna was passing our way. Until I felt Marshall grab my wrist from bumping into her. "Oh! Sorry, Fi. I didn't mean to do that.." I finished before I realized she was wearing a really short skirt, even shorter than her usual short skirt. She had her hair down and turned to look at us. She was wearing Make up! I turned to Marshall and we both gave each other a "What the Hell?" look. "Oh, it's okay Marceline. Sorry, I was just busy with something! Excuse me!" I heard her say and caught her wink at Marshall while she walked down the hallway. Disappearing when she reached the corner. "Okay, am I the only one who noticed that she winked at you?" I bluntly said in jealousy. Marshall chucked and looked down at me, "Yeah, I wonder what the hell her problem is. That was weird. Come on lets go, Babe." He said before he put his arm on my shoulder and led us down the hallways to leave. "She needed to get a longer skirt, Holy shit. That was the most sluttiest thing I've seen Fionna wear." I admitted, still jealous. Wow, when did I become this jealous?! Why was I even jealous? He didn't even like her, and where was Flame Prince!? "She was? I didn't even notice." He said with a straight face. Wow, did he really not notice her? I mean he was a guy still, and one with a horny past too. I clenched onto Marshall's side and walked home with him in the dark.

✦-Hunson's POV-✦
"What the hell was that Hana?! That didn't even work!" I yelled while looking at a globe of a view of My daughter and that wretched boy. "It's just time before he falls for lust! I know my boy's past, and old habits do die hard. Don't worry!" She said with confidence. "Well, I'm a bit worried because he didn't even give that human allusion of your chosen human a second glance! He was completely still focused on my daughter! I noticed that he looked down my daughter's shirt too! He didn't even look at the Human's butt!" I yelled. "It will take some time! Stop worrying! Including which the Human's name is Fionna. I met her a few times when Marshall Lee brought her around. I thought he would fall for her! I guess she was nothing more than a friend, BUT that will change! He'll fall for her, and when he does. He will leave Marceline. She will welcome him with open arms after because she finds a liking to him. I could taste it when she visited those times. Not love exactly but she likes him." Hana said, spilling the beans of what she had observed. I crossed my arms. "Whatever, make this work." I said. "Oh yeah?! What about you, Hunson? How are you gonna make Marceline fall in love with Finn? The allusions are there but not much a male can do to have a girl fall in love with him. It anything you have a better chance to fail than I do." She said snickering. "We will see about that, let us not forget that I was in love once. Unlike you. I don't recall you having an intimate relationship with anyone where it was mutual love." I shot back at her again, aiming for the week spot. She disappointed me by not reacting and waved her hand over the globe to make the image of my daughter and her son disappear. "Say what you like Hunson, but no matter who breaks the relationship up, that is our only goal. Doesn't matter who does it at this point." she said with seriousness. "We will break them apart." she said with determination. I sighed, and sat in a chair. I wondered if Marcy really would give up the boy. She seemed to love him. Which frightened me the most, not because of the Nightosphere, more because I was her father. Was my little girl, growing up? Did she truly find someone to be with for all eternity? Was destiny telling us that no matter what we did, our kids would fall in love? I became agitated and swept out of the room leaving Hana there to push my worry and anger on to the people of the Nightosphere while placing my amulet on. Allowing me to take it out on the people that needed me.

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