♰Time♰ ☾Chapter 63☽

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✦ -Marceline's POV-✦

✧✧✧  "Why hasn't she woken up? She's completely healed." A familiar male voice that sounded worried say. I for some reason couldn't make it out on who it belonged to though. I couldn't really remember anything.
"Trauma from the burns." A female's voice said.
"I'm just glad I caught her before she burned to death. I can't imagine.." The male voice said in relief. So, it wasn't a dream. Someone I really cared for left, but wait. Who was that again? Why couldn't I remember?
"We're all relieved, but she won't be happy when she realizes that Jack is wanted."
Jack! It was Jack! Oh why, did he have to leave!
I immediately snapped into consciousness when I had remembered what happened. I opened my eyes to bright lights, and my eyes adjusted. It was Marshall Lee who was talking with Bonnibel. To think that I couldn't even recognize the love of my life's voice for a second. "Marceline!" Marshy yelled while jumping out of his seat to kiss me. "Oh, Thank glob you're okay!" He said in dire relief. I was in no pain from my burns and they seemed to have healed. "I'm okay, Marshall. Don't worry!" I assured him. I acknowledged my environment to realize I was in Bonnie's room and not hooked up to any type of machine like many people I had seen before be in. I was dressed in a hospital gown. How long had I been out?
"Marceline, I'm glad you're okay! You sure you don't feel any pain?" Bonnie asked. I nodded and got up from the bed. "I'm okay, trust me. Having amazing healing skills sure does the trick." I said.
"How long have I been out?" I continued
"That's good, but it's been a few hours." she said. "Not to throw anything at you to soon Marceline but I have to inform you of something important." I knew it was about Jack, and I would let her say what she had to say. I wasn't going to admit that I was with him because she'd send people on the search for him if she knew he was running. If they thought he was hiding than it would make time for him. I doubt he was far enough to be safe yet and by the time they realized he was running it would be too late to send search out for him.
"Jack has been committed to murder and is wanted by the police." she said in dismay. I acted shocked and covered my mouth.
"Oh glob.." I said.
"In the schools auditorium there was ice that had killed students. Students that were seen hanging around Jack this past month. Vomit was found, which leads to his saliva that matched his DNA. The Puzzle pieces come together to show that Jack is the killer, and wanted for murder." she told me in sadness.
I covered my face in sadness. Instead of being saddened by his action, I was actually letting my sadness from his last words hit me. They didn't know the difference otherwise. I began to cry. Oh gosh why did he have to leave! Who did this to him! He wasn't one to kill! I doubt he even actually attempted to kill those people I saw.
"There, There Marceline. I know it's hard as a mother but it's better to tell you the truth than keep it hidden. Especially when he's going to be caught and put into incarceration when found." Bonnie said.
Marshall stayed quite and simply squeezed my hand. He knew I knew something about the situation. I wiped my tears in final grievance that Jack had left but it was for the best. He was right and hopefully years from now no one will even remember this day. I'd see him again than, right?
"Thanks for telling me Bonnie but I better go home and rest."
"Sounds Good Marceline." Bonnie said. I got out of the bed, and Marshall followed me.

I slid out of the hospital gown into clothes Marshall Lee had brought from the house. I finished changing and walked out of the room and walked down the hall to find Marshy waiting for me. "What really happened?" he asked me. I sighed, "I'll tell you at home." I whispered. I was scared to say anything out loud. We finally went home and I sank on the couch in sadness. I pulled my knees up to my chest and just bawled. Marshall pulled me on to his lap. "I hate this." I said in between sobs. "Me too." he said. "I saw Jack before he left." I said.

I explained what happened in full detail to him. I just couldn't stop replaying the situation.

"H-he left, Marshall. He ran away and he won't be back for glob who knows how long. I get it! I know that it is for the best, but why did this have to happen? I-I don't even know what to do with myself?! I don't get it!" I said while running my fingers through my hair in frustration. Why was I so useless! Why was I such a terrible mother?! Thoughts were breaking my head and I sobbed. Marshall grabbed my cheeks and I met his eyes with tears streaming down mine. "No one said being a parent was easy. You did your job, and you did wonderful. No one is perfect, not even being an old vampire can make you perfect. He'll be back, and we'll wait for him than. In the meantime, hang on." He said earnestly. More tears built up. What would I do without Marshall? "He sure won your heart, didn't he mother bird?" he slightly laughed while holding on to me. I just cried in his shoulder.

"He did what was right." I later admitted after I cleaned my snot and tears. I had stopped crying, and just sat in Marshall's lap. "He did what he needed to survive, and it was a situation out of our hands. Whatever happened, we'll never know until he comes back, and tells us himself." Marshall said with hope in his voice. I knew he felt just as badly pained as I did but he seemed to have too much Bravado to let it show. It seemed that Fathers tended to do that because Hunson did the same all the time. "I guess I didn't know how to accept what had just happened." I said. "They do say that a mothers pain is always the worst." Marshall whispered.
"It's not wrong.." I said in realization. Marshall kissed my head and continued to hug me. "I love you." I told Marshall. "You know I'll always love you." He responded with deep kisses following. My crying made me sleepy. It felt similar to my childhood, and felt Nostalgic. I hadn't cried this much in my lifetime like my childhood until these past couple of months.

✦ -Marshall Lee's POV-✦

Marceline fell asleep in my arms. I carried her to our bed, and laid her down. She was beautiful, and looked so pure laying there. Her face slightly a different color from crying. I slid her clothes off and changed her into something more comfortable. She didn't even wake up to my touch. All the crying seemed to have really knocked her out. I laid next to her and just inhaled like I was alive. Jack leaving us really hurt me too, but I couldn't seem to let it out. I knew he'd come back and I think that's what really helped me in not seeming to let anything show. Besides, I wasn't there to see him actually leave. I wasn't in the situation that Marceline was in. I think that's what impacted her even more than anything. She really did have amazing instincts in believing that the situation had to do with Jack. Mothers really did know best, well.. some do anyway. I rolled onto my side and just stared at Marceline. I eventually dozed off staring at her and fell asleep.

I woke up later to see Marceline staring at me with her big Turquoise eyes. "Hello Handsome." she told me and giggled in a way that I had only heard her do around me. "Hey Beautiful Babe." I said in a sleepy like smile. Her bedhead was funny but cute too. "You seem to feel better." I told her. She laid back on her back and shrugged. "I can't be sad forever. Besides, He made a promise, and he'll keep it. We raised him that way." she said in confidence. "He said to live in Happiness too." she said. I pulled her in, and kissed her neck. "Than we'll make his wish come true." I said between kisses. She put her hand behind my head and yanked on my hair softly. "Of course." she said in a devilish smile. "Hey Marshall.." she said after our make out session. "Mm?" I responded with her in my arms. "Why are we waiting to get married?" she asked. "I don't know?" I responded honestly. "Why do we even care about decorations, location, or food?" she laughed while getting up. "To celebrate our wedding I guess?" I responded. "Who said we needed any of that?" she responded. "No one." I laughed. "Than fuck traditions. Make me yours already Marshall Lee." goosebumps went down my body to her words. "We don't need anyone but us to celebrate our union." she said in truth. "Seriously?" I said while I floated off the bed. She was right though, what was time to us anymore? We had waited so long to find our soulmates that we had lost hope. Why were we waiting any longer to be kept apart? We had till the the whole universe collapsed to throw parties in celebration of our eternal unity, why wait to make that unity?
"You don't want people there?" I asked.
"I only need you." she said. "Our parents wouldn't approve of our marriage otherwise. I'm shocked that something hasn't occurred lately." She said with suggestive thought. She was right.. What were they up to? I shrugged the feeling off, "Than let's not play by the rules, Marry me already." I said while leaning against the wall. She sat up in the bed, "Right now?" she asked. I smirked, and she flushed. "Than let's do it." She said.
"You have no idea what you're getting into by marrying me, you know?" I said with a devilish smirk. "I have no other idea besides that one though. Show me what you got Marshall Lee. No matter what you show me, I'll always be there." she said. I blushed unconsciously.
"God Damn." I said out loud. She laughed, and flung herself at me. "You could be as deleterious as a cigarette and I'd still smoke you till every single cell in my lung died." she whispered. I clutched her tightly.
"Than Tonight."
She squeezed me. "Candy Kingdom?"
I nodded, "We'll have some people come. It'll be short notice and we'll marry there." I said.
Letters were flown out by bats to only a few people to meet at the Candy Kingdom the next night. It was where Me and Marcy would officially tie the knot. Where we would become one in this traditional ceremony.

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