❈Jack❈ ☾Chapter 53☽

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~5 Months later~

✦-Marshall Lee's POV-✦
✧✧✧The phone rang downstairs an I knew right away. I grabbed my coat and my shoes. Marceline answered, "Hello?" she nodded once to herself, and said. "Got it." before hanging up. She ran to slide on some boots and a pullover. "Is it time?" I asked. "It's time!" she shouted while we ran out the door. Flying to the Candy Kingdom because today was the day that Ice Queen's son would be born. I was light headed due to the fact that I did not sleep we'll the entire 5 months because I was dreading the arrival of this day. I would have to say Goodbye. Ice King was also released a month ago, but he disappeared and never told anyone where he went. Marceline was hurt, but she figured he would because he was probably guilty of what happened still around 10 months ago. We arrived and ran inside through all the hallways to finally got to Princess Bubblegum's lab. I could hear heavy breathing from down the hallway. Marcy knocked, "Hey Bonnie! Were here! We are coming in!" she yelled. Than she slowly opened the door and we entered to see that Ice Queen was covered while Princess Bubblegum was looking at the region where the child was going to be born. I went around to be right next to Ice Queen's head while Marceline whirled to the other side. "She's dilated completely." Bonnie said while looking up at us. Ice Queen was in pain and looked terrible. She was pale blue and not the usual blue I remembered. "Alright, Ice Queen! Push!" PB yelled. Ice Queen pushed but after a repetitive 10 times of her pushing. PB began to look worried. Ice Queen could not longer push, and she seemed like she was about to faint. PB saw Ice Queen's facial expression, and jumped up. "No! No! She can't complete the birth! A C-section needs to be done! I prepared for this! I knew she wouldn't make it." Princess Bubblegum said right away, Pb already set up everything for the C-section and I began to panic. Ice Queen was slipping. My heart throbbed. I didn't know what to say in this situation! I didn't have the right words yet! Princess bubblegum right away began to cut her stomach right in front of Me and Marceline. Ice Queen didn't react and I was assuming that she was already numbed with anesthesia. PB took out some of the intestines and continued to dig in deeper. Ice Queen was beginning to close her eyes. If she died, the baby could suffocate and it would be in vein of her death. Marceline had a look of horror on her face to see Ice Queen being cut up. I couldn't react to all the blood because I was concentrating on Ice Queen. "Betty! I will take care of your son! I promise! Okay? I will pay you back for all you did for me!" I began to say with tears dripping. She looked at me with shock. "I'll do it! I will be the dad of your son just like you were the caring mother for me! Okay! I love you.. so much.. I never thanked you than but I want to thank you now! Even though you probably have no idea of what I'm talking about, but thank you.. For everything.." I finally whispered with tears uncontrollably rolling down my face. I don't know how I found the words but I did. Even then it didn't seem like enough.. She looked at me and her eye color changed to her original eye color of the Betty I once knew. She smiled like the woman I knew, and whispered faintly. "Thank you, Marshall Lee. You did great, and will do great. I'm so proud of you.." before the eyes of Betty faded and now turned lifeless. I knew she was gone at that instant, and my heart felt like It would explode. I didn't want this heart, it hurts to much. Why does it feel? It's dead.. but yet, it hurt to much. That's when I heard an infant cry in the background. I knew the baby had made it, and she was kept alive for just the right amount of time for the baby to be born, and the words that had never been said between us, were finally said. I looked up to see the baby had white hair, and white skin that had a blue tint. Almost just like his parents. Princess Bubblegum took him to clean him up, and check his health. In the mean time I looked up at Marcy to see her crying by staring at me. She ran over to me and I let myself weep in her arms. Betty was gone, but I saw her one last time. I knew that old woman was still in there somewhere.. Even after so many years..She saw me too, and all that was unsaid for so long was finally said. Marceline kept kissing my neck over and over as I let tears fall on to her shoulder. I let go of Marceline and saw Ice Queen's lids still open. I closed them with my fingers, and at that time heard PB walk up from behind us. I wiped my tears to here her say "Congratulations you two. It's a healthy baby boy." she said while I turned around to recieve the baby. She handed Marceline the baby, and I could see that Ice Queen's crown was on his head. "Why does he have the crown on his head? We don't want him to lose his sanity like his parents!" I exclaimed in confusion and anger. "Actually, The baby was born and conceived without sanity. The crown that once took Betty's insanity is the sanity he will have. The crown is his escape to a normal life." Princess Bubblegum said. "Life is so ironic in a terrible way.." Marceline said with the baby in her arms. She looked so natural holding the child that it hurt me slightly to know what Marcy should of been given as a normal woman but I couldn't really think at that moment to acknowledge it. Princess Bubblegum than began to cover the body when I saw a skeleton jump out of the open window at the corner of my eye at that moment. "Death." I whispered. I than decided to think happier and be happy that I was going to be a Dad. I couldn't really ponder anymore. Nothing could be done.. "Can I hold him?" I asked Marceline. She seemed so in love and reluctant but gently placed him in my arms. He had the perfect white hair with whitish skin that was bluish and a lot lighter than his parents. He also contained more regular features unlike his mother's long eyebrows and fathers long nose. He had a perfect nose with normal eyebrows. I felt happy and replaced my love for Ice Queen for him instead. He had a good set of hair on his head for a newborn. "Isn't he beautiful?" Marceline whispered while fixing his hair and touching his cheek with her fingers. "You two actually look like you had a baby." Princess bubblegum commented out of the blue. Throwing us off guard. Marceline smiled at her and shrugged. "Who knew Monsters had parent like feelings too, right?" Pb rolled her eyes at Marceline's negative response. That's when I said farewell to Ice Queen, and PB gave us the birth certificate of the Baby that had his original parents name on it. Except the name for him was left blank. We hadn't decided on the name, and were left clueless to what we would name him. Which we discussed on later on when we were home. "Lucifer?" I offered. "I mean, that's great for a person with an evil background like ours, but he has a innocent background! You know? His parents were loving, and not hell like." Marceline said while bottle feeding him for the first time. "What about Aaron?" Marceline offered. I shook my head. "No, it just doesn't sound right." We sat there for a good amount of time in silence while thinking. "What are we gonna call him while we figure out a name?" Marceline asked. "Snow Prince, I mean he is the heir of both the Queen and King."
She nodded, and continue thinking until she gasped. "What?" I asked while looking at her bewildered look. "Jake and Finn told me a story right around Christmas last year about a spirit!" she squealed. "Okay? But what does that have to do with naming him?" I asked. "The Spirit was named, Jack! He controlled snow!" she said with happiness. "Jack? Huh.. I think I like it!" I said while applying the name to him in my head. "Jack than?" she asked again. I nodded. "Jack it is!" I said while getting up and writing Jack on the certificate. Following his father's last name like it would of been if the couple had lived an ordinary life. Petrivok right after his name. Jack Petrivok. I sat down after and leaned on Marcy's shoulder to see her staring at him still. She was in bewildered love with him. Like if she really gave birth to him. That's when I realized that Marceline, and me had known each other for a year now. I didn't know the exact date, but it was around there. I knew right away that I wanted to be with Marceline forever since the beginning, and finding a ring was my next step for her. I would propose, and it would be soon. I mean we were to raise a child together! It's as if faint intertwined us. I just needed to find a ring that complimented her beauty. I began to plan where I would propose. I didn't know exactly when because that was depended on the ring. That's when I heard a knock. Marceline looked up in curiosity and I got up to answer it. That's when people yelled "Congratulations!" once I opened the door. People poured in and had balloons, gifts, and food. "Aww! Let me see the little guy!" Jake said stretching over by Marceline's side. "Dang, that's what I looked like?" Finn chimed in while looking over her shoulder. "Ohh! Let me see!" Fionna said. Marceline kind of looked confused at both of them due to the fact that they both had been acting weird since Ice Queen's sonogram around 5 months ago. They both had been hitting on both of us in bluntness with no respecting that we both were taken by each other. Honestly, I punched Finn once too for being an ass about it one time too. Did he somehow not remember, we weren't left on good terms? "Oh! He's so cute! What did you finally name him?" PB asked. "Jack." I announced. Everyone seemed to apply the name on him like I did and smiled. They all thought it went with him by their smiles. "Nice! It goes!" Jake said. Marceline set the finished bottle down, and began to gently pat his back for him to burp. "Holy glob, you seem like some trained mother with 4 kids, Marceline." Gumball said. She shrugged, and kissed the baby's cheek. "Monster's have instincts too." she said while smiling. Everyone than slowly began talking to one another while admiring the baby before they left. Gifts from all different kinds of kingdom's. Once everyone left, the baby was already fast asleep. Marceline tucked him in and dismissed herself to bed. I kissed her goodnight with a good ass grab after. She flew to bed, and I laid on the couch for a good few minutes before grabbing her umbrella with gloves, and a hoodie. Slowly exiting the house to find a ring for the vampire Queen I planned to marry. I had no idea where to go and so I was being a little mature by going to Gumball for this. He was so girly, and knew where I could find a ring, or possibly materials to give to a craftsmen to make. It was so weird because you'd think I'd be depressed in a moment of losing the mother figure I once had, but I had lost her a long time ago. Her few seconds of conscious before death was the closure we never got years ago. We finally got it, and it felt like I could breath because a new chapter of my life was to begin with even a baby of our own. I smiled to myself because it felt refreshing. I would always remember Betty. No matter what though. I flew slowly to the Candy Kingdom enjoying the cloudy skies that showed signs of snow but it was choppy in some places with the sun shining through. I entered the kingdom and saw Pb right away. "Hey, I was wondering if Gumball was around? I gotta ask him about something.." I admitted. She gave me a glance and said, "I didn't know you and Gumball patched things up." She said. I sighed and just decided to look for him myself. He shouldn't be hard to find anyways.. He smelled completely like a strong pack of chewing gum. I followed the scent and found him brushing Monochromicorn. "Gumball, let's just skip the ChitChat or awkward situation. I just need to ask a question. Do you know a shop, or possibly someone who knows how to make rings? I need one, and don't ask why. It's none of your buisness." I said straight faced. He smiled all wide knowing what I meant by asking for ring arrangements.

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