♕Revenge♕ ☾ Chapter 31 ☽

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✦-Marceline's POV-✦
✧✧✧"It can't be Fionna!" Flame Prince yelled at Marshall. "You don't know!! Ice Queens crown was taken away and so was Ice Kings before we left!! There's no one more insane or rational at the moment to wear the crown and lose their insanity for your death besides Fionna!" I yelled at Flame Prince. There's no one else who would be brave enough to do such a thing. I don't even know if I'd call it bravery too, honestly,. "It doesn't matter who the hell it is!! We need to get in there! All the people we know are in there!!" Marshall said. "We'll thank Glob we saved the opposite element from death! You're going to have to melt that Flame Prince." I said while thinking what was going on and why didn't Princess or Prince Gumball stop this shit hell of a circus. Princeys and Bonnie's control of the situation was starting to piss me off because it's like we can't turn around for 1 damn second without someone causing a parade to go off! I sighed in exhaustion.. I felt super exhausted physically and mentally from that heart breaking song, and I have to deal with this.. Well we.. But whatever!! "I can do this, I'm gonna save Fionna! I won't die this time though! Promise!" Flame Prince said and winked. "If you die I'm not saving you again!!" Marshall said while we ran after Flame Prince to get to the Candy Kingdom. "Good to know!" FP said while smiling. We eventually got there and it seemed like Flame Prince was twice as stronger now.. He melted the door so easily! Running in, while we ran after him. "Hey! Flame Head, don't get all uncautious about this! You're still in opposite territory now that this entire castle is practically covered in Ice!" Marshall yelled while running behind him. "Yeah, yeah! Look Worry about You and I'll worry about me!" Flame Prince said. "Don't tell me what to do Flame Head! I do what ever the hell I want!" Marshall looked back at me and than added, "as long as Marcy's, okay with it." Awwww, my little blood sucker! I love him so much, dear glob.. I so do not regret barging into this guys house. "Hey, speaking of, Do you know where the hell you're going?!" Marshall yelled at Flame Prince. We heard mad laughter coming from a room, and flame prince looked back at Marshall. "Never test the guidance skills of a Flame elemental.." and turned back to the door. "We talked about this, stop trying to tell me what to do, Father!" Marshall said at Flame Prince. Flame Prince ignored Marshall, and we went quite hearing what was going on inside. "HAHAHAHAHA!! You're so powerless without your little crown now, huh!! I'll never forgive either of you for his death, and especially you.. You will pay!!" I heard the voice say and I reacted at once. I barged in and saw Fionna with the crown of Ice Queen on. She looked like she was becoming more mad by the second. Faster than Simon ever did. Ice King and Ice Queen both were frozen in place, and Ice King was badly hurt, and so was Ice Queen. "Stop!! Fionna!!" I yelled at her. "Never!! He'll pay for Flame Prince!! He did it!" She screamed while pointing at Ice King. "Fionna.. You're becoming as mad as he is.. Realize that now, and take off the crown.." I said and she hesitated for a second. Like if she barely touched her sanity for just a blink but than threw Ice at me. I dodged it and Marshall caught me before I could slip. "Babe!! Don't go running in out of nowhere!!" Marshy said, starring at me worried. That's when we heard banging through a door in the room. "Marceline!! Marshall Lee!! Hurry and take the crown off!! Her sanity is slipping faster than Ice Kings, and we won't be able to reverse it if it's to late!!" The voice said. I'm assuming it was Bonnie and Mr.Pink. Great, they got stuck in a room.. "We need to take the crown off!" I yelled at Marshall. He nodded and we attempted to take the crown off but she kept throwing ice and blocking our attacks. We couldn't hurt her because it was Fionna, but we needed to get it off! "Hahaha! You'll never get me!!" Fionna yelled. We heard the doors trying to be busted down where the others were locked up in but it seemed like the ice was to thick to be able to get out and help us. While we attempted several times, I was wandering where Flame Prince was! Wasn't this guy just saying he was planning to be the hero!! What the hell?! That's when Flame Prince came in and he looked scared but determined. He ran to Fionna and hugged her tight! What the hell was he planning to do?! Kill himself again?! We could hear the sizzle of her ice hurting him. Fionna went wide-eyed and she went paler and tried to push Flame Prince away from continuing hurting him. "What are you doing? Let go of me, you fool!!!" She screeched. Flame prince than removed the crown, and loosened his grip, looking down at her to check what was her reaction and she pushed Flame Prince away. She began to cry, and was fighting back the urge to not want the crown back. Before she lost to the battle of insanity, Marshy busted down the doors that contained Prince Gumball, and Bonnie. They saw that she was having a internal battle between herself and reacted fast. "Prince Gumball! Grab her!" Bonnie yelled. He ran and pulled her arms behind her back, and Bonnie ran towards her opening her mouth. Fionna struggled against herself and at the same tried to fight the Pinkies back but she couldn't. Bonnie poured a liquid into her mouth and Fionna swallowed it by force. Causing her to become limp in Gumball's arms, and not move. Making it look like she was put to deep slumber. "What did you do?" I asked Bonnie. "A serum, that will cause her to get rest for awhile, and give her time without the crown. The farther in time she's away from that crown the better. Her sanity didn't entirely slip from her so this method should work." She said and than looked at Ice King and Queen. "Unlike others, who sanity doesn't exist anymore as long as that crown exist.." She gestured and I sighed in relief, and looked at Flame Prince. Than Bonnie and Prince Gumball gasped. "FLAME PRINCE?!" They yelled in unison. He stared at Fionna, ignoring them and than took out a knife he was hiding within his clothes and dropped it to the floor, jumping back from it as if it could bounce back and stab him. "Flame Prince!! D-don't tell me you were.." I stuttered and said. "Yes.. That's why I didn't enter quickly.. I went to get this knife so if Fionna was gone I would end it.. I know that sounds insane but the real Fionna could never live with herself if she knew she hurt one of you somehow.. Even if it's for a good purpose. Besides, if Fionna went insane than that's no longer the Fionna I know.. She would of caused destruction for revenge and it just would of been out of control. I'm glad I didn't have to.. I don't honestly think I'd be able to.." He than covered his face, relieved that he wouldn't have to do such a thing. I than turned my attention towards Ice King and Queen.. They didn't do much, just simply laid there frozen in place. I guess there wasn't much they could do, but they were badly bruised up. Than Prince Gumball carried Fionna in his arms. "We'll have her in the Candy Kingdom of Ooo, I have the equipment for her recovery." Bonnie said. "Wait! How the hell did you randomly have the serum for Fionna?" I asked. "Luckily we got stuck in he ingredient room of Prince Gumball." Bonnie said. Well wasn't that luck that they got stuck that room. Than Prince Gumball asked, "How the glob is he still alive?"
"Long damn story, which we'll tell you after we get Fionna to Ooo." Marshall said. That's when the ice began to melt, and began to rain down droplets of water. I could hear Flame Prince sizzle and that's when Marshall took off his shirt and threw it to him. "Might wanna cover yourself and get out if here soon. Also That's gonna sucks to clean up.." Marshall also said in a chuckle towards the melting ice. I stared at Marshy's body in utter want, but I cleared my mind and began to speak what needed to be said. "Besides cleaning, realize that we got Flame Prince back and judgment will pass on them." I said as I pointed to Ice King, and Queen. "But, their punishment will not be as hard as decided before. That's for damn sure." I said harshly towards Bonnie, and Prince Gumball. They didn't say anything but knew it was true. "I'll be at Ooo, waiting for Fionna at the Candy Kingdom." Flame Prince said, changing the conversation. We all nodded and he dashed out, dissapearing. "Don't tell me that's a corpse of Flame Prince walking around." Prince Gumball murmured. "Hell, if it was that easy than I'd damned. It was a lot more work than that." Marshall said, annoyed. Prince Gumball didn't say anything after that, and the gummies called their rides, Monochromicorn, and Morrow. Leaving to Ooo taking the Ice Royals crowns along with them to not cause any more disruption. Me and Marshy were responsible for acquiring Ice King and Queen. We broke the ice with ease and had them captured with us. Taking them to Ooo and Ice King said on the way there, "I didn't mean for this wack to happen.. I just wanted Fionna to be my friend.." He whispered. That shattered me because his basic needs of relationships in life didn't count much because he wasn't no longer the original person that started off in that body. Ice Queen didn't say anything, and we finally arrived at the kingdom. Leaving them in a solitary confinement that wasn't as uncomfortable as the dungeon. I than remembered that Marshall wasn't wearing a shirt and I was taking full advantage of this situation. We were walking down the hallway of the Candy kingdom to get to PB, when I put my arms around his chest from behind, and slid my fangs down his neck. I felt him shiver, and I kissed his neck. Making him moan slightly. "Ooh. Looks like I hit a sensitive spot." I smirked. "Wasn't before but I guess you bring out secrets that I didn't even know about myself." He said kind of breathless. This boy made me go insane. I loved the fact that I seemed unique out of the girls he dated. I wasn't just the next girl to him. He than whirled around and pushed me up against the wall, gently. He kissed my neck and was gliding his hand up and down my hips. While with the other, pulling my hands up above me. Causing me not able to move freely. He kissed so hard but so passionately on my neck. If I was a dude I'd have a hard one. "Marshall.." I gasped, when he hit a more sensitive spot on my neck. I felt him grin between the kisses, and than we both heard a, "EHEM." Marshy stopped kissing me and turned towards the voice. I turned too and saw Prince Gumball. Oops.. "I understand you're in love but I need you both to explain Flame Princes situation. As soon as possible because Ice King and Queens punishment must be decided as soon as possible.." He said, trying to avoid eye contact with us. He looked like he was blushing too. He than threw a shirt at Marshall. "Please, put that on by the way." He suggested. Marshy slid the shirt on, and than grabbed my hand. "Alright, we'll explain what happened." Marshall said and we followed Prince Gumball to explain the whole situation.

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