∞Invites∞ ☾Chapter 64☽

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✦ -Finn's POV-✦ 
✦✦✦ "Get that bat out of here Finn!" screamed Jake in fear in a far away corner. "I'm trying Jake!" I said. I moved it with the broom and it dropped something. Drawing my attention to what fell Jake screamed while the bat flew out of our house. "What's this?" I asked in a whisper while picking up an envelope. "Finn! Great job getting rid of that thing! Whew!" Jake said in real relief.
He saw what I had in my hand.
"What's that?" He asked.
"That's what I was wondering." I said while opening it. Taking a glimpse of the letter I began to read it in my head.
"Dude! Read it out loud!" Jake said while looking at me in annoyance. I had forgotten that I was now much taller than normal Jake now even though he could stretch to whatever size he wanted.
"Oh, right!" I said in embarrassment.

"Fellow Reader, we invite you to the ceremony of Marceline and Marshall Lee where they will be wed. This evening at 1 am at the Candy Kingdom. See you there. Signed Marceline and Marshall Lee."

I read outloud.
"Wow! Isn't that exciting Finn!" Jake said outloud. I gulped and my stomach clenched for some reason. Why did reading this affect me?
"Y-yeah! Totally exciting!" I said in fake enthusiasm.
"Who would of thought the freaky hot vampire queen we met along time ago would actually get married!" He said in a laugh.
Why did it bother me now that Marceline was getting married. I realized that in instant that I was jealous.
Jealous of Marshall Lee, and it had never bothered me until now because now it was becoming reality.
"Ehh, Finn. You alright Bud?" Jake asked.
"Why is she getting married to him?" I asked outloud to my bestfriend.
Jake snorted, "Obviously because they're both beautiful and dark creatures that think they deserve love. Not all villians get bad endings you know? Don't set standards for people Finn. It's a bad habit. All stories have them." he said in a lecture like tone.
It pissed me off now Marceline was my friend and why hadn't she fallen for me? Wasn't I cool enough? What about him? I could of given everything she wanted. There wasn't anything that he had that I didn't.
"Finn, I know that look. Don't tell me you're falling for Marceline at this terrible moment?" Jake said in worry.
"Why does it matter? She's marrying Marshall Lee anyway." I said.
"Dude, you're lonely. You don't have dating skills to be frank. You need to practice on that, and your feelings too." I became irritated at Jakes words.
My jealousy for Marshall Lee's luck faded, maybe Jake was right.
Marceline was to be happily married and she didn't chose me for a reason.
I had Fionna, whether it was a broken relationship or not. My feelings for her were actually confusing, and I hadn't discovered the reality of it yet and for what it was. Maybe it could be mended. She was going to have my children after all.

I dropped the idea of my jealousy for Marshall Lee. It became a silly notion the more I thought about it.
My silly boy tantrum faded.
I should be happy for them both. It was as Marceline finally found what she wanted. She wasn't a traveling, lonely, Vampire queen anymore.
"Well we better sleep now if we wanna be energized for tomorrow Finn." Jake said to me.
I nodded and off me and Jake went to bed to wake up really early for their wedding.

✦-Fionna's POV-✦
"Cake, did you get the mail?" I called out to her while I laid on the couch rubbing my belly. The babies were kicking more ferociously than ever.
"Yeah! This bat dropped a letter on my head though." She replied in a sassy tone. "Really? Have you opened it?" I asked
"Nope, you open it. Here." She said while handing it to me.
The letter was white and a red wax stamp enclosed it containing a vampiric cresent on it.
I opened it and inside was a beautiful red card that read in a old fashion cursive, reading:

"Fellow Reader, we invite you to the ceremony of Marceline and Marshall Lee where they will be wed. This evening at 1 am at the Candy Kingdom. See you there. Signed Marceline and Marshall Lee."

I smiled in glee.
"So, what is it?" Cake asked.
"Marceline and Marshall Lee's wedding invitation." I said, "It will be at 1 am tomorrow at the Candy Kingdom."

"Wow, they're already gonna move the date so soon?! They must be ready to get married." She stated. I nodded while looking at the letter in bittersweetness.
"Why did you give up on Marshall Lee, Fionna?" Cake asked me randomly. It was as if she read my mind. She knew I deep down would of loved for the letter to read

"Fionna and Marshall Lee"

"I wasn't what he was looking for cake. Trust me. He loves Marceline." I said in a bittersweet tone. Cake hugged me while I set the letter down and rubbed my belly more while the Twins kicked inside.

✦-Prince Gumball's POV-✦
"Oh my glob!!! I have to find a wedding gift! Oh so soon! I was planning to find it on Wednesday at 6 pm! Darn me!!" I yelled while reading the letter. "Why so soon!" I said while realizing the cookies in the oven had finished baking. I sighed in despair that I had to spend the remaining of my cooking time to go out and find the perfect gift! I must! It was my duty!
I grabbed my mittens, took the cookies out and dashed for the door while throwing off my apron.
"Oops! Let's not leave the oven on!" I gasped while dashing inside again to turn off the oven. Than I ran out again to go looking for a gift.

✦ -Bubblegum's POV-✦
"Ohhhh! How beautiful!" I gasped while looking at the letter. It's was so nice, and simple. I luckily had already bought their wedding gift, and Marcy called me before sending out the letters.
Gumball made fun of me saying I was being way to early, Ha. I bet he regretted his decision and his mouth. I should of cut it off to test his sugar levels. I should give him a call to rub it in his face!
I picked up of the phone to dial his home.

✦ -Flame King's POV-✦
"Wow, already? The time has flown.." I stated flabbergasted at the wedding invitation. I sighed realizing that I had to see Fionna there. She would be huge by now. My heartached at the thought of it. She was something to me but I denied the ability of her becoming anything to me.
I had forgiven her for what she done because it really was some huge misunderstanding but she had kept this secret from me.
She tried to act like it never happened.
Did she expect me to not be angry? My Mother kept so many secrets from me, and the one person who I thought wouldn't, did.
She hoped I would never find out.
If she had told me right than that night the situation, I would of forgiven her. I would of been upset but she came clean, an-
"What is it sir?" a servant called over my shoulder in the middle of my reverie.
Her name was Olivia and she was the maid that aided in taking care of me.
"I'll be out around 1, so, feel free to your needs till I return Olivia." I stated while setting the letter down on the table beside me. I was going to be really pissed at seeing Finn, for ruining our relationship. That Lust Freak. He had to have sex with Fionna, but she was to blame too. I sighed deeply.
"Sir, here's the drink you ordered." called Olivia. "Thank you." I said while calming down.
I should be happy for the couple though and would set my feelings aside for their holy ceremony.

✦ -Flame Queen's POV-✦
"What's this?" I asked while Flambo handed me a white envelope.
"I don't know your majesty? It seemed to have dropped on my head while I was out. I'm assuming it's for you since the creature couldn't enter our kingdom without burning."
he stated. I widened my eyes to see the envelope wasn't bursting to flame and slowly opened the envelope and saw that it was The M's wedding invitation.
"Oh! How sweet! They're finally getting married!" I yelled in happiness but in a bit of jealousy. I wanted to get married, and blushed at the idea. Maybe I should consider Finn again. We left off after the Battle of Ice and Fire so weird(That's what people in Ooo and Aaa got around calling it). I protected him but that was it. We walked separate ways, and I haven't been out to see anyone since than. My father had left this kingdom in ruins, and I was spending this past time since than picking up the pieces. Finally everything seemed to be in order for a better kingdom. I was so busy before with kid things at 14 that I didn't understand what my position was really. Until I hit 16 anyways. Maybe Finn and I were mature enough now to have a stable relationship. Thankfully this invitation gave me a reason to leave my busy Queen life and go to this ceremony. I'd talk to Finn than!

(Hey everyone! Author here! I'm glad some people are still reading my story! Thank you!)

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