☠Nightmare☠ ☾ Chapter 33 ☽

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✧✧✧"It's late.." Marshall said. After he turned to stare at me. Realizing I hadn't fallen asleep yet. "Baby.. What's wrong?" He asked. "Nothing! You look really hot though. Just laying there in your boxers.." I said while running my finger nail down his abs. He grabbed my hand and stopped it. "Marcy.. Don't change the subject.. What's wrong?" He asked, looking worried. "Nothing, really." I lied. I was actually just worried about Ice King. Hoping that confinement wouldn't be to bad for him. Would he be okay?? I was just worried. "They'll be fine.. They confine themselves all the time in the Ice Kingdoms sometimes. I wouldn't worry to much, Babe." Marshall said, practically reading my mind. He than came close to wrap his arms around me. "It's different though.." I sighed. I needed to stop worrying and just be happy that they didn't get some crazy punishment. I finally just decided to let that stay at the back of my head and let go of the worries. "Damn Babe, you really were tensed up. You finally just relaxed, you finally okay? By the way, you should start touching me a lot more. When you're not changing the subject on me atleast." Marshy said and winked. "Yeah, I'm just glad they'll be okay. We'll see them soon, but we'll see." I said, in a smirk. Putting Simon finally at the back of my head I put my arms around Marshall's neck and hugged him tight, while wrapping my legs around his hips. I felt so happy with Marshall. I needed to stop worrying for damn once, and just appreciate the free romance time I had with Marshall right now. Hell only freezes over a few times in life, and you gotta appreciate those times because once it melts. Everyone gets involved, and all hell breaks loose. That's coming from a spawn from the one of the underworlds. I felt Marshall slide his hand down to my butt and squeeze it. "Marshall!" I yelled while blushing. "What?" He chuckled! Acting like a innocent child, which he totally wasn't. "Sorry.. I couldn't resist.." He said smiling and moved my bangs to see my face more clearly. "I love you.." Marshall said. "I love you too.." I said happily in his arms. I was starting to become tired.. Than I looked up from I guessing a small nap, and Marshall was gone. "Marshall..?" I whispered, sleepily, while looking around the room. He wasn't there.. Did he leave? Than I heard a laughter that sent a shiver down my spine coming behind me. "Death.." I growled, and looked at him, standing infront of the bed. "What do you want?" I said, pissed off. What the hell was this guy doing here..! Did he take Marshall?! Then Death disappeared and Marshall randomly appeared right in front of the bed. I was still sitting up on the bed, confused. When did Marshall appear, and where did that Skull head go?! Marshy had his back towards me, and than I felt a cold breeze go through my body.. I looked down, and I was naked?! What the hell! I thought of times where I could possibly appeared naked in a situation and not a memory was found of me being naked some how! How could I of possibly be naked for no reason! I looked back up from staring down at my body, confused of the whole situation. "Marshall?! Where did you go before?!" I yelled at him, scared, while pulling blankets to cover my body. He turned around while holding a infant in his arms. I couldn't see the child's face because the blanket covered the infant we'll, and there was another child behind Marshall. The toddler held tightly to Marshall's leg. The child was little, but I couldn't tell the gender. It was a blur. "Marshall?! Who's are those kids?!" I yelled, again, so confused on what the hell was going on! Marshall just handed me the infant and he grabbed the toddler without answering me, but than yelled.
"Run!!! We have to Protect _______!!! Let's go!!!" At that instant he yanked my hand and.. 'Wait, who?' I thought. When he said the name I couldn't hear it. It was a blur.. I felt compelled to protect the child though, but I didn't know who's baby it was! I got up and ran after Marshall. I was now randomly dressed, and I ran for my life. When we ran out of the room it wasn't the rest of the house.. It was outside In Ooo but the night sky was Bloody red.. I didn't know why the sky was red or anything else, but I was scared. I began to cry, and so did the baby. The toddler in Marshall's arms, cried hard. Marshall than wrapped one arm around
me that was free and flew off the ground. I flew to make it easier but than Marshall stopped, wrapped his arms around Me with the clinging toddler between us as we'll as the infant. As if giving up.. I put my free arm around us as if to protect us from something that I didn't even know, but it made my heart heavy. I looked at Marshall and he was crying.. He was... Crying.. Marshall.. I felt myself sobbing but not because Marshall was crying. I was sobbing because I felt like we didn't do the right thing. Than Marshall said.. "We couldn't do it.." In a whisper, but a whisper full of pure pain, and sadness.. That's when I saw black pass over us in a gust. It passed us, and than I felt my heart break, and I screamed. Marshall squeezed me tight, and the toddler sobbed. The infant I once was holding that I wanted to protect was now just a blanket, that became loose in my arms and fell right through my arms like silk. Leaving me not able to catch the blanket, and colorful glass shards fell to the floor. Becoming blood when it hit the floor, replacing the infant that I dearly had come to want to protect. My heart felt as if it broke into a million pieces, and the blood on the floor horrified me. I screamed, and my eye lids flipped open when I felt something shake me. I heard a weird unpleasant sound and I didn't recognize the noise.. Until I realized it was my own scream. "Marceline!!! It's just a dream!!! Wake up!!!" I heard Marshall say while shaking my shoulders to wake me up, looking completely scared and worried. I stopped screaming, and put my hand over my mouth. I was frightened, and I wrapped my arms around Marshall. I don't know why but I cried. "What's wrong? Are you okay?! Baby.. Talk to me!" Marshall asked worried. I nodded, "I just had a Nightmare.. I thought It was real, and I thought I was awake." I confessed. "You fell asleep, and probably dreamt of waking up, but it was just a dream.. Are you okay babe?" Marshall asked, concerned. I nodded. "I don't understand though.. The dream was so scary.. It made me feel so much pain, but yet no sense.." I said, mostly outloud to myself. "Hey.. It's just a dream, Babe.. Don't worry about it.. I got you.." Marshall said, and wrapped his arms around me. I decided to drop the dream. It didn't even make sense, but yet I wondered why I could feel so much pain towards a simple dream that didn't even make sense.. I was confused out of my mind on what was going on. I wondered if death had anything to do with that dream, but he couldn't possibly give me a dream. He wasn't the sand man.. Marshall clutched tightly on to me and didn't let go. I started to calm down in his arms, and was beginning to forget the dream. When I thought it would be a good idea that I tell Marshall about my dream. "Marshy.. Hun.. Can I tell you my dream?" I asked him. It wasn't really a question because either way I would of told him, but I knew his response would be a yes. "Only if you're comfortable.." He said softly while we laid in the bed. "I am.. Alright so.." That's when I began to tell my dream, and how we had a infant and toddler with us. I had no idea who's children they could possibly be but we were both determined to protect them. It seems more of the infant though.. As if what we determined to run from was more after the Infant than the toddler, but I didn't know why? I was confused and partially scared. I told him the rest of the dream where the infant became nothing but glass in my arms once the darkness passed. Than falling through my arms because I expected to be holding a infant, and a not just a empty blanket full of glass. Underestimating the darkness and what it did I wasn't able to catch the blanket. I didn't expect the infant to become what it did.. Falling to the floor and becoming blood once the glass hit the floor.. I continued with all the pain I felt, and finished telling my dream. "I don't know?? Maybe that means we'll be protecting people younger than us and we can't fault. Maybe your dream was a sign." Marshall said. "You really think so?? You don't think it was just some crazy dream??" I asked. "It could of been, but If it isn't, let's not underestimate it. Let's always be cautious babe.." He said. Marshall sounded really serious. "If it's not a dream than that Fucking
Death in bloom has something definitely to do with this, and you better believe he's not messing with anyone we care for." He said while holding on more tightly to me. I agreed. "I'm
Gonna kick his bone ass if he considers it." I sneered, pissed off. I wasn't gonna let anyone mess with me or with someone I care for.. "That's my bad girl." Marshall smirked, and planned a huge kiss on my forehead. That's when my stomach growled and I began to feel thirsty for red. "What time is it??" I asked. Marshall looked over his shoulder to look at the clock. "7 pm. It's about to be dark soon." He said. Geez I honestly didn't expect my dream to have been that long. We fell asleep before dawn so we slept maybe more than 12 hours. Not a suprise, honestly. We've been so tired recently from all the drama we happened to just walk into. "Let's go get some red.." Marshall said once he untwined himself from our embrace we seemed to be in since before we fell asleep. He got up to stretch and Dear Glob I swear I almost orgasmed. His boxers were so cute on him but what made me almost melt was when he flexed when he stretched. Oh my glob I almost died. He looked so hot as we'll with his messy hair. It wasn't one of those hair moments where the back of his heads hair was flat. No it was all messy and swooped in different directions. He was so cute. Marshall caught me staring in total aw and he slithered back into bed on top of me. "What??" He smirked through a smile. I blushed and stared right back at him. "You could literally make me forget at times why I have reasons for being a virgin." I admitted in full honestly. Literally. I could probably make love to this guy and take account that this wasn't because I thought he was cute like those damn stupid fairy tales. I saw him past his looks and I fell in love. I guess you could say that his charms are just a plus. He blushed being caught off by what I said. "Honestly, if I was old myself I would taken advantage of that." He admitted sadly. "You're old self??" I asked him. "You've changed me Marcy, babe, but someone changed me too before you came into my life." He said looking straight into my eyes. "Like, a past lover??" I asked, shocked. "No!" He said.
"Than.. Who??" I asked.
"Betty.." He replied.

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