◯♡Wedding♡◯ ♡Chapter 65♡

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✦ -Marshall Lee's POV-✦

1 A.M.

✧✧✧I got dressed in my tux that I had bought. I was ready as ever. I walked out onto the ballroom. The same one that that started out our relationship and our engagement, and finally our marriage. I had seen the few people we invited arrive.
Sky was sitting in the back, and I walked up to him.
"Would you mind? I really don't want to get married in this exterior." I pointed out as I starred at the pink ballroom.
Sky laughed, "Yeah, but I'll have to charge you next time." he said.
"When? I'm sure this is the last ceremony of my life." I stated.
"Don't be too sure, Marshall Lee."
"I'll owe you one if you're right." I said in a snicker.
"Along with money." He said in a slight smile.
"Whatever man, just please get this place sorted correctly." I said in a retort.
He stood up and shot black magic to the ceiling. It begin to slowly expand past the ceiling and down the walls like melted ice cream. Once it hit and connected in the dead center of the dance floor it evolved into a more vampiric style. The floor was marble grey, the cieling was black, hanging off it was a white diamond chandelier. The walls were maroon.
"Thanks Illusionist, and thanks for coming by the way." I chuckled off to Sky.
He nodded, and smiled.
Thank Glob for a friend like him, he had done the same thing at our proposal party.
"I like it." I heard Gumball chat off to the pregnant Fionna. I could see that things were still awkward between Fionna and Finn. They didn't even give each other a glance. Finn was off talking to Flame Queen. I wondered if she knew that Finn was a father. I snickered to their drama and went to the very front of the ballroom where the dude who was going to marry us stood. Everyone saw where I was standing and hushed. They sat in the two rows we had simply set up for the few guests.

My heart was racing, was Marceline really going to come through those doors? Maybe she would back out. I mean, I wasn't the greatest person ever. Was she having regrets? It was fascinating how all the terrible possibilities rolled through my head. That's when the music began to roll. It was a soft piano piece me and her had conducted together. It wasn't really planned for us to use it but we decided it was best. We both seriously hated the same Richard Wagner song played at every wedding. Nothing wrong with him but we both were sick of it. It had been a few seconds until we heard the doors slowly open.

Out from those doors came my bride in a beautiful gown. My eyes stung at her beauty, and innocence. She looked so pure and beaming. Her hair was so long and shiny, while it had a veil on top. She finally reached me after a short minute. She met my face with her turquoise eyes and reached up to my face. 'What was she doing?' I wondered in my head until she wiped wetness from my face. Than it occurred to me that I was crying. She smiled so brightly up at me with her fangs flashing, and tears rolling down hers as well. We were crying because of happiness.

"We are gathered here today in the Sacred matrimony of Marceline and Marshall Lee abadeer. We will begin with the rings. The ringholder, please step forward." beamed the man.
I flickered to look at the man to realize he was Stark! The Ring Smith!

I would remember to talk to him later about this.

✦ -Marceline's POV-✦
My heart clenched slightly at the thought of Jack being the ringholder we had planned from the beginning. We had improvised last minute and Bonnie stepped forward with a red pillow containing two black rings with detailed design step forward. She gave it to the man, and returned to her seat. The man gave Marshall Lee my ring. He grabbed my outstretched hand and began with his own words.

"Marceline, since the day you snuck into my house it was destiny finally bringing us together. It took 2000 years but I would wait forever for you. Our circumstances are hard, but we pull through together. You're the staples and stitches to this messed up leftovers. You took me and made me a better person, and I thank you for that.
Simply put without you there would be no world for me. When I was a kid I didn't expect to find someone who fit so perfectly to the messed up Jigsaw puzzle with missing pieces. I searched the world to find those pieces and yet no one could fix me. I pretended I was complete because 2000 years was enough for me. Until you finally showed up and slid perfectly into the abandoned jigsaw puzzle. As a simple friend to a forever lover. I ask you to be mine." Marshall Lee said while looking at me in the eyes.

I looked down at the ring he slid on and smiled.

"I Do." I stated outloud.

The man handed me his ring and I grabbed his hand. His perfect hand that I wanted to hold forever and never let go. I slid the ring on his finger and began with my words.

"Marshall Lee Abadeer was simply a cocky handsome guy who let me not burn outside when morning was coming. Atleast that's what he was on the first day. I wondered why I even went through that forest in the first place on the first day. Until I really met Marshall Lee Abadeer and it clicked to me that I was making an eternal friend.
A bestfriend who would be with me for an eternity.
He would have my back that contained 1000 knives from past friends who left me dangling with disappointment.
He held the lost little girl with a broken heart from so many men in her life.
He contained the woman who had given up on love because no one ever truly loved her.
He changed that, He Loved me, and Adored me.
And because of that, I ask you to be my eternal partner till the world is cruel enough to split us. Marshall Lee, I ask you to be mine." I sobbed.

He smiled and said.
"I Do."

"With this eternal bond, till Death do you part, you are officially married. You may now kiss the bride." Beamed the man.

Marshall Lee shot at me like a tiger and swooped me down to kiss me. Everyone yelled in happiness in the background. My head swirled like as if I was on clouds.
We split and smiled at each other.
He wiped my tears while I wiped his. We dazzled with love and happiness. I instantly tossed my bouquet into the little amount of people.
Marshall than swooped me up into a Bridal Carry. I could see everyone smiling in happiness for us. I never really found out who caught the bouquet.
"Let's get the hell out of here."
Marshall Lee laughed while kicking open the ballroom doors. Everyone followed and I looked back.
"Thanks for coming!" I yelled at them while we drifted away from them. They waved in happiness while a few worded, 'Goodbye!'
That's when Monochomicorn showed up and Marshall Lee put me on him. He followed and climbed on.
That's when the long black horse took off and flew us home.

We landed with them a delicate thud.
Marshall Lee floated off and yanked me into the bridal carry again.
"Thanks Mono." He said while floating on to our porch. He opened the door with ease and closed it. The horse disappeared in a single flash. That's when he continued to carry me up to our bedroom.
I blushed and hadn't realized that we were about to consumate our marriage.
I began to feel hot.

"M-Marshall Lee." I gasped breathlessly as he began to slide off his clothes.
"Yeah, Babe?" He smirked at me while sliding off the last of his clothes.

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