⚜Royal Elegance⚜ ☾Chapter 55☽

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~1 week later~

✦-Marshall's POV-✦
✧✧✧Betty's body cremated in a small box made me feel better than her being buried in the ground for eternity. It felt wrong for her to be trapped in some box forever when she was trapped in her own insanity for many years. Many of us cried but I couldn't seem to let the tears flow. It's as if my body had already somehow learned this would happen. It learned and already became the barrier. Which shocked me but than looking at my skin, it made sense. I had many die on me all these years. My body physically was used to it, but I mentally was breaking down. My head was swirling with pain and pounding for how hard I clenched my jaw in despair. Marceline's hand covered in a black glove reached out and squeezed my hand. I looked at her but she didn't look at me. She wasn't crying but I knew she felt sadness by her facial expression. Jack didn't know what was going on. He simply stared at the box with no idea. I hoped he wouldn't remember this. To finally learn when you're older what a memory like this means to your life and it's story, really hurts.
Kind words were said but it was a short funeral. Me and Marcy were the last ones to leave, and I had in my hands the box that contained her. We walked home and I placed the box in the back of my closest where all things were most likely not found till years later. Maybe than I would be able to think more clearly of this situation and tell it like a story with so much meaning and love.

~2 Months Later~

✦-Marceline's POV-✦
"I had no idea this was to actually become an idea, I was being silly when I mentioned it to Marshall." I muttered to myself.
"I had no idea you thought of it but, it's healthy so it will teach the future generations how to handle their title, kingdom, and people. It will be named Royal Elegance."  she said in full teacher monotone. I shook my head. "I guess but isn't learning your people's ways, and finding your way through experience of ruling is what makes someone a true ruler? I mean you've lived for a gazillion years and you never were taught. I'm assuming you're a great leader since you haven't burnt your kingdom down. Although that zombie apocalypse was close." I snickered. She gave me a stern look, "Exactly, I'm not perfect Marcy, but some guidance to these skills could prevent things like I did. It's a simple way for them to learn. It will be according to their skills, powers, and cultures. All is excepted for the greater good of the future generations. Like Jack, he's the next Ice Heir, and he needs guidance so he won't end up like his father or mother. Possibly he could find followers that contain similar powers or have similar environment. If so, he would need to know how to rule." she bluntly pointed out to me in all details. I rubbed my head due to the fact that I was still having that repeating nightmare with Death in it. Concentration was hard, I was lacking sleep. I simply yawned. "Okay, go ahead and build your school. Just remember that Jack might be to old by the time it finishes construction. He's already around 4 years of age. Also, if you build this school make sure that Jack isn't the only one to attend. That would be a ridiculous." I said. "No worries, it's already in construction, and kingdoms are already enrolling, I'll the teacher since there will only be 1 subject. If other classes are requested like different languages, magic, or some other stuff that are for the betterment of their kingdom than more teachers will be hired. Until than it will remain plain and simple." I nodded, and sighed. I couldn't believe how much all the kingdoms had grown since we all met. It's already been past a year since Ooo and Aaa became one. It shouldn't of surprised me but now heirs were coming in for the new throne. "So, what's up with Fionna and FireBoy?" Bonnie asked in the middle of my thinking. "Huh? Oh, Finn told me that they're having problems. Seems that Flame Prince is falling into his mothers affection recently. It's been corrupting their relationship. Since you know, the old woman hates Fi." I said honestly. "You don't seem to care." she suggested. I simply shrugged, "She's not on my good side, and neither is Finn. He was acting weird for awhile, and than I'd see him some other times and he acted like what he did before didn't happen. Same with Fionna with Marshall Lee. I swear the chicks weird. She's not on my good side though. If Flameboy can realize what's good him than good for him." I said in a sneer. "Do you really think his Mother is the best choice." she asked. I closed my eyes to realize my answer was as if I was him. "Yes, who wouldn't love to realize that the one person they craved attention most from is finally noticing them? Maybe it's a time for restitching the past." Bonnie had no comment to what I said but she knew how I felt. I stood up from the balcony of the candy kingdom I was sitting on while Bonnie had tea and knew I had to get home. I was planning to take Jack out as a kid more before his childhood was gone. "Later Peebs." I said while drifting off so lightly, and flying home. She waved me off and I flew home with my big yellow hat on. I entered to see the house was a mess. My eyes widened, "Oh Glob! What happened?!" I yelled. Marshall Lee came out of the kitchen covered in wheat powder with Jack in hands covered in the same powder. That literally made me laugh so hard. I began to crack up. "Let me explain!" He yelled over my laughter. He had a huge ass goofy smile on his face. Jack began to laugh with me, and pointed and Marshall Lee. "Dad's dirty!" he said and giggled more. Marshall Lee became embarrassed and narrowed his eyes with his face red. "I will drain both of you." he said. I grabbed Jack, "Bite me." I replied. "Gladly!" he yelled after me while I flew upstairs to take the boy a bath. He had flowing long white hair with Beautiful crystal blue eyes. He talked a lot more now. He was beginning to dip slowly into his powers. Snowflakes would appear out of nowhere and the warm bath water turned cold in minutes. He including that called me and Marshy his parents. There would come a time to tell him that we were only his adoptive parents. He played with the water and the toys he had inside. Soon school would start for kids now that Bonnie had this system set up. I couldn't believe how prepared she was. It shocked me a little to here that she had already the school in construction. I moved Jack's longish hair to the side, and finished his bath. Taking him downstairs after with Marshall cleaning. "So, what was the mess for?" I asked. Marshall went into the kitchen with no response and came back out with a regular pan with a fluffy cake inside. My face was puzzled. "I wanted the boy to try some cake, he can eat this now, right?" he asked. I laughed because around the beginning, he was to young to eat that. Marshall went to the candy kingdom to grab sweets for him at the time. Which ended up being thrown away since no one could eat it. I nodded and relief came over Marshall. "Thank Glob, I even made it red velvet just in case he couldn't so we wouldn't waste it." he denounced as he slumped on to the couch with the cake on his lap. "Unless you get it dirty and other stuff on it by carrying it around like a purse. Also he's been able to eat sweets for quite some time now." I said. He got up and set it on the cake on the table and sighed. "I'll grab plates. You go clean up." I told Marshall. He began to take off his shirt in front of me. I blushed to see how beautiful he was no matter how many times I had seen him. He flew upstairs, and I began to cut a piece for Jack. Jack was beginning to be a grow up so fast it hurt.

Jack fell asleep for a nap in the middle of the night. He had become nocturnal like Me and Marshall. Marshall was off at his house to clean up and do laundry. I cleaned up the house and washed, after I grabbed my bass and played a little. That's when I heard a knock downstairs. I wondered who was awake at this hour, literally it was 5 am. I opened it to see Bonnie. "Oh, what are you doing here?" I asked. She handed me a envelope. "It's Jack's enrollment papers for school if you want to enroll him." I looked at the envelope and hesitantly grabbed it. "I know you're thinking twice about this, but think about the betterment of possibly there being an Ice Kingdom. Jack would be the ruler, he needs guidance if the day ever comes. He's as immortal as you and Marshall." I clenched the envelope, "I'll think about it.." she nodded. "Oh also! Before you go, Jack will be rapidly skipping grades. There are grades from K-12 so he will be fine making friends. I right away had to hire other teachers because kingdoms from all over are coming. I even offered to enroll Finn and Fionna but they denied me." she sighed. "We'll they have been fine "ruling" kingdoms that don't even exist.. So, I wouldn't worry about them." I said rudely. "I guess you're right but I'll be heading out! See you later Marcy!" she said while jumping onto Rainicorn. I closed the door, and decided that I would enroll him. If anything bad happens than I'll never take him again. That's when Marshall came in to see me filling out papers. "What are you doing?" he asked over my shoulder. "Filling Jack out for school." I said. Marshall was puzzled, "Really? You sure you want to enroll him?" I nodded, "If anything happens to him I swear I'll take him out. Don't worry. Besides he will only be in that school for like 9 months. He'll be fully grown in 10 months. On the 11th month of his birth he'll be around 19. School ends for adults, which is 18." I muttered more for myself than to Marshall. He nodded and hugged me, "Don't worry about it, just do what you're going to do." he said. I right away finished the enrollment papers. Jack would be starting school right when the school opened. It said in big bold letters at the top of the enrollment, 'SCHOOL BEGINS A WEEK FROM NOW.' He would be starting school next week. I sealed the envelope, and had a bat deliver it to Bonnie. Which I rarely did but I felt like I couldn't do this face to face. It felt weird for me to enroll him. I just hoped all went we'll.

~1 week later~

"Here's your lunch bag honey!" I told Jack while handing him his lunch box. "Mom! I'm excited for school!" he yelled. I smiled in delight to know he was excited. "Good, now, be careful at school, okay? I'll be there around 3 to pick you up until they get Nocturnal school schedules. Than you won't be so tired." I said. He was drowsy the way his body language was acting. "Excited for school?" Marshall asked while floating down the ladder. "Yeah!" He yelped in as much enthusiasm as he could. "Good! Let's start heading out than." Marshall offered while we began to head for the door. Me and Marshall were covered from head to toe from the sun since it was bright in the morning. Jack ran in his little uniform to the candy Kingdom. It was adorable with his little back pack and lunch bag. Once we got there we hugged him off and into the school he went. He looked back once and smiled really big. That was it.

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