ღJewelsღ ☾Chapter 54☽

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✦-Gumball's POV-✦
✦✦✦I brushed Monochormicorn while thinking. Until I heard someone come my way, and saw Marshall Lee. At first I thought he was here to beat the living crap out of me since he still wasn't completely happy with me since Ice Queen's pregnancy. Why didn't PB get the same attitude I got from him?! I planned to ignore him until he asked, "Gumball, let's just skip the ChitChat or awkward situation. I just need to ask a question. Do you know a shop, or possibly someone who knows how to make rings? I need one, and don't ask why. It's none of your buisness." At that instant, I smiled like a manic! He was planning on proposing to Marceline! He had to! I didn't ask why because I knew he wasn't the one to express his feelings so easily. He obviously wouldn't tell me anyway. "There's a Black smith down in  the Garden of Jewelry. Pick the jewels you desire from the plants that grow them, and you ask him to construct the ring of your desire." I admitted. He looked at me, reading my face to see if I was telling the truth. He simply flew away with no answer to me. To this awkward situation, I groaned in annoyance.

✦-Marshall Lee's POV-✦
Swiftly gliding out of that room I roamed down the hall to be stopped by PB. "Hey, we have to discuss the funeral preparation's. I know this won't be easy, but we need to discuss it." My mind had this light switch affect. Except the two operations were Happiness and Depression. My heart sank in like a melting crayon. I gulped. "Right, what's to discuss?" I asked. "Will she be cremated? Buried? If she's buried, there's the casket to buy." My head spun with these things being thrown at me. This was the last person I thought I would be planning death closure for. "Cremate her." I self decided. After that we sat down for a little to discuss the ashes placement and where the funeral would be. I felt like a balloon when talking of this, my head felt like if was filled with Helium instead of Oxygen. Once we finished I was off again to get Marceline's ring. "Hey, do you happen to know The Garden of jewelry??" I asked PB before dashing out completely. Since I actually had no freaking idea where that was. PB provided me with instructions, and off I was! I jumped off my feet into the air! I was glad to finally be flying and thinking of other things. I felt like I was back down to earth and not flying away like a balloon. I took in a big breath of air while closing my eyes. I knew I couldn't take long! Marceline would be up soon to feed Jack. I finally saw a black gate covered with vines come into view. I landed in front of the gate, and just decided to skip the intro. I jumped over the fence to see that the vines had practically covered the wonderland inside. It was so bright with so many diamonds, pearls, Rubies, Emeralds, and various other jewels. It was so radiant, I was in total awe lost in the beauty of it like I am when I stare at Marcy. I was than jolted back into reality when I heard a deep voice behind me. "What are you doing?"
"Well, I'm obviously here for something.." I said disappearing and reappearing right behind this person who broke my daze. It was a young man with wavy hair let down that was accompanied with the color purple. "If you're here to cause trouble or to steal than either get out or be more swift. I would obviously hear a loud noise of someone breaking the ground underneath them to jump the big gate that protects these gardens." The man spoke while turning to look me straight in the face. "Funny you think I'm a criminal or that I'm up to no good. Is it because I'm a vampire or that I'm dead. What, was the blue skin to obvious?" I smirked in disbelief. "We'll, last time I remember, vampires would suck the colors of the red jewels. Robbing wasn't a surprised. Not exactly the nicest beings of all the people I've met. Usually it's safe to be cautious or assume that most are bad. You would know, wouldn't you Vampire King?" I rolled my eyes. "I guess I can't argue that one." I sighed.
"So, what are you here for if you're not here for any trouble or mischief?"
"I'm here because Gumball over in the Kingdom of Candy told me that you let customers chose jewels, a design, and you with those hands create the ring of their dreams."
"I do."
"Great! Well, since I know you can do it. Than I'll be back later to chose diamonds, and a design! Price is to come but I have it!" I shouted while running towards the gate in a rush.
"Okay, see you than." He simply said in a normal tone. I jumped over the gate again and flew right off towards home.
I entered just in time to see Marceline float downstairs to prepare a bottle with Jack in her hands. He was beginning to weep. I took off my extra clothing that protected me from the sun. "Where did you go??" A question followed after Jack calmed down. "To Get some fresh air, I felt stuffy.." I lied smoothly. Marcy just nodded her head and started to adore Jack again. Except her brows furrowed. "Wait, Jack! He has teeth! How is that possible! It's only been a day since he was born!" Marceline said in a worried tone. I walked over to see that he had 2 small baby teeth coming in. It was true. "Maybe he's receiving a rapid growth. He's not exactly Human Babe."
She didn't really acknowledge my answer and rapidly began to slip on shoes. "Wait! Babe! Where are you going?!" I asked.
"To see Bonnie! I need a defiant answer about his growth! I don't want anything being wrong with him! You know? I'm worried!" I shook my head to realize how much of a mother she was acting like. It's as if she really gave birth to him herself, and he clung to her as if she was his real mother. It was an imprint at first sight. I hadn't taken off my shoes so I slid my extra sun protective clothes on, and carried Jack so Marcy could do the same. Once she was ready we headed out to the Candy Kingdom. It was a small examination, and it was concluded by Bonnie, I quote. 'A rapid growth to adulthood like his parents had to the crown's effect but they were older and reached an older age.' He would grow up in a year is what she concluded based on Marcy's and I's information on around the time it took them to completely grow older and change. "How old will he be in his immortality?" I asked. "I'd say around 20 since Simon was around 40 and looked 60." Once Marceline heard that she seemed down a little, but I knew she was also relieved that he wasn't in some danger. "You okay?" I asked once we were on our way back home. The sun was setting already in the background. "Yeah, I'm fine." she simply answered. I put my arm around her and she leaned in with Jack in her arms. Jack hiccuped in his sleep. We took each other home and she handed me Jack. "Spend time with him, I've finally decided that I can't always be carrying him." That took me by surprise. I grabbed him awkwardly and honestly had no idea what to do. I loved the kid but I didn't feel the same parental love Marcy seemed to show. It was more of morality, guidance, and inherited love for him. It felt weird for me still to take care and love a child that someone else should of properly done instead of me but yet her love was to much to bare for her to even reach to when he became a living being. Marceline laughed at me and fixed how I carried him. "I'm going to bathe and sleep a little because I couldn't sleep last day much. Nightmares." she confessed while she rubbed her head in discomfort. She kissed me, caressed Jack's cheek and flew up the ladder. I looked down at Jack who stared at me with big blue eyes. I knew I had to get back to the Diamond crafter soon so I decided to show him the diamonds inside! It was beautiful and would cause any baby to smile widely. I headed out and yelled up at Marcy to warn her. She didn't responded and I heard the bath running so I decided that she was fine without knowing. Me and the baby walked out into night tracing my steps before to the garden of jewels. As I flew Jack enjoyed the breeze and simply spread out his arms while in my arms. I laughed at his brave choice to spread himself out.

✦-Hana's POV-✦
Great, my son looks so peaceful in this current state he's in. It bothered me that I wanted to actually wanted to ruin his happiness. His happiness was a small sacrifice to keeping his throne safe for when he decided to finally inherit it. I noticed Hudson looked tense. "You feeling guilty too?" I confessed. He just turned his back towards me and after a long minute said, "Slightly, how about we stop for a year. Come up with plans till the kid grows up. Than we will continue." he offered. I nodded, "Fine, see you in a year Hudson." I said while opening a crack amongst the wall to finally return home to solitude for awhile. Being close to the South realm was as if I was betraying someone.

✦-Marshall's POV-✦
"The diamonds are beautiful, huh?" I spoke to Jack. He simply had Saliva dripping in awe. "Back so soon?" The smith said behind me. "Yeah, honestly I already have a ring idea for her." I confessed. "Oh, really? Who's the ring for? I heard the great Marshall Lee, The Vampire King was a solitude man, is it the blonde who you adventure with at times? In that case-"
"No, it's not Fionna. The woman I seek a ring for is The Vampire Queen." I quickly told him. I seemed to take him off guard. "O-oh.." he stuttered with furrowed brows. "What's your problem? You act surprised." I said. He nodded, "We'll.. You're the first to actually surprise me with another answer, usually I can assume who anyone is seeking." he said. I laughed and nodded. "Right, anyway, I'm seeking a red diamond ring with a black base." I said with the idea in my head. "By the way, since you know my name from rumors than what's yours?"

✦-Stark's POV-✦
"Stark, the Diamond smith. Although I've heard you through the talkers of Aaa, I'll admit it's nice to personally meet the King." I said earnestly. I actually respected those who could uphold to their royal title. "Glad to here Aaa's citizens still have big mouths." he said with no emotion. This man was a lot more different than everyone rumored about. Something about him made him odd. "A Black and red Diamond ring? Wow, quite sinister, why not a beautiful white dia-" He stopped me short when he looked at me with narrowed eyes. "Marceline is not some innocent being who's a damsel. She's a warrior, and the darkest of creatures. I won't give her a ring that doesn't describe her. I love her for who she is." He snapped. I liked his truth and I could tell how much he loved her. This was something greater than the mere creatures who visited me with lust or delusional love in mind. It seemed something great was to come of these two. "I'll give you the ring." I said. "No, I'll pay for it! I'm not broke idiot!" He said assaulted. "No, I'll make this ring out of the best materials I have and craftsmanship. As long as you promise to love her the way you do now forever." I said wholeheartedly. I took him off guard and he simply nodded in surprise. "Come back in 7 months, I do still have others to do but I want to take time with yours." I said. He nodded again. "Thanks Stark." he said in a happy snicker. After our chat he instantly flew over the fence with a strange child in his arms. "No, Thank you.." I said after him in pure bliss that my rings would actually eternally hold bonds instead of temporarily. Inspiration flew into me just like the time I began this many years ago after such disasters I had experienced some time ago.

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