♡♡Proposal♡♡ ☾Chapter60☽

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✦-Marshall Lee's POV-✦

✦✦✦Time was ticking away and time was closing in to when I actually proposed. I sat in a Candy Kingdom room starring at the ring I had for her especially and no one else. No one else was meant for this ring. No matter how many women I ever was in some type of relationship with. No one was Marceline the Vampire Queen. She was the Rose that bloomed in the winter and no one missed to notice. If I told my past self that someone was to come around and steal your heart. I'm sure I'd laugh at that sick joke. Someone steal my heart? Right. Hadn't I waited 1000 years for someone like that and they never came along. Why would they show up now? I had given up and yet I question why Fate waited so long for me to meet her. I was kept so long away from her. She was in my existence and I couldn't reach her. I closed the box and just was so glad she was able to love someone like me now. I pulled my hair back and could hear the Piano playing below. I was playing this scene well and had it all planned. 'Show time' I told myself.

✦-Marceline's POV-✦

I can't believe Marshy was not home yet! I tried to contact him already and no response! I was already at this point so afraid he was off to who know's what. I honestly couldn't keep count of how long Me and Marshall we're dating now but it was far more than a year. I sighed and sat in the kitchen while sipping on Red Wine I kept hidden. I was set for this ball that Jack was so excited for. God knows why, but it was his first ball. He was Royalty and he should experience this stuff, of course. My worry was more on Marshall Lee though. He had been off running around lately and it worried me a lot. Could he be off and doing what he used to do? Sleeping with stupid whores, and what not. It made my body become heated just thinking of some other female enjoying Marshall Lee. He was mine, and even though he had this past it sometimes did bother me. It left me with so many doubts of how much he wanted to be with me. I mean, we were dating for a good amount time too and I had waited 1000 years for love like this. Was he really at all wanting something like wanting to tie the knot? I crossed my legs with all images flashing in my head of him with all the women he was possibly with before me. It made me boil just thinking of them actually enjoying themselves with him. Considering his size they probably used him but he used them too. I bet some fell in love with him though, but he never gave them a second thought. He gave me that but was that all I would ever get?Just a girlfriend till he got bored of me? Convinced me to have sex and than drop me? I knew he didn't force me into anything but maybe he has an objective like nailing a Queen. Who knew? I shook my head and told myself to stop thinking so negative. I was so negative but what was to come from a Immortal with no Moral Codes? I crushed the glass in my hand on accident with so many thoughts flying in and out. I threw the glass in the trash and put my masks on. I was going to bring this subject up along time ago but I hesitated. Now I won't an I would get an answer.

I flew out of the house with the dress I had made and customized. It was mermaid style with Purple as its base color and the black lace beyond my knees at the end flew out down to the floor. My mask was Black and simple. I had my hair just flowing at its will. It was so long and flew behind me in the wind. I could see everyone at the Candy Kingdom as they entered the ballroom. I landed and walked inside to see the interior a completely different place. What the actual hell was going on? I saw Gumball dancing in the ballroom with a girl but who knew who? I walked straight towards hims and dragged him off the dance floor. "Marceline! Hey! Why did you drag me out of the Dance Floor?" he asked as I dragged him off to the end of the ball. "Where the hell is Marshall Lee? He went off to 'work' things out with you, didn't he?" I asked in hope. He gave me a puzzled look as if I was insane and I knew at that instant he had lied to me. Holy shit, at this point I was infuriated. "I haven't seen Marshall Lee at all." he answered honestly. I let go of him, instantly he walked off in. My madness was melting into sadness. "Mom!" I heard Jack's voice behind me as I was about to leave the ball. "Oh, Hey. What's up?" I asked as I attempted to hold back this aching chest feeling . "Why are you leaving?" he asked. "I'm just not feeling good." I admitted. "Don't go, please! Dance with me!" he begged and grabbed me. Dragging me to the moving dance floor. I decided to dance with him since he was my son and I would give him what he needed. He was beginning to almost be my height. He was almost my height, actually. I smiled at him and he waltzed with me. It was fun and I actually couldn't believe he was beginning to look almost the same age as me. Including that I was his mother. That's when a song began to echo in the ballroom in a certain direction. It sounded like, "Marshall Lee!" I exclaimed in the Piano's direction. It was a guy with blonde hair in a spotlight. "Finn?" I told myself as he sang. That did not sound like Finn, but the only clue I had was the hair. It was really dark in the ball room, and it was hard to see clearly. The masks didn't help, but who was that? I knew it was Marshall Lee, I would recognize his voice anywhere! I began to walk towards the stage but than he disappeared and appeared in a different area this time with spotlight appearing and reappearing. I flew up from the crowd but he disappeared. People we're going wild to his voice and it was driving my head through the wall that I couldn't find out if this was my Marshall Lee, but why the Blonde hair! It couldn't be him, but, was it!? It was driving me up the wall! I looked around the room while in midst air when the voice appeared right behind me. "What's wrong Marceline? Startled?" The guy said with his face such a mystery but his voice so much like what belong to me! "Marshall Lee!" I called out and reached out for the guy but his voice disappeared back into the song accompanied with the spotlight before I could get a hold of him. He disappeared so easily! I was frustrated at this point that I couldn't find my Marshall Lee! My eyes grew Red and I could sense it. That's when a spotlight caught a male at the end of the ballroom with a black hair. "Marshall lee!" I called out again. Until I saw the image ahead of me. I felt my body sink to the ballroom floor. I couldn't keep myself in the air. "Look at the love birds of tonight!" the voice that was singing before say. A tear fell down my face because I knew the hair but I couldn't believe. It was him kissing another female. The female, it was a blonde. S-she was pregnant. Oh my god, it was F-Fionna?! My anger drove me at this point. "MARSHALL LEE!" my voice boomed through the ballroom. I yanked off the ball mask and everyone stood frozen. They all looked at me, and I didn't care. I walked towards the kissing couple at the spotlight. I yanked the male away and grabbed him by his collar of his suit. "Y-you Asshole!" I yelled through sadness and held my breath. That's when his mask slipped off, "F-Finn?!" I screeched. He laughed in a guilty manner and yanked off a black wig off his head. I dropped him realizing I made a scene but even than it didn't add up! "Tricked you, Huh?" The same voice echoed behind me. I turned right away to see The blonde masked male walk up to me. I exhaled in relief it wasn't My Marshy. My feelings we're all over the place though. The Stranger took off his blonde wig to a reveal The Flowing black hair underneath.

"Facing always a new day, and new ways to realize that I can't do this alone.

There was a time when I was alone, No where to go. No one to call when alone.

Than in a night's adventuring never had I seen a girl as cool as she.

Than, in deep inside of me, it beat, you see, I actually broke free

When I knew Marceline you were the one I plead.

Age's could fly but this feeling would never flee

You stole the bones and what remains of thee

I'm trying to comprehend what spell you put on me but there's no such thing to exist

You simply stole what was left of this old man that's me

Now after Centuries waiting for you to come along, could you not only be My Best friend but the other half of me?

because not even bullets would separate two villains who promise to become one.

Will you, Marceline Abadeer, Marry me?"

The person asked while swiftly throwing his mask revealing My Marshall lee and getting on one knee with a box opened towards me. I began to cry with the tears flowing freely and I sank to the floor with him on my knee's. He put me in a damn turmoil to reveal that he was going to propose. "Y-Yes!" I finally choked out. I jumped into his arms and he caught me. Taking me up in the air as I cried in his arms. Everyone cheered and Marshall Lee dragged me away through the open windows into the sky. The moon was big, and very bright. I pulled back for him to slid the ring on. It was Black with Red Diamonds. I kissed him immediately after, and told myself to stop worrying. He was all I needed and he would never leave me. Why had I thought negatively. We silently whirled into the air in each other's arms. "Sorry I made you cry. I wanted to for once make something where it seemed the worst was to come and not get better like you've always experienced, and make it better." He said out of nowhere. My chest hurt and He continued. "Like when your Dad left you in Ooo so we wouldn't meet. You thought probably 'Dad wouldn't leave me in a war' than it all crumbled when he never came back." He clutched tighter to me and didn't let go for awhile. "It never became a better moment for you, and I was going to give you that. Which is why I proposed this way. Make the situation seem impossible and than give you the hope no one gave you." I cried silently in his arms for how much he actually paid attention to my interal, past, and outer struggles. "I was afraid actually you never wanted to commit to me.." I admitted. "That's all I've ever wanted to do with you." He admitted. I began to cry out loud like a big child. I was embarrassed but The tears didn't stop coming. Marshall was hitting the right spots with in me to make me feel relieved and more free. The built up tears from years were beginning to flow out finally. It was like unclogged my heart. I eventually stopped, and he held on to me the whole time.

I later realized at what I had myself believing before. What was I thinking?

We finally flew home and I sped ahead in happiness while smiling. Breathing the air and for once feeling alive. More alive than I ever had. Marshall sped up and caught up with me. We both flew home smiling together, racing all the way there.

Is it strange for me to honestly say, that if I were to die. There's not a thing I would change?

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