❣The Party❣ 【Chapter 21 】

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✧✧✧I woke up and saw the party was in 2 hours. I had plenty of time. I decided to take a shower and than blow dry my hair. Than I fixed my hair a little and put the dress on. At this point the Big Bash was starting in 30 min. I sat thinking if I really should attend. I sighed heavily and needed to get fresh air before I went to the party. Seeing him would not be easy. I headed out to a flower garden that was a walk away from my home. I smiled at all the pretty flowers blooming. I saw a rose bush and gasped. They we're absolutely beautiful. I grabbed a few and made it into a crown. This will work! I smiled and knew I was ready for this party. I don't need Marshall.. I was obviously still lying to myself but even I was starting to believe my lies. I walked through the woods that now connected Ooo and Aaa. Eventually after awhile of floating to the Candy Kingdom of Aaa- I was at the entrance of the party. I walked into the party and saw people dancing while someone was singing. I looked around and couldn't see Marshall. I sighed in relief. Maybe I really wouldn't have to face him. Than Finn grabbed my hand out of nowhere and dragged me to the dance floor. I decided to enjoy myself and danced. We were having a good time until everything went dark. Everyone gasped but didn't panic. I was looking around for Finn but he wasn't around. Than a voice began to sing. Oh no.. Not Marshall.. Than a spotlight turned on at the top of the kingdom's staircase. He was all nice in a tux and sat on the rail and slid down the staircase. All the princesses of Ooo were fanning themselves. Amazed on how hot Marshall looked. Yeah I wasn't gonna lie. He looked nice, but it broke me to see him.. I felt shattered and lifeless knowing he lied to me and was with someone else.. Remembering when I admitted that Marshall Lee was more to me than just a friend in yet such a short notice... Maybe it was a lie after all. That love wasn't present between us, and that love never exist at first sight, but was it wrong for me to want to believe that it wasn't a lie? I wanted to believe that in my 1000 years of living I was proven wrong! Yes.. It was true.. In those 1000 years I never believed in love that involved romance.. I hated it.. I wasn't into that gushy stuff.. It sickened me in a way, but yet in one kiss.. My whole belief that was implanted in my head of romance for 1000 years was wrong.. I wanted to believe he proved me wrong, but how could I simply believe it when the evidence was all right in front of me that he didn't care for me and that it wasn't love.. I secretly in my broken heart wanted to be proven wrong, but the last 3 men in my life had broken my heart.. Dad doesn't act like he loves me, Simon doesn't even remember me, and Ash was selfish.. How could I possibly believe that there was a chance for him to prove me wrong. I was about to walk away in utter pain from the dance floor and literally fly out of there before anyone could see my tears spill down my face until a spotlight came on to me. I froze and stood there. My back towards the light. What was going on? I swallowed my tears and decided to take anything that was thrown at me by Marshall. I eventually had the courage and turned around. I was fully facing Marshall Lee who was standing behind me.. He smiled happily and sang,

Marceline don't you get it?
You're the one I've been dreaming of..
No one could take your spot, and no one could replace.
You're the Bad Little Girl to My Bad Little boy. Please don't ponder on what's not important because you make me feel alive down on this non-beating heart. Now please don't leave..
You'll leave me diseased on what I can't take.. Marcy your the one for me.. There's not much to explain but run away with baby girl.. I'll explain on the way.. There's just no time.. Not even eternity.. Just take my hand and I'll lead the way..

I covered my mouth in shock. Marshall had his hand extended out to me and I grabbed it reluctantly.. Why was he doing this? Putting more lies on top of more or was he actually repairing the hope of breaking this belief that chained me for 1000 years? He dragged me out of the ballroom and into candy kingdom hallways. We ran down many hallways, "Marshall.. What are you doing.?" He didn't respond to my question but I couldn't take this anymore! I yanked my hand from him and yelled at him, "What and why are you doing this to me, Marshall Lee!!" The tears I held finally strolled down my face. I couldn't hold them back anymore. I was preparing myself for the worst and told myself to believe he was lying. 'Don't have your hopes us Marceline. If you do you'll be dissapointed.' I was telling myself. He stopped and turned around to look at me but didn't say anything. He simply just opened the door that I had stopped us at, and it was a nice balcony that was filled with candles and rose pettles. I walked in and gasped. Marshall Lee hugged me from behind. "Marceline.. I love you.. Don't cry.." He turned me around to face him and shut the door. "Marcy.. I would never see anyone else but you.. Can't you see your the only one for me? The scent on my hand was from picking the pettles all day.. I guess I hadn't realized how much the scent rubbed off on me.. See, I was gone this whole week because I was here planning this Big Party bash because I wanted a romantic time with you.. More like an official date actually." He picked me up and sat me on his lap while we floated in midair. He held me tightly and I inhaled deeply. The same scent of the roses actually was the scent I caught on his hand. "Marcy.. Listen to me, okay? I know you've gone through a lot and I'm positive you expected me to hurt you like the others, but realize I'm not going to do that to you. The day we met I felt something special for you. Even though you snuck into my house." Which made us both giggle. "But I'm glad you did.. Honestly I wish you would of stumbled into my house sooner. I wouldn't of wasted many years having no hope. I was living everyday as they came. I had friends which made my life better but nothing how important you've made my days this past month. Realize I'm not the romantic type, but something makes me want to love you and show you all the love I possibly can even if it's just a hug. I didn't expect to realize I could love a girl so quickly. I thought all that romance crap was in stupid books that were told to children in fairytales. I never believed in it until recently but I wish I would of believed sooner. Marceline you mean the world to me.. So please understand how much you mean to me and go out with me Strawberry face?" He asked with charm, and so much love. I hugged Marshall and cried in his chest .. I was so relieved to know that he felt the same way as me.. That he actually cared for me and that all he had said that day at Fionna's wasn't a lie. He held on to me tightly and I looked at him happily with tears strolling down my face, and sobbing said, "I will go out with you Marshall Lee!" I said while I hugged him and held on to him tightly. He than whispered in my ear, "You look beautiful tonight by the way, Well.. actually like always." I blushed with a smile on my face and kissed him. We released and landed softly on the balcony with both of our feet on the floor. He than slid his hands around my waist and held tightly on to me. "Marceline.. I'm serious I would never ever be with anyone else but you.. You must always remember that.. My life has been so hallow and dead like my insides that I forgot what it was like to live again.. You're giving me that love baby girl. You're showing me what it's like to live again, and I hope to never go back.. Promise you'll always remember that and me?" I nodded and kissed him. "I Love You Marshall, and also understand your feelings for me will always be mutual from me to you." He dug his face into my neck and held on to me tight. I also had realized that I yesterday had yelled cruel things at him and by running off had probably stunned him.. I actually didn't believe his promise and by leaving so easily and not allowing him to explain made it worse.. I had shocked him yesturday and the thought made me hold on to him tightly. "Marshall.. I'm sorry for believeing you would have been with someone else.. I really am!" I blurted out. He released from the hug and looked down at me with his fingers at my chin. "It's okay Marcy.. Just shows you care, and are the jealous type." He said with a wink. "Hey! Wait a minute! That's not true!" Marshy laughed at my flustered response, "Don't deny it Marcy, Babe! I could tell!" I blushed, and pouted, "We'll.. That's not exactly true but If you know that I'm the jealous type why didn't you go running after me!!" He looked surprised at my response. "I didn't want to ruin this surprise, strawberry."
"Hey! Don't take my nicknames!" I said. He laughed and picked me up bridal style like he had that day when it was raining. "Wait.. What are you doing Marshy?" He kissed my forehead and said, "You'll see Strawberry." He floated off the balcony and began to fly somewhere. "Wait.. So we're dating?" I asked idiotically. I knew my question was idiotic, but I was suprised. I mean, wow. Marshall chuckled, "Well unless you didn't mean the whole agreeing to go out with me than yes." I blushed because I was dating such a guy. He was amazing and I didn't deserve his love but I wanted every ounce of it. Funny how that works, huh? How I felt as if I wasn't worthy of such love but yet I wanted all of it. We landed eventually in a rose garden that had roses of all sorts. Reds all the way to Blacks. There was a fancy dinner table set up, and it was beautiful. Okay this was really romantic and if I would of been watching this through a movie I probably would of turned it off. Except it's different when you're the actual person being spoiled with emotions, and attention. You could live in that moment forever, I guess. Marshall pulled out a chair. "Sit down! Let's eat!" We settled into the dinner and ate. It was absolutely delicious! "Marshall? You made this food?" He cracked a smile. "Of course I did!" He said and I giggled. "So you can cook huh?" He shrugged, "Ehh? I guess you can say that." Than both of our ears flickered. "Did you hear that..?" Marshall asked. I nodded. Our red eyes narrowed and became sharp. We both stood up, knocking the chairs to the floor, and looked towards the direction of the candy kingdom. Something happened.. Something Bad.. We looked at each other and knew we had to go. In that instance of eye contact agreement we were dashing towards the Candy Kingdom.. Man... So much for this date lasting..

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