❅See You❅ ☾Chapter 62☽

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~2 weeks later~

✦-Jack's POV-✦

✦✦✦"You wanna come to my Mom and Dad's wedding?" I asked Lydia. Her & I had become really close ever since we skipped school that one day. She seemed really into me because she always asked me questions about myself.
"You parents aren't married?" Lydia laughed.
I shook my head and didn't understand what was so funny. She and her friends always laughed when I brought up my parents.
"Anyway, it's in a week, if you wanna come!" I said in happiness.
"Sure! If you're up for it in the brutal end." she said while opening the abandoned mansion.
"Lydia! I wanna tell you something!" I was about to confess to tell her, and I wasn't afraid anymore.
"Yeah?" she asked.
"I-I really like you!" I yelled in depth to show my passion.
"Really? Prove it! Tell me something that no one knows, and only I will." she said.
She didn't seemed shock or even like my confession fazed her.
How could I prove it?
"I don't have anything secretive!" I said in desperation.
"Than, what a fake confession. Proves how special I am to you. Leave Jack!" she said in a disappointed pout while falling on to the couch to sit.
I looked at my hands, and realized frost was beginning to grow on them.
"W-wait!" I said to her.
She raised her eyebrow at me.
"I-I actually have one thing that no one knows besides my parents. I have this power that isn't quite special but look!" I said while making snowflakes appear out of thin air. She smiled this large grin.
"Perfect." she whispered before jumping off the couch and coming up to me.
"Make it snow Jack."she told me.
"I don't exactly have control over my pow-" I began to confess.
"Make it snow!" she said in a bewildered laughter.
I shot an electrical shot to the ceiling making it flurry in the old mansion in desperation to make her like me. Thank Glob I didn't make it blizzard.
"This is exactly what I needed!!" she said in laughter.
"S-so, is that a yes?" I asked her.
She looked at the flurries and responded, "Meet me at the auditorium in a week. I'll give you the answer than."
she said. I was confused though because wouldn't it make it awkward between us till than? Even than it would still be awkward even if she didn't said Yes. "O-okay!" I told her before realizing I had to go home now.
"See you than!" I yelled behind me before dashing home.

✦-Marceline's POV-✦

"We'll tell him before the wedding." I told Marshall.
"You think that's a good idea?" he asked me from the kitchen.
"Yes because at the wedding we'll commit to always being his parents as well." I said in a half smile.
Marshy came up behind me, and kissed my neck.
"Sounds good Baby." he said while grabbing on my waist.

~1 week later~

✦-Jack's POV-✦

I walked to the auditorium in anticipation. Lydia didn't show up the whole week, and I wondered if she was there. Mom was going to kill me for skipping out on the wedding practice but this had to be done. Questions were flying in and out of my head. My stomach had bad butterflies that anything could make ice slip out of me. Instead of vomiting like most, power was building up and had to be released some way, some how.
I walked in and saw it was pitch black.
"Lydia?" I called out in the dark after the door shut behind me. A camera like sound clicked.
That's when a spot light come on to me.
"If it isn't Jack Abadeer." I heard a voice I like say over a microphone.
"Or should I say Jack Petrikov." The feminine voice say.
"Petrikov?" I asked in blindness towards the spotlight.
"Lydia! That's you, right? What's up with this joke? I'm here to know if you'll acknowledge me! Remember?" I asked in hope.
"You really are a idiot, aren't you? You crazy freak." I heard the voice say.
"W-what, are you-, But I thought, you-"
"You thought I liked you. Didn't you? Oh please! It was only to know if the rumors were true!" her voice laughed.
"You mean..?"
"Yes, Jack! I used your crush on me to get to know you! Whether you really were a child born from two lunatics that were once Ooo and Aaa's most hated King and Queen!" she said in a hiss with laughter echoing through the microphone.
"My Mom and Dad aren't hated!" I said in defense.
"You're talking about Marceline and Marshall Lee, right? Ha! The jokes on you freak! They didn't tell you? Did they?" she said in laughter.
"Tell me what?!" I demanded her to say, frost was beginning to grow on my hands.
"Marceline and Marshall Lee are your adoptive parents! Your real parents are Simon and Betty Petrikov! The Ice King and Queen that no one ever loved! Crazy, lonely, lunatics that had to settle with each other! Leaving you to be born out of loneliness! You're just a crazy person with no sanity, and was taken in by those Vampires out of pity! They don't love you, and no one will! Not even me!" she hissed while the lights flickered on. I saw her standing on the stage with her friends while I sank to my knees in shame. They never were my friends.. Tears fell from my face and I hid my face while looking down. This couldn't be true. No! I became angry at how someone could be so disgusting! Even if it was true.. This was utterly inhumane. They all laughed and hate, anger, despair, betrayal, sadness all ran through my veins. I couldn't contain myself, My walls within me collapsed. Ice rang through my fingertips and would no longer stay there. I tried so hard to contain this shame and feelings all at once but it was to painful. I screamed and the next thing I know Snow, Ice and sleet all shot out from within me.
Screams rang through my ears. The lights went out, and my vision became blurry.
Relief overcame me at once now that all that I was holding in had been released. I began to vomit after and after it all came out. I ran through the doors of the auditorium. I needed to go home! But.. Was it really home now? I ran through the halls a bit lost.
I didn't know what to think.
Who was I?

✦-Marceline's POV-✦

"Jack!" I yelled while running through the hallways. PB had told me that someone had stolen the school keys, and Jack didn't show up to the wedding practice. I came running right away in hope that it wasn't him! Marshall told me not to worry because it wasn't him. Security would let us know. I had a bad gut feeling and came searching into the school anyway. I sneaked away from the practice, and the school was unlocked. I opened the doors and I flew down a hallway to see the auditorium signs. I flew towards it to see Ice Built up on the windows of the door. He was here! "Jack! Answer me!" I yelled while entering the auditorium. It was pitch black, but it was cold. "Jack!" I yelled again. No one answered but I knew he was here at one point. I let my nocturnal vision set in, and I covered my mouth in shock. "Oh Glob.." I whispered in disbelief. There were frozen bodies on the stage with looks of horror on them. Some were dismembered. The whole place was covered in ice."No.." I said while running out and running the opposite direction I came in. I searched, and searched until I saw a figure moving slowly, looking lost, and zombie like in one long hallway on the opposite side. It was Jack, and he looked yellow. "Jack!" I yelled at him but his eyes couldn't seem to find me. "M-mom.." I heard him barely say. I flew to him, and right when I came up to him, he collapsed in my arms on to the floor. He began to cry. "Who am I?" he said in lost eyes full of tears. "Who are my real parents? Please tell me who I really am." he cried. I began to cry and cradled him. Someone told him something in that auditorium.

"Jack, listen to me love. Your real parents are Simon and Betty. The Ice King and Queen. Me and your father took you in." I said in tears
"Out of pity?" he asked with tears flowing out of his eyes.
"No! We loved your parents, and our love grew on to you! We never did anything out of pity! We felt called to be your parents!" I yelled in hope that my answer would register in his brain.
He seemed to be less zombie like and clung on to me now.
"Why didn't anyone tell me?" He asked. I fell apart to his question.
"I'm sorry Jack! I planned to but you were so happy! We were happy and you're my only son! I'm a vampire who is old, and didn't want the same scars I have, on you! It was to late before I considered telling you! I wanted you to know how much I loved you before I could you the disaster of how much it hurt to lose your parents, and your origin involved in it! I didn't want you to grow up feeling blamed because of it though! In the end of it, I admit that I actually never wanted to tell you! I wanted you to have a happy, and scarless life from the most important part of your life! Your childhood is something you can never get back, and I couldn't bring myself to it! Forgive me!" I cried out in pain.
Jack hugged me even tighter. "I forgive you Mom, Thank you for wanting the best for me." He cried and said while now meeting my face. That's when we heard police sirens. My heart dropped. Once the auditorium was discovered, Jack was to be wanted.
I got up and Jack followed my movements.
"I have to go, Mom." Jack said to me.
My heart seemed to crumble. No, Glob, not this.
"Jack! No! Don't go! We'll hide this! I promise! We'll hide you until this is all over!" I said in panic. He smiled at me with tears.
"I won't ever have you do that Mom. I love you to much to not let you live happily." He said while hugging me. Jack was so much taller now, and I couldn't believe his words.
"No! Jack! Please!" I pleaded while he let go of me. He began to back away from me. Stop moving away from me my mind kept screaming. This isn't real, it's all a dream I hoped.
"I gotta find myself Mom, Please don't worry about me. I gotta go far away from here until this is forgotten anyway." He said with determined eyes that were still watery.
"No! Jack! Don't do this to me! I love you! Don't leave me! I'm your Mom! Listen to me!" I yelled in tears.
"I'll see you again, Mom! I promise! Years from now but I promise! Please live happily! I love you!" he said to me before running down the hallway towards the door that was now too bright with the sun to only see his silhouette disappear out of the door. My heart never seemed more existent because this is the worst pain it had given me. My legs became weak, and I began to try to run after him. "Jack!" I tried to yell out but only came out to a whisper. My skin began to blister quickly all over due to the sun I didn't care about. All I wanted was to hold my son again. Someone threw a blanket over me and I collapsed under the light weight of it. I couldn't hear anything, or anyone. The only sense that was working was my sight which had been set looking at the door before I was covered. Where I blacked out thinking
'Jack, please don't go.' and lost consciousness.

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