{•{False}•} ☾Chapter 44☽

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✦-Marshall Lee's POV-✦
✦✦✦People ran and screamed. It was tables, chairs, and glasses flying everywhere. All them trying to escape from fear. I ran to the stage where Marceline was at. She looked at me with eyes full of tears than back at Rose. Rose's eyes has already closed. She looked cold and like stone. It didn't matter if she was already white. There was a difference between living and dead for the beings that were alive. It all changed in like the atmosphere so fast. "Rose?! Rose?! Wake up!!" I heard Marceline say while she shook her. Marceline was covered in blood. It made my heart throb to see Marceline in so much pain. I ran to her side, and put her head against my chest while she cried in my chest. Madame Thorna came up with tears staring at Rose. "Oh!!" she yelled when she saw that Rose was just a corpse now. "Why did you do this Rose.. Where's the murder?!" Marceline randomly said taking her face away my chest, while looking around the bar that was left with disaster. Everyone was gone, except for us and the employees. Some came out from hiding behind the bar, or in the hallways. They all surrounded Madame Thorna. "Call the police! Now! I want that murder arrested to pay for what he has done! I want further investigation on how, and why, there was a gun in my place! As we'll as why my employees were targeted!!" Thorna yelled. When an old super official man came out who looked built for being how old he was, came out. "Oh! George! Have you called the police?!" Madame Thorna said. "Yes, I have. They're on their way. You know what we have to do, Thorna." He said. I assumed he was a big boss along side with Thorna. Madame Thorna looked at George, and nodded firmly. "Do you have the equipment?" She asked him with eyes of sadness. He nodded and took a small box out of his suit. He came up and handed it to Thorna. "Wait, what are you gonna do?!" Marceline said in a panic when Madame Thorna came close to her and the corpse she held. "Rose is part of the Nightmare Realm. When she was given to me for responsibility and I was given specific rules to hand Rose back to her Kingdom if anything were to happen to her. They will give her the proper burial or tradition they do for their kind. It must be done." Thorna said. Marceline looked scared but just nodded her head while holding the lifeless body of what used to be Rose. Madame Thorna than opened the box with a paper inside. She took the paper out, and spoke the dark words to open the proper portal that she was commanded to open if something was to happen to Rose. The Portal opened and I could see a Man who looked like Rose staring through the portal. He had a red beard, and his hair was long. He stepped through the portal to Thorna. "Thorna?! You summoned me?! Is something wrong?! Where's Rose?!" He asked, frightened while looking around. Madame Thorna swallowed and looked down for a second. Than looked up and with a straight official face along with tears strolling down said. "I'm sad to announce that Princess Rose from the Nightmare Realm has been killed." she said. The King almost looked like he was going to collapse. That's when Madame Thorna unblocked his view to the sight of Marceline holding Rose. He walked over quickly, and Marceline handed her to him with ease. He held his daughter up and began to weep. "Oh! My dear daughter!!!" He said through his weeps. That's when a young man with long hair walked through the portal saying. "Father? What's wrong? Why is this portal op-" when he was stopped dead in his tracks to see Marceline drenched in blood next to Rose's father holding her corpse. "R-Rose?!" He yelled while running over to his father. "What h-happened?! H-how?!" He said while Marceline moved to my side for her brother to be next to her. Her brother had the same white skin as her, and plain white eyes. Except his hair was Blue. "That's what I'd like to know!! What happened to my daughter?!" Her father yelled. Her brother began to weep too and just stared at her corpse. Almost like he was stuck with tears running down his face. "I don't know, but Police are on their way to investigate. I know a gun was involved because I heard gunfires from my office. They will be investigating everyone and from their we'll figure out what happ-" was all Madame Thorna said before Marceline interrupted her with tears rolling down her face as we'll. "I know what happened.." was what Marceline said. "Honey, you don't have to force yourself to say anything till the police arrive." Madame Thorna said. "I know, but he has a right to know now. I was singing on stage when I was planned to be assassinated. Rose saw the gun and knew he was about to fire. She reacted and pushed me out of the way. Letting herself receive the shots instead.. I don't understand because Guns don't usually kill so easily.." Marceline said. Roses father kissed her on the forehead, and looked at her wounds that had already stopped bleeding. He than reached his fingers into the hole and pulled a bullet out quickly with ease. He held the bullet in his hand. Than said, "Silver bullet. Doesn't hurt until it penetrates a Underworld beings body. It killed her because it was specifically silver bullets." He got up and held his daughters body in his arms. "Find out who did it, and open this same portal when you have new information. I want that person brought to justice. Better, even dead." He said while he carried her limp body in his arms. Her brother followed his father and they both walked through the portal. Dissapearing, and the portal closing along with them. That's when the Police arrived and began to investigate. Asking Questions, and what not. I told them it was a waiter and what he looked like. Madame Thorna gave them records of all the current employees, along with pictures. They took the files, and asked around. No one knew anything, and I doubt they were telling the truth. Some of them anyway. I took Marceline to the Show case room to change her out of her bloody clothes. She was still crying and couldn't let go of me. I just stripped her with only her Underwear since the outfit had a built bra. It was kind of a lingerie. Anyway I wrapped her in a blanket that was on the sofa, and carried her. I would come later to pick up her stuff, and clothes. I doubted that all that blood would come out of her outfit. As we'll as I doubt that she wanted to remember this night, along with this outfit with it. All the happy Nostalgic moments turned into nightmares. Madame Thorna than stopped me while I was carrying Marceline and said to me that she'd just send to get the outfit cleaned, and have all the stuff brought to Marcy's home later. She'd update us if anything were to happen or discovered. I agreed and took Marceline home. It was around 6 am; The crack of dawn. The sun would be up soon so I flew home quickly. We arrived and I took Marceline to the bed. Put a shirt on her and laid her down. I could see she had fallen asleep in my arms. I changed out of my outfit, and just thought on what I'd tell Marceline about Rose putting a move on me like that after all that happened. I didn't want her to become confused. I decided to not think about it now, and went downstairs to the phone. Calling PB or PG to tell them that we weren't able to come tonight for the concert party. "Hello?" PB answered. "Hey it's Marshall, I just wanted to tell you that we not able to make it tonight for Fionna's concert party. Something terrible happened tonight, and Marceline needs time to get over what she saw tonight." I said. "Oh dear Glob! What happened?!" She asked dramatically. "To much to describe over the phone, but would you please tell Fionna and everyone were sorry." I said. "Of course! Now get some rest and hopefully Marceline will be feeling better." She said. "Yeah, me too. We'll goodnight." I said. "Goodnight Marshall Lee." She said and I hung up. I went back upstairs and crawled into bed next to Marceline. She than shifted and put her back towards me. I knew she felt scared, so I put wrapped myself around her. She leaned into my body, and randomly grabbed my hand. Intertwining our fingers. What the actual hell happened tonight I thought before feeling sleepy. When Marceline's voice shocked me. "It's all my fault.. If I hadn't gone back.. Than maybe, she'd be okay.. I should of listened to the rule we keep to ourselves. Stay in the future, because going to the past wouldn't bring good. It's my fault she's dead Marshall Lee!! I should be dead! Not her!" she began to shout with anger for herself. She sat up while covering her face. "Hey! Marcy! Listen to me!" I said while grabbing her hands to stop her from covering her face. She looked at me with Red eyes, and she also had this thing where when she cried, she had a little spot on her forehead turn red. I looked her straight I'm the eyes. "Do not blame yourself!!! Do you hear me?! It's not your fault!! Do you have any idea how I'd feel if you died? You wanna know what I'd have left to live for?! Nothing! I'd kill myself! Even if that meant Death in Bloom had to grind me to pieces, and you know how much I fucking hate that little shit of a flower!" I said out loud. Her eyes went wide, but I didn't let her respond. I continued. "What happened to Rose was sad, but she did it for a reason. Don't let it go to vein if it bothers you so much. This might sound super dickish, but I'm glad that you lived. Rose isn't exactly as perfect as you make her look. She was carrying a double edged sword for herself. A sword that was heading towards you. Rose put a move on Marceline. Remember when I didn't show up to the room in time during break? She sent someone to lie to me that Madame Thorna needed me! Sent me to a room she was secretly using behind Thorna's back. Without permission, and she got on top of me. Told me that she could make love to me. She's not as innocent as you think Marceline!" I rapidly let out. I couldn't hold it in anymore because Rose wasn't exactly innocent. I'm sure that Thorna would find out more stuff during the investigation if Rose could get someone to lie to me like that. "S-she must of not known that you w-were with me!" Marceline said. "Oh, really? Than why did she say, 'Choose me over that bird,' and 'I'll make love to you unlike Marceline.' outloud. If she didn't know, than why did she say that?" I said. Marceline froze, and looked angry but upset. "I can't believe her. Why would she do that? Than take a death for me?" Marceline said. When we heard someone downstairs. This person smelled full of guilt that reeked. I gave Marceline a sign that we'd figure out what was up with this person who decided to sneak into Marceline's house. She nodded and turned invisible with me. The person came up the ladder and I could see his figure go towards the bed. That's when I pressed Marceline's recording system next to me because his shape gave off evidence of who he was. That's when I grabbed his hands and locked them behind his back. He was carrying something and I grabbed it, throwing it on the floor. Marceline turned on the lights, and it was a guy wearing a waiter outfit from the bar. That's when I knew we had the shooter himself. "You know you're really stupid for coming to the person you tried to kill house's." I said. "Shut up!!!" He yelled. I looked at the floor to see that he had a knife. "You came back to finish your dirty job? You already killed Rose, why do you wanna kill me too?" Marceline questioned him. He struggled to get loose from my grip but it was hopeless. "No!!! Rose!! I don't know why she did that?!" He yelled like he was mad. "Did what?!" Marceline hissed. "Why she jumped infront of you!! Her plan for you was to kill you no matter what!!! I'm here to let her last wish come true!!! Your stupid last song made her jump and save you!!! Did you manipulate her?! Huh?! What did you do to Rose so that's she'd save you?!" He yelled. Marceline looked as if she was beginning to grow with anger and sadness. "Rose, wanted me killed?" She asked quickly. The guy snarled, "Of course!! You think she cared for you?! I don't know what you did, but you should of been dead!! Not Rose!! She told us to find a way to kill you, and we did! A Silver bullet gun! She died!! Now you're gonna die for her last wish!!" He yelled we'll attempting to move. "Us? Who's exactly is us?" I asked him. "I'm not fucking saying any more you demon bastards." He rudely said. Marceline came up, and pushed his head to the side for his neck to be exposed. "Who's us? Tell me or you're gonna be as dead as Rose." she said coldly. He yelled and said, "Okay!! Okay!! The Waiters at the bar!!" He admitted. I than knocked him out and let him fall to the floor. Stopping the recording. "I'll call Madame Thorna." Marceline said while slipping on some pants, and floating down the ladder.

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