♔Betty♔ ☾ Chapter 34 ☽

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✦-Marshall Lee's POV-✦
✦✦✦Marceline gasped, and said. "I remember you mentioning Betty but.. I didn't think much of it. So.. How did she change you??" She asked, curious. I was about to tell Marceline the full background of my life. I had told her some of it. She only told some of hers as well when we spoke of our similiatries, but not as deep as to speak of my past. I was a messed up piece of boy before Betty found me, and she left me before she could see that I could change, and make her proud. I made many mistakes and I understood if I lost Marcy to what I was about to tell her. We both had simply mentioned that Ice King and Queen meant something to both of us. I knew Ice Kings past name was Simon, but Marcy didn't know that Ice Queens past name was Betty..
"Remember when I told you that my Mom had left me, betrayed me several times? That she never even showed any type of love to me sometimes? That I felt like I meant nothing to her before?? We'll that really screwed me up, Marcy.. She didn't act like a regular compassionate Mother like most do. She raised me at first, Normal. My Father figure was her. To today she still hasn't told me what happened to him or who he was. Either way at the time to me it didn't matter. She was sweet and acted how a mother should of acted. Except as years passed my mother began to shove the idea of ruling the Nightosphere more and more. I didn't understand why but every single year she'd tell me that she couldn't wait to see me sitting on the throne and ruling. Probably being better than what she was, because I was more powerful. At first I was alright to become what she wanted. I could rule and protect my mother who took care of me. Than as I grew older I came to realize that my mother did love me, but her motherly attitude towards me as a young child wasn't because of her love. It was for
me to agree to rule the damn Nightosphere. I couldn't believe it and ran away to Aaa. I knew of Aaa but rarely spent time here because I thought Nightosphere was my home. On the contrary, it was my cage. I ran off and was broken. My mother had literally broken the nonbeating heart I was born with. When I ran off I promised myself that I would never, ever again allow a woman to break my heart like she did. That's when I came to Aaa and stooped down to my lowest level of my life." I stared at Marceline and was prepared to tell her things that no one else knew. I was prepared to lose the woman I loved but I couldn't keep my past from her anymore. She had to know. "I would intoxicate myself so I would forget my past. I would get myself in trouble because I didn't care. I didn't care about life. I even slept with Woman while I was intoxicated or just needed to release my pain. I slept with them and used them to run away from the pain my heart was creating with Pleasure through them. I thought of them as toys, and I didn't once feel any compassion towards them. They meant nothing to me. I had no emotion towards them what so ever. I don't even remember their faces." I put my hand over my face because I was about to lose My Marcy, but I had to
Finish this story. She had to hear it all before she made her decision to leave me. "I one day walked out on the grass field in the night in front my cave after sleeping with a girl, and was smoking a cigarette. Laying, staring at the night sky when a woman's face came
Into my view. I thought it was the girl
I had left on the bed in my house after I slept with her, who was back for more, but than the woman said, "Why are you wasting your time smoking a cigarette? You'll ruin your lungs you know." I was thinking, 'who the hell was this woman to tell me what I was wasting my time
on?' I was about to go off on this
Random woman and ruin her bubble, by saying the I wasn't alive when she sat down next to me and pulled the cigarette from my hand. I sat up, and looked at her, mad. She simply put it out, and smiled at me in compassion. A smile of care that I hadn't seen since I was a little boy. At the time I had recently become around 1110. That was almost 8 years ago after many years of bad habits, but I still remember her clearly saying. "Don't waste your life on something like this. You're better than that." She said sweetly. I didn't know how to react and ignored her. She was a older woman who was wearing glasses, carrying a satchel and her hair was becoming gray while the tips of her hair were a burgundy. It seemed as if she was just aging to me but there was more to it than just that. I didn't know that at the time though. Either way she told that I looked depressed and invited me to one day meet and talk about it because that's what I looked like I needed. At first I denied it and told her I didn't need any type of counciling and especially not from a old woman. She didn't react but simply said. "You can say what you want but if you decide to change your mind I'll still be there." She claimed, sweetly. I ignored her and got up and left back to my cave. I returned to drink some alcohol and I did. I spent another night as we'll with the faceless woman I slept with before. I woke up the next night and the girl I slept with was still there. I felt uncomfortable for some odd reason, and grabbed my hoodie. I needed fresh air because that ladies words were still going through my head. I thought, 'why would she even care about me?? I'm not anything to her..' I kept walking until I decided to sit on a rock to relax and smoke a little. I pulled the pack of cigarettes out and was about to light one when I realized I needed to see that woman, and what was her deal. I shoved the cigarettes back in my hoodie pocket and ran to the grass field area she told me to meet her before. That's when it began to rain, and I pulled my hoodie on. Still running because I wanted to know why she cared. I also wanted to feel the love warm motherly vibes she gave off to me. I finally arrived at the grass field and saw her sitting on the ground while staring at a book with the satchel at her side. She had a umbrella so she was protected from the rain while I was soaked. She somehow sensed my presence and looked up at me. She gave me the same smile that she gave me the night before, and motioned to come sit with her. I reluctantly ran and sat with her under the umbrella. When I joined her she said. "I knew you'd come.. But besides that, nice to meet you. I'm Betty! Betty Grof." while smiling. I looked at her and said, "I'm Marshall.. Marshall Lee Abadeer.." I said. "Okay, we'll since you're here, I know you need comfort." She claimed. "Why do you act like you care??" I asked her in a mad voice. She didn't even flinch but said, "It's no act Because you really need someone to care." she said. I didn't know what to say. 'Did I really need someone to care for me?' I thought. Than she interrupted my thoughts by saying that I could tell her anything because she'd be there to heal me. I was speechless that a woman would even care to deal with me. I mean my own mother didn't want to. I began to tell her about my mother. That she didn't care. That's when Betty told me that My mother did love me but sometimes it's hard for people to show affection after they've been through something hard. That for some people it's harder for them to show love. I told her that my mother played the act of it when I was a child so what was different now? I claimed. She looked up at the cloudy sky and said, "sometimes people change.." she look sad when she said that, but than returned back with a sorrowful smile. "Than I want my mom before she changed." I said. "I want someone to return to but life doesn't hand you everything you want a silver platter, sadly." she said in return. "Yeah?? You do to??" I asked her. she nodded, and simply said. "I wish Petrikov to return but it seems like I won't be here long enough for me to ever seek or even see a return from my Dear Love." I thought that maybe she was speaking of her becoming old, and one day dying. I didn't learn till later that, that's not what she meant. Either way ever since that day Betty always tried to make me become a better person. She slowly, day by day taped back my broken heart. While making me a better person. I stop drinking and smoking but I was in the process of learning to stop using women. She'd visit my cave and I slowly one day realized that her hair was becoming white. A ombre of White to gray to the roots, down. Her burgundy hair was gone. She also beginning to turn a hint of blue. One day after about year of becoming close and her practically becoming my mother like figure. I asked her what was happening to her. "M-marshall Lee.." she stuttered, afraid. "What's wrong Betty?" I asked her, worried. "I'm glad you ask b-because it's about t-time I tell you that I'll be l-leaving." She said. "Leaving?!" I said in panic. I wondered if this mother like figure was going to leave me just like my mother did. That's when she explained that before she didn't live in this land, but another. That she couldn't remember the name anymore of the land, but the person she dearly loved lived there. He brought her back from the past, and she attempted to return him. Failing, he continued in his state of never returning to her. She flew away and promised to return to bring him back to her. She left her land and went looking for the stones in our land that made him leave her originally. She said she had come to discover what stones those were because of tale and legend in our land. She went seeking for them and acquired the stones that took alot of time and effort to receive. To study what made him leave her she made a example of what he wore and studied it. Accidentally being rolled in her own spider web she had just made she was losing herself to her own experiment. Not realizing it'd have a affect on her if she just simply was around it. She was lured into her own trap. That's when showed me a crown with red gems, and said. "I'll be leaving.. And I want you to forgive me for not telling you sooner, and having you become attached me when I knew I wouldn't be here any much time soon.." I began to cry because the woman that never hurt me was leaving me all alone again.. When she told me this story she was already losing who she was.. So One moment she said, "Please forgive me and whatever I did.. Especially when I forget you.." and the next she had the crown on and was no longer the Betty I remembered. She didn't recognize me anymore and ran out with no sanity, or memory of who I was anymore or anyone.. As we'll as no features of who she once was.. Becoming the Ice Queen of Aaa.. After she left me I worked on to stop using woman.. I did it Marcy.. I really did, and I wish I would of seen the look on her face when I told her I wasn't a bad a person anymore.. But I couldnt.. Not anymore but she would of been proud.." I finished with sadness raining on my heart. I now was waiting for Marcy to tell me what bad of a person I was, and to forever leave me. Just like Betty and My mom had. But that never came. Marcy ran into my arms and kissed me with tears streaming down her face, and pulled back saying. "She would of been proud and I'm proud too. I love you and I'll never leave you Marshy. I'll never forget you.. Not ever.." she said and locked lips with me once again.

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