☛ Incapable ☜ ☾Chapter 57☽

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✦-Finn's POV-✦
✧✧✧I woke up to see my bed was empty. Did I dream all what happened last night? I mean I was naked. No, what happened was to real. Why did she leave? Was I to rough? I didn't mean to but I couldn't contain myself. I got up and sat at the edge of my bed. Maybe she was just downstairs. I slipped my clothes on and went to go check. No one in sight, not even Jake was home. I sighed and decided to shower before I went to go see Fionna. I needed to apologize for being so rough, and hopefully last night meant something. Although I didn't feel a calling towards her like I did before.. Either way I'd go. I hopped in the shower and got out. Changed, and grabbed my hat. I starred at it, "I'm to old for this." I told myself and threw it on the couch before heading out. I walked to her home and knocked. No one answered, was Cake not home either? I sighed, and slumped on a Tree stump stool on their lawn. Should I wait for her? Would she even want to see me? I sighed and decided to just forget about it. If she wanted to not talk about it or act like it didn't happen than so be it. It wasn't my problem anymore, I didn't feel as attracted to her anyway. I mean she's pretty and all, but whatever. I walked home and decided to just drop the subject. Never talking about it was fine with me.

✦-Fionna's POV-✦
I ran to the Fire Kingdom and asked Flambo once more to Flame proof me once more. He did and I ran inside the castle. What I did last night was a terrible mistake, I know Flame Prince was slacking on me but was it worth breaking up with him? He's not experienced on these things. But did he honestly care? He didn't come after me once I broke us up. "Hello? Flame Prince? You in here?" I said in a shaky voice. That's when I caught him in the corner of my eye coming down the stairs. "F-Fionna?" He sputtered. He came to me in a rush and hugged me. Why was he hugging me? "Oh glob! Are you alright?! I haven't talked to you in awhile! I went to go see you last night once the spell was broken but you weren't home! I was so worried that you somehow got hurt or weren't okay! Are you alright?!" he asked in worry. A spell? Was he not conscious the time I broke up with him? Was he seriously under a spell and that's why he was ignoring me those pasts days? My knees became weak under me, and I was feeling sick. Tears started to flow out, "F-Flame Prince!" I yelled and embraced him tightly. He hugged me tight back in a long embrace. Oh dear glob what had I done. I cheated on him, and gave everything to Finn. Should I tell him? I had to. "It's okay Fionna, don't cry! I'm back to Normal and this situation will never happen again! I swear! My mom put a spell on me from some wizard for complete loyalty. I couldn't break it but until yesterday randomly I was standing looking at papers and something snapped me out of my spell. I don't know what, but I'm glad it did! Once the people heard of my Mom's trickery. She's been overthrown. Leaving me as Flame King! Isn't this exciting news?! Fionna! You can become my Queen!" he announced. My stomach began to turn into knots. He smiled so happily at me, I couldn't do this to him. I couldn't tell him. I was incapable. Me breaking up with him must of broken the spell. Why didn't I look back to see his reaction. This would of never happened. "T-that's great!" I said in a smile while wiping my tears away. It didn't matter anyway, right? It was one mistake, and no one was harmed if it was never said. If Finn brought it up than I'd act like what he was saying was insane. Plain and simple. I loved Flame Prince and I would carry my one mistake all by myself. No matter how heavy the load got. I kissed Flame Prince and he kissed me back. Why was I such an idiot for allowing myself to fall into lust. It was almost like witch craft, I couldn't resist. I fell into the hands of my own desires and here I would pay for it. "Oh! Fionna! Why were you crying?" he asked me. "Oh! I-I really missed you.. Like you said I hadn't heard from you in awhile. I was worried and thought you had stopped caring for me." I said. "Never!" He said while squeezing me in a tight embrace. I hugged him back with all my might. I felt disgusted hugging someone I cared for so much when I was covered in germs of the lust I had just had last night. My virginity's was supposed to be Flame Princes, not Finn's. My heart fell apart in my own chest as Flame Prince caressed me in our hug. I needed to feel washed up at home. Clean the germs from last night. Disturbingly Finn's cum was sticking on my underwear. I ran here right away after I woke up early. It was early and Finn probably was at my house. Probably to ask me why I left. I didn't hate Finn but I regret giving in to him so easily. He was attractive but my heart belonged to the Flame ruler. Nothing changed that now, and I gave it all not to the Flame Ruler but someone else. I knew Phoebus would leave me, and I didn't want that. I also would ruin his time of happiness in his inheritance of the throne. I walked home in defeat and digust. I hid behind a tree before going home. Finn was sitting on Cake's stump for a little before walking off with a conceited and nonchalant attitude. As if his arrogance was more profound than ever. He seemed changed, and he wasn't wearing his hat as always. I was wondering if his virginity lose did some affect to him as it did to me. I sighed, and waited till he was out of sight. Than I went to unlock the door and right away undressed. I stared into the mirror feeling sore. My breast were completely bruised, and I had blood stains on my crotch and white pasty stuff as well. My "cherry pop" as cake called it probably made me bleed while having sex. I just didn't think much of it till now that I had physical proof. I wanted to wash it all off, so I right away climbed into the bath. I washed my crotch and vagina till it was clean of all evidence. I sank into the bath and began to cry. I had made the worst mistake in my life. I just wanted it to go away and never come back. Forever. That's when I heard cake come into the house. "Fionna?" she called from outside of the bathroom. "Y-yeah?" I called out. "I'm home!" she yelled. "Okay!" I yelled back. Thank Glob I locked the door because I couldn't have Cake ask me what the bruises were. I finished cleaning and dried myself. I slipped into a pair of clothes and decided to sleep. I hadn't slept all night from worrying so I was exhausted. I was okay with forgetting what happened just for a moment to sleep. "You okay, Fi?" Cake asked me. "Yeah, I'm just going to bed." I told her. She eye balled me for a little till I slipped upstairs and crawled into bed. I felt better from being clean and I needed to sleep. I yawned and forget just for a moment what terrible mess I had gotten myself into.

~1 Month Later~

Me and Finn had avoided each other ever since what happened. Neither of us ever brought it up which gave me relief. It seemed I had gotten myself out of a hole that could of been worse. Luck seemed to be on my side. Flame Prince and I have gotten better in our relationship thankfully. He was for some reason more loving. He gave me the looks every so often of what I had been seeking. Not the desired face Finn had over me. This was completely different and filled with love. "Fionna, I forgot to ask you what you wanted to eat." Cake called in the morning while I drank Orange Juice. "Pancakes, Eggs, Bacon, and sausage!" I said. "Okay, sounds good." she simply told me as she got cooking. Gumball came out of nowhere like he did sometimes. "Fionna! I brought Macroons!" he said with a hand full of them from a variety of color. "That's random, why?" I asked. "Bonnibel asked me to make a few dozen for the kids at Royal Elegance. I did but I had a good amount left over. There's 13 different colors from every grade." he said. I nodded, "How's the school going anyways?" I asked. "Well actually from what I've heard. Even The M's Jack is enjoying it. Marceline told me on the way here from taking him. He's already 6 from the looks up it." Gumball chartered. "That's sweet, they're a cute family." Cake said while pouring eggs on a plate. "Wanna join for breakfast?" I asked Gumball. "Gladly!" he chimed. Cake was kind of annoyed at me since she had to make more but I had to. We all began to eat, and the food tasted extra delicious. "Did you hear? Finn's stopped wearing his hat though." Gumball said. My stomach churned. "Oh, yeah! The dog told me when I went out to get catnip." Cake said.
"Does he know why?" Gumball asked. Cake shrugged. "Jake said that a month ago he went out to spend time with his kids, returned after 2 days and he was acting different. Finn declares that he's to old for the hat, and he's not a kid anymore." Cake said. Oh glob the topic made me want to hurl. I tried to eat but it was so hard. "I wonder why he randomly thought he was to old?" Gumball asked. Cake shrugged and I shuffled my feet in anxiety. 'Please stop talking about the subject' I kept thinking. "Now that I think about it more though. Fi I was out around a month ago too. Did you see Finn? Anything happen?" she asked me. I choked on the food I was trying to chew. Everyone flipped and Gumball patted me on the back to relieve me. I coughed up the food and spit it out on a napkin. They both were relieved that I was okay that they forgot the topic. Cake and Gumball switched to a different topic, thankfully. The choking incident gave me a reason to not eat. Which was good for my sensitive stomach at the moment. Gumball left after a while leaving the colorful macaroons on the table. I sighed in hope that the topic would never be brought up again.

~2 Month's Later~

"Cake! Will you bring me a cookie from the table!" I yelled. She brought me the whole plate containing the cookies. I had been so hungry and really wanting cookies. "Here, this is the whole dang platter! Don't eat so much if not you'll get sick Fionna! Like that last time with the Pies from Treetrunks." I nodded and shoved the cookie in my mouth.
That's when I realized I should of listened to cake because than I got nausea and ran to go throw up in restroom. I almost threw up all the cookies I had eaten that morning. "What did I tell you Fionna?!" Cake called after me. I flushed the toilet and cleaned up. My stomach still felt queasy. "I'm sorry, I'll stop. You were right." I told her after I got into the living room.

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