Chapter Thirty Eight

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A week had passed since her confrontation with Kaito, and Akashi was clearly as on guard as ever.

Throughout the following days, the redhead was shockingly baring a lot more PDA than usual. His clingier side practically took over as he did his best to make sure she doesn't cross paths with Kaito.

That meant spending every second of his free time with her, stealing glances at her during class, heck he even personally brings her chef-made meals when she's too busy with student council work.

In a nutshell, Akashi has been great to her and she couldn't be more thankful for it.

The unfortunate encounter with Kaito left her a bit shaken up, so having Akashi by her side brought her great comfort.

Today was no different. The red-haired boy had instructed her to wait for him after their practice match with Kaijo, and although she knew it was his way of keeping an eye on her, she happily obliged.

After all, watching basketball matches against members of the Generation of Miracles was always a blast.

"Yes, yes, don't worry I'll be right there. Just gotta finish up this last bit of paperwork..." she reassures the boy who called to remind her to stop overworking from the other end of the line.

After a few more minutes, she gathered and organized the pile of papers neatly on her desk and headed straight to the gymnasium.

On her way to the building, she noticed the unusual crowd of girls dressed in visibly different uniform pushing their way inside the gym. Upon realizing that they were probably Kise's fangirls from Kaijo, she immediately let out a deep sigh.

The two teams were still warming up on their respective sides of the court when Sayuri noticed the commotion on the second floor where the bleachers were located. Out of curiosity, she decided to check out what was going on.

"You bitch! Who do you think you are?! You did that on purpose don't even fucking lie!"

The string of unpleasant curses alerted Sayuri and she noticed one of the girls from Kaijo pointing an accusatory finger at a familiar wavy-haired girl. Her grey blazer was visibly stained in a dark coffee-brown colour and she has a threatening scowl on her face.

The wavy-haired girl sneered and stood her ground, using the fact that she was a few inches taller than the Kaijo girl to her advantage.

"Like I said, I didn't mean to spill the drink on you. You guys just walk in here like you own the place, how do you expect me to avoid you when you're blocking my way like that?"

Takeuchi Megumi, that was her name. How could she forget?

The sharpness of her voice was rather familiar considering they got into a mini catfight just a few weeks ago over her fiancé.

The Kaijo girl with the long, brown hair shot daggers at Megumi, grabbing her collar and bringing her closer towards her.

"Do you know how expensive this bag is?" she taunted, pointing to her backpack that looked like it was soaked in cappuccino. "Haruto-kun, can you tell little miss trash here how much you got this backpack for?" the brown-haired girl said, as she gestured for a tall boy, possibly her boyfriend to come to her rescue.

The said boy approached Megumi in a lazy trudge and Sayuri could notice the distinguishable discomfort she displayed through her body language.

Suddenly the boy named Haruto took his girlfriend's backpack and threw it harshly onto Megumi, causing her to fall back slightly. "Lick it clean," he shot, a smirk appearing on his face.

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